
continue prince mahisa's wedding plans

Night had come, Tania was playing on the swing in the garden of the queen's palace. And as usual continue to munch on snacks even while sitting on a swing. Not long after, the king came without Tania's knowledge. The king closed Tania's eyes from behind.

"Guess who I am?", asked the king.

"Who else if not the weak Ivan", replied Tania

"What? Weak?"

As if the King was not happy to be called a weak man by his own wife, the king pinched his wife's cheek.

"Are you sure I'm weak?" asked the King.

"Oh, how can you bully a pregnant women," said Tania.

Then the King picked up Tania and took her to the Queen's Palace.

"Eh, eh, put me down! What are you doing! You are annoying king!" Tania said.

King Anusapati takes Tania to Queen's room. Then the King said that there was something he wanted to discuss with the queen.

"What needs to be discussed with me? Don't you always make your own decisions?" said Tania.