
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · Fantasie
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25 Chs


Akihito : " bye mom, I'm gonna hangout with Izuku"

Makiko : " fine but don't be late again"

it was a bright hot summer day in Japan, with it being summer break, tins of kids were outside playing and just having fun. some were down by the river near the school and others at the seaside having fun splashing In the water but our protagonist is a bit different then normal kids.

what was going through Akihito's mind right now, wasn't to spent the summer having fun or talking to the other kids in his neighbourhood, no the only thing that was on his mind right this moment is how he could get stronger.

it was true that Akihito wanted to spend some time with Izuku but it wasn't to 'hang out' but it was to train himself and Izuku.(Izuku didn't agree to this)


akihito knocked on the door three times to make sure they heard him and in just a few moment the door opened to reveal Inko midoriya standing there.now this wasn't the same one we saw in the anime where she was out of shape and shorter than her son, right now Akihito could see a relatively skinny woman with dark green hair, standing at a height of 160 cm or 5'3.

Inko opened the door to see who it was that knocked and she saw a small child roughly 117 cm (3'10) with black hair, he also had big green eyes that looked like an emerald gem.

Inko : " oh Akihito welcome, I'll call for Izuku right now"

and Inko did as she said a called for her son to come downstairs to see his friend, not a minute later Izuku rushed down the steps almost tripped on multiple occasions but somehow managed to keep his balance.

when he arrived at the door, him and Akihito chated about All Might and other things for some time while eating snacks that Inko provided. when they were done eating, both of them said goodbye to Inko and headed on their way but before Akihito could step out of the gates Inko called out to him.

Inko : " AKIHITO....I just wanted to thank you for being Izuku's friend.

Akihito : " huh? well of course I'm his friend....he saved me...haha alright then bye"

and just like that Akihito disappeared from Inko's sight as he ran past Izuku, playfully teasing to catch up.




Akihito : " so are you ready Izuku"

Izuku : " well I'm not sure, I mean I'm quirkles so what's the point of me training when I'll never be a hero"

Akihito looked at him with sorrow filled eyes.

Akihito : " what do you mean you'll never be a hero, isn't your dream to become like All might, the number one hero"

as he said this, Akihito did a pose resembling one of all might with a pretty good imitation of his face.

Izuku : " but how can I be one without a quirk"

Akihito : " what are you talking about, you don't need a quirk to be a hero, all you need is strong sense of courage and a well built body to back it up"

Izuku : " but still a quirkless person like me will never be like All might"

Akihito : " come on Izuku, we're 6 years old now and we have to start training even if you don't have a quirk"

Izuku : " yeah but...."

Akihito looked at Izuku trying to come up with a reason as to why it's pointless to train as a quirkless person but it wouldn't work on Akihito so before he could even start he was interrupted.

Akihito : " stop stop that's enough...Izuku, listen two years ago you were the one who saves me from a big mistake, not some hero with a powerful quirk and I know that you will become a strong hero one day maybe even better than All Might"

Izuku : " do you really think so"

Akihito : " yes of course and I don't think so, I know so now if you want to become strong your gonna have to start training harder than any other hero out there...are you ready"

Izuku : " well that still seems impossible....but I can try"

this brought out Akihito's monkey grin and a..... wired dance but it only showed how happy he was to hear that Izuku finally agreed to train with him since this way he will be ready to inherit All Might's quirk as soon as he meets him.

after Akihito finished his dance and his faced calmed down a bit, they started to head to the abandoned construction site so that they could train together.

you might be asking ' how is a construction site suitable to train two 6 year olds' well it isn't.....but that didn't stop them from turning it into one.

over the last two years since Akihito found the place, he has been making small adjustments everytime he returns to it such moving lots of massive and very heavy steel beams out of the way to make some room to do some laps around the place.

but that's not all because with the poket money he has saved up over the years, he used it to buy many things that could go in the training ground, for example he bought some weights and an assortment of cheap tools like a hammer and nails to actually turn the prices of wood lying on the ground into a proper dummy that was alot more durable than the first one.

Akihito also 'borrowed' a few of the tools that he couldn't buy himself from his father's garage to make a few...not so safe obstacles in the race track.

when both of them arrived at their base, they sneaked in through the secret door Akihito also built and they headed to trading ground.....but they wouldn't be able to use it after that day.





??? : " hey what are these kids doing here"

they both heard the voice, it sounded like a an adult man with a tone as if he was annoyed or something.

??? : " dammit now I'm gonna have to find a new place to hide and it's all because of these annoying kids....maybe I can Let out some steam with them"

Akihito and Izuku turned around to see who this man was, what they saw was a burly man that looked to be around 280 cm tall (9'1) with long scruffy hair reaching to his chin, partially obstructing his face which looked to be covered in dirt but the scariest thing about the man wasn't his overwhelming size, no it was his eyes.

his bloodshot eyes were looking straight at the two and it was as if they were piercing their souls, telling them that they weren't gonna see tomorrow. this man was non other than the serial killer on the loose in Japan.....Mechta.

once they both realised who this person was, they looked the other way and ran as far away from him as possible but it was useless as Mechta jumped into the air and came back down right infront of the two with so much force that it created a crater in the ground and it sent the to flying backwards.

Izuku being only a child wasn't able to with stand the shockwave that had occurred when Mechta hit the ground so he was sent towards the steel beams right behind him and was about to be seriously injured however he had Akihito with him.

when the overgrown monkey came down to the ground again, Akihito was also sent backwards since he was still a child but with all the training and quests he had done over the last few years, he gained enough strength to stabilise himself and land back on his feet, quickly dashing over to Izuku and catching him in the nick of time.

Akihito : " Izuku are alright"

Izuku : " yeah I'm ok but we need to run"

Akihito : " yeah but how, he's to fast for us"


[ Quest : back up is coming

Task : a nearby citizen heard the commotion and called the police, heros will arrive to help but untill then you must survive

Time : [00:10:00[

rewards : ???

penalty : Death. ]

Akihito : ' are you kidding me , if I don't survive for 10 minutes me and Izuku are dead"

Akihito : " change of plans, it looks like we're fighting instead, you stay her Izuku ok"

Izuku : " wait no your gonna die"

Izuku was wasting his time as Akihito was already set on fighting the killer here and now.

Akihito : ' Lia open my status'

[understood Oliver





[ Name : Akihito kiyama

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 6 years old


Level : 9

HP : 183/185

MP : 144/144


Strength : 32

Vitality : 37

Endurance : 26

Intelligence : 48

Agility : 36

Speed : 35

SP : 15


Quirk : TELEKINESIS LV 4 : allows the user to move objects under 20kg from a radius of 30 meters ]

Akihito : ' put all stat points into strength'

[Strength has increased to [47]

Akihito : ' and after all the quests I did to get those points'

with that done Akihito looked around himself, appraising anything that looked like a weapon when he looked towards Mechta again and saw something he didn't expect.

[Status profile : Mechta

Gender : male

Race : human

Age : 26 years old


HP : 207/260

MP : 51/51


Strength : 69

Vitality : 52

Endurance : 64

Intelligence : 17

Agility : 75

Speed : 32


Quirk : GROUND POUND : when activated, the user is forcibly pulled to the ground at a rapid pace. ]

Akihito : ' what is up with his stats, 75 in agility and with his quirk..that's a deadly combo, he will be able to squash me like a bug'

once Akihito looked at his stats and figured out what his power was, he knew that he needed to take this seriously and hit him with everything he has, so he looked around again to see if there were any big enough for the job however it was starting to get dark now so it was difficult.

Mechta started to walk closer to Akihito but this time he had a wicked smile on his face.

Mechta : " now that I take a closer look, your really young aren't you.....hahahaha the younger ones are always good"

when Akihito heard this, he was utterly disgusted at the words that came out of his mouth but this only made him want to punch his face even more.

Akihito : " your a monster you know that"

Mechta : ".....hahahahaha....that's exactly what my mother told when I tore my sisters head off.....I took her head too"

Akihito : " yeah so you like to take other people's head huh...I bet you can't take mine then come and get me you big monkey"

Mechta : " what did you call me, you little brat"

Mechta's face became red as the blood started to go to his head, he was exploding with anger from being insulted, it was just like when his sister called him a useless freeloader, it just made him....so..angry.

Akihito purposely antagonised Mechta because he knew with his low intelligