
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

villains ( part 3)







he dodged it but just barely.

Akihito : " what hell was that!!"

Eddy: "so you can't handle that huh?"

Akihito looked at the shortest of the group. he had a maniacal smile and he was clutching the scythe even harder than before, bringing it up to the air and striking.

Akihito put up a few more force fields to stop the scyth-


Akihito : '!?!?!?!?!?!!!'

Akihito was utterly confused at what was happening to him, one second he was defending and the next he was dodging out the way of...something

Eddy : " here, take another"

once again he struck and Akihito put up even more than last time, 20 max and thick as hell this time but still, just in case, Akihito was 9n guard this time.

Eddy : " HAAAAAA!"

his war scream startled Akihito for a second but he still didn't let his guard down.

the scythe came closer and closer and-


Akihito : " DAMN IT!!"

no matter how many or how strong he makes them, his shields just don't hold. so with his defences not working, he decides to make more room for himself by taking to the air.

Akihito : " Lia, I need a status appraisal on the the guy with the scythe"




[status appraisal commencing





[ Name : Eddy

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age :24 years old


HP : 210/215

MP : 168/204


Strength : 43

Vitality : 42

Endurance : 54

Intelligence : 68

Agility : 102

Speed : 203


Quirk : DEMOLITION : summons a magical scythe with the ability to destroy and slice any physical matter ]

Akihito : " shit no wonder he could break through my shields, guess the only thing i can do now is avoid his attacks but his speed is crazy"

Akihito was looking at the three men on teh ground and thinking about how to beat them. his telekinesis was useless in this situation since the scythe guy could just break it and he can't avoid all his attacks.

he was thinking about it for a moment or two and finally came to a conclusion albeit a bad one.

Akihito : " (sigh)....Lia...open my status"





[ Name : Akihito kiyama

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 15 years old


Level : 24

HP : 763/780

MP : 480/609


Strength : 148

Vitality : 156

Endurance : 124

Intelligence : 203

Agility : 155

Speed : 147

SP : 53


Quirk : TELEKINESIS PLUS LV 1 : allows the user to move objects under 1000kg from a radius of 1000 meters, can also use it as a radar,spreading it very thinly and picking up any movement ]

Akihito stared at his status for a few seconds trying to come up with another plan but it was useless.

Akihito : " goodbye, my beautiful status points..."

a single tear fell down his face.

Akihito : " ...Lia, put all my status points in speed and equip my Hermes boots"

[Speed has increased to 200]

[Hermes boots have been equipped]

[speed has increased to 400]

after the transaction was over, the world around Akihito began to move slower. it wasn't speedster slow but he could actually comprehend the fast movement that the scythe guy was making now.

so with his new found speed, Akihito went back to the ground and see what he could do now.

immediately the man with the scythe charged towards him and was about to attack Akihito but before he could even close, Akihito was already Infront of him with a punch ready for his face.


the punch landed but just barely because the scythe maniac moved to his left just a bit, leading to the Punch only hitting his checkbone ( still hurt like hell tho).

Edd : " what the hell, why are you so much faster than before"

Akihito : " I just got quicker, problem?"

Edd : " I've had enough, boys let's ice him"

Eddy : " you got it, boss"

Ed : "you got it, boss"

Ed charged at Akihito with a fury in his eyes ready to kill. His thorns were growing out of his body at an incredible speed and they where flying at Akihito even faster.

Akihito with his upgrade just now was able to perceive them in slow motion so he just moved out of the way making sure he didn't get scratched or else he'd be on the floor.

Eddy was using his quirk to make it so that Akihito's feet were stuck together so he would fall over however Akihito was to fast for Eddy's quirk to actually work.

Akihito aimed at Ed first, so that he could get rid of the ranged attack. he moved in closer and dodged all the pines shooting at him. when he was just a few meters away from Ed,Akihito coated his arm with a layer of telekinesis.

Akihito : " GSNTHIA GROTHIA!!"

Akihito punched HARD and the giant loaf was send flying into the mountain behind him, completely knocking him out.

next Akihito went for Eddy, unlike what he did to Ed, Akihito went and distanced himself from Eddy trying to find cover and away from Edd as well.

when he found some suitable cover, if only for a few seconds before Edd arrives, Akihito conjured up some spikes but much thinner and smaller than the ones he use for the robots.

Akihito : " RIPSI AKONTIOU!!"

He aimed at Eddy's limbs as to not leave any fatal injuries. the spikes were sent flying at a rapid pace thanks to Akihito's speed going up tremendously, they reached Eddy's arms in only a fraction of a second from a distance of over 50 meters.

Eddy's arms were bleeding and his leg was injured as well so he was in the ground, groaning in pain at the holes in his arms. he was out of the game.

his last target was the one and only EDD. for this Akihito got ready by going into his inventory and bringing out his Katana. he unsheathed it and held it in an amateurs stance.

Edd : " what's that, we aren't playing with toys here kid"

Akihito : " (out of breath) yeah..I know...which is why I'm taking this seriously now"

Akihito went deep into his imagination now and pictured his blade. he looked at the sharpness of it and realised he could do better.

he had to imagine something smaller than what he can see, "how?"he thought to himself. "what can he imagine that's sharper than his blade and something he can't see"

it was tough but he had to do it. "ok, what is sharpness anyway?...right it's the thickness. ok so I only have to imagine something thin. what's thin...uhh...yeah, I got it"

so Akihito imagined something thinner than what a human eye can see, it wasn't easy and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it for long, a few seconds maybe.

