
pregnancy contractions

That day the Queen and the King went to the Royal Villa Gardens. The two of them walked in the middle of a very fertile rose plantation. The morning air was very cool. Not too cold but not hot either, like the air in the spring experienced by countries with four seasons. Tania felt that the air she breathed that time was really fresh and clean. She really enjoyed it.

King Anusapati kept looking at his wife's face, he was happy because he could comfort the Queen who was exhausted from taking care of the royal wedding party when she was heavily pregnant. The two of them stopped after finding a seat.

"Come on, sit down first, we have walked far enough", said the King.

"Ah, it's annoying when I can't walk freely because of my big belly," said Tania.

Hearing Tania's words made King Anusapati feel guilty. He should have been able to restrain himself so that the Queen would not be in trouble because she was pregnant with his child.