
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Videospiele
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30 Chs

3 Main Characters in One Place

Seeing the situation was turning for the worse, Makalov tried to defuse the situation.

Makalov: "Guys, please! Let's just all calm down, no one has to get hurt. Why don't we all put away our weapons and try to be civil about this? Especially you, Ryan, I've never seen you like this."

Even Ryan, himself, was surprised by the way he was behaving. It turns out that he still harbors some latent hatred for Begnion soldiers. Although he knew that they were just following orders and that not all of them were bad, it was a fact that Begnion soldiers killed his father and assisted in taking away his mother.

What also did not help was the fact that many of these soldiers behaved much like most of the Senators and Begnion nobles, greedy and arrogant. What more, some of them actually believed that they had a sort of 'divine blessing' which made them even more arrogant, literally thinking that their actions were the will of the Goddess.

The squad leader redirected her spear towards Makalov.

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "You be quiet! After we deal with your friend here, you're next."

After hearing that, Ryan was now sure that they were abusing their power. They were probably women that grew up being fed with a silver spoon and could have let Makalov and him go after confirming that they bared no ill will, but they wanted to make a scene. Like most people, greed seemed to cloud their minds and they were probably targeting his things.

Alone, Ryan could easily take care of everyone here, however with Makalov here, even if he had a good chance of taking on everyone here, he couldn't risk him being caught in the crossfire.

Therefore, Ryan readjusted himself, cleared his mind, and followed his suggestion. In a few moments, he calmed down a little.

Ryan: 'Why do annoyances keep on popping up in front of me?'

Ryan sighed and got out of his stance.

Ryan: "Let's stop this farce and get straight to the point, there is no need for any unnecessary bloodshed. There is no need for me to tell you how I have all these items since that's a breach of my privacy. After one of you have already seen that there is nothing dangerous inside, there should be no reason for you all to hold us here."

The leader countered his argument.

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Humph… The direction you two are coming from is the way to Culbert, a city managed by Valtome of the Senate. He had his valuable goods stolen a couple of weeks ago by bandits so that gives probable cause for an arrest. Afterward, in the name of the Begnion Empire, I shall judge whether you had told the truth or whether you had lied."

Makalov: "Wait. You think that we're those bandits!? Do you think we're dumb enough to steal from a Senator? And what's the deal with you judging us? You already suspect that we're the ones that did it!"

Ryan nodded.

Ryan: "That's right. And you also should know that your information is outdated. About two weeks ago, his goods were recovered by a group of knights on the outskirts of the city. Soon after, the word was sent out removing his initial bounty. The notice should have, at the latest, made it to Persis a few days ago."

She clenched her teeth.

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "I have received no such notice! Furthermore, your words shall be judged in due time. Everyone, arrest them and confiscate their things!"

At her order, all of the other Begnion Pegasus Riders took to the skies,

Makalov: "Wait! Just like that!? You're not going to even check whether or not it's the truth!?"

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Silence! I speak for the Holy Empire of Begnion so my word is the law! All who do not obey its rule shall be annihilated."

Ryan gripped his sword once again.

Ryan: "Looks like talking this out is no longer possible. You should probably get ready or you're gonna get hurt."

Makalov: "The hell? This really is messed up."

He said that while preparing for the fight.

In his mind, Ryan was already planning out how he would deal with them. Killing them would only cause panic within the city and could even cause the Empress to halt her visit, something that went against his objective, so he could only hope to incapacitate them.

As the pegasus was in the air and Ryan and Makalov about to take off, everyone was jolted with what happened next.

???: "What is going on here!?"

Before the fight began, a voice rang out. From the city, another squad of Pegasus Riders was flying towards them. This time, Ryan noticed that they were led by a long-haired brunette woman that looked strangely familiar.

She and her group landed between Ryan and the other squad leader, who now extremely angrily by this sudden intrusion.

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "What are you doing here!? No one asked you to come!"

The second leader looked up to the first.

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "I came looking for you after noticing that you did not come back after your patrol, but here I find you in this situation."

Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Humph… What situation? I was just about to deal with these low-lives."

Makalov was a bit offended.

Makalov: "Low-lives? I mean I know I'm not that great of a guy, but I'm pretty sure that I am better than low-life. I would much prefer you call me an underachiever."

Ryan sighed.

Ryan: "So that's you'd call yourself? An underachiever?"

Makalov: "That's right! Even I have standards you know."

Ryan slapped his head and shook it in response.

Before the two could continue their weird conversation, they were interrupted again by a rider under the second leader's command.

???: "Brother!?"

Everyone now turned towards the pink-haired lady. Ryan and Makalov were both able to recognize in a split second.

Makalov: "Marcia?"

Marcia: "It is you! What are you doing here!?"

Makalov: "Uhhhh… Surprise?"

The person that interrupted was Makalov's little sister, Marcia, the one that he had wanted to meet but in a less 'open' setting. In the future, she would grow up to become one of the leading people to fight against the Goddess Ashera.

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Cadet. You know these two men?"

Marcia: "Yes ma'am. Although I don't know the green-haired one, the other is my brother. Even though he might be the worst kind of man, I assure you that he is not an enemy nor anyone dangerous."

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "If that's the case, then they are free to go."

First Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Wait! What are you doing while in my presence!? These men were found by me so I preserve the authority to judge them! Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong!"

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "What are you saying!? We have already received confirmation from one of our own that they do not have any evil intentions. What is the use of detaining them!?"

First Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "You actually believe the words of some low-born!? She might be lying for all we know! That's how those commoners behave, filthy idio-"

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "Enough Catalena! We are the holy protectors of the Begnion Empire, meaning that we're also responsible for the citizen's safety, no matter their social status! If you continue on, I shall make sure that this gets reported straight to Deputy Commander Sigrun!"

The squad leader, now identified as Catalena was gritting her teeth hard and spoke with a volume that only she could hear before ordering her squad to withdraw.

Catalena: "Blasted low-born."

Seeing that Catalena's squad was going back to the city, the second leader turned towards Ryan and Makalov.

Second Pegasus Rider Squad Leader: "I apologize for my comrade's actions. Please feel assured that not everyone in the army is as… 'aggressive' as her."

Before Ryan could reply, Makalov stepped in.

Makalov: "Don't worry about it. Just buy me a drink and we'll call it even."

Marcia: "Brother! Didn't I tell you to stop it with your drinking habits!"

Makalov: "Don't ask for the impossible. Nothing is better than having a nice drink after a hard day's work."

Marcia: "But you don't work in the first place!"

While those two were bickering with each other, Ryan took the time to introduce himself and extended his hand.

Ryan: "Thanks for the help. I'm Ryan by the way. You don't really need to buy him a drink, he needs to get rid of that bad habit of his."

She grabbed his hand.

???: "My name is Tanith, a captain under the command of Deputy Commander Sigrun of the Begnion Holy Guard."

When she said that Ryan finally knew who she was and the only reason why he couldn't figure out sooner was because she had short hair in the game. It was always a wonder to him, even before his reincarnation, how people could look so different from such a small change.

They ended their handshake.

Tanith: "You may have already answered this, but I need to confirm the situation. What is the purpose of your visit to Persis?"

Ryan: "I just wanted to see the new Apostle for myself and my friend just wanted a chance to see his sister. As you can see, he has already met his objective and I will stay in the city for a while until I meet mine."

Tanith: "I see. Now that everything's all done, we have to report back to the city."

She turned towards her subordinate.

Tanith: "Marcia! Wrap it up! We still have duties to tend to."

Marcia: "Yes ma'am!"

She turned towards her brother and gave him a warning.

Marcia: "I better not see you drunk as hell during your stay or else!"

He stood up straight and saluted.

Makalov: "Yes ma'am!"

Before she could fly back on her Pegasus, Tanith turned around to say one last thing.

Tanith: "Oh, I forgot to say this. Please enjoy your stay at Persis and may the Goddess bless you."