Akihito couldn't open his eyes or his concentration would be lost and it would all be over. he used his telekinesis to search where his enemy was and only him.

now Edd was watching this happen in real time being only 3 to 4 seconds and what he saw was that Akihito's katana was changing shape and it was becoming smaller and smaller.

Edd had complete confidence now that his opponent had his eyes closed and his weapon had disappeared, so he charged at him trying to make as little noise as possible by steeping I such a way that his footsteps was lessened when he hit the ground.

this wasn't going to help him as Akihito knew where he was and was just standing there for him. Edd got even closer to akihiot now and he was bringing his scythe back now.

Edd practically standing Infront of Akihito now and his scythe had reached as far back as he could pull it and now it was heading straight for Akihito's neck.

Akihito : " KOFTIS KYPSELON!!"


the sound of a blade slicing something was the only thing left.

??? : " uh...cough...wha...hu-huuuhd"


and just like that the enemy was on the ground with a clear red line on his chest.








was standing.


Akihito : " ok.....now...let's get going but first"

Akihito went back to his inventory and grabbed a senzu bean to quickly eat it and recover his stamina. akihito was much more refreshed and his stats had gone up a few points as well.

Akihito : " that's better but I need to get going now"

Akihito got flying and headed towards his classmates, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro and Momo Yaoyorozu.

once he was in the vicinity of the three he had noticed most of the villian's around them had already been taken down but still he helped them.

Akihito : "RIPSI AKONTIOU!!"

Akihito used a few spikes and injured the villian's legs so that they would atleast be immobile. he didn't want to be behind and he searched for more villains.

when he did he again just used more of his RIPSI AKONTIOU to knock them down and complete his quest as fast as possible.

VILLAINS : 96/100

Akihito : " ok now that I've done most of them I thing I should atleast go and help all might if I can"

so he searched for All might but he didn't need to become he was where he had suspected him to be, fighting with the Nomu.

he locked on and went flying towards them, in a few seconds he arrived and saw the fight up above them.

they were landing blows that disfigured the ground and clapped the air around them.

Akihito coated his arms and legs in his telekinesis and went down to help.

ALL MIGHT : "what are you doing, get away from here now!!"

Akihito : " No, I'm gonna help you defeat this thing"

ALL MIGHT : " No, you don't get it, he's to string for you and it's to dangerous"

when he finished the sentence all might was send backwards by a punch from the nomu. all might didn't let this bother him and he soon managed to stop himself from sliding on the ground and got back in a fighting stance ready.

Akihito went for a punch to the face however the nomu was just to string and even though he landed it, Akihito s punch didn't phase the nomu one bit.

Akihito was shocked at this because he thought he would have atleast done some damage if only a little but he didn't do anything to him.

Akihito relaxed himself quick and backed off just enough for all might to come in blazing with a punch sending the nomu toward the opposite side if Akihito. so that he can distance himself from the fight.

Akihito thought he could've done something but he couldn't "no don't think like that, you can still do more" he said to himself.

Akihito made more needles but even bigger than before and hopefully enough to pierce the Nomu.

he made sure that these were going full force this time so he sent them back for a bit of momentum going before locking it to the nomu.


the nomu shrieked and cried in pain as the massive arrow hit it's left hand, slicing it off completely however it didn't last long and it regenerated it almost immediately.

of course all might was constantly punching the nomu and managed to do some damage to it but it still regenerated.

Akihito kept attacking the nomu with his Arrows and he kept aiming for the head hoping that it might not be able to regenerate it because the Brian can't tell it to.







. some time has passed since the fight started between the Nomu and all might, later Akihito. the fight hasn't chamged much in the fact that they have been doing the same thing over and over again.

Akihito noticed that the bonus health was being slowly chipped away before it can fully regenerate so he took advantage of this and constantly shot the head, stunning the beast.

all might would do the damage to hit , the nomu regenerates most of the damage but Akihito hits it again in the head leading to repeating this action over and over again.





























[+26,362 EXPERIENCE]





Akihito was tired and he was out of breath but the one who was truly in need of help was all might since he has been in his muscle form and dealing massive amounts of damage for far to long.

all might was just barely standing and wobbling a bit but he rose up his hand and fist to show that he had won.

now shigaraki was watching the whole thing play out, at the end of the fight the was in complete shock. he had that Nomu specially made for all might but he was still able to beat it but he did have help.

shigaraki orders the fog bartender to open a portal back at base and when it appeared he immediately went through it followed by the portal maker and everyone else he orders to.

soon the mass of villains were a mass of unconscious villains with the rest running away into the portal for safety.

finally the threat was taken care of for the time being and the students made their way back to the entrance where the teachers and paramedics were standing.










[ Name : Akihito kiyama

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 15 years old


Level : 27

HP : 790/790

MP : 615/615


Strength : 150

Vitality : 158

Endurance : 126

Intelligence : 205

Agility : 157

Speed : 202

SP : 9


Quirk : TELEKINESIS PLUS LV 2 : allows the user to move objects under 1100kg from a radius of 1100 meters, can also use it as a radar,spreading it very thinly and picking up any movement ]




















it's been a while but I'm back not sure how I'm going about uploading but I just suddenly got the urge to write the next part to this story so I did. finished this part btw so next part is the sports festival or whatever comes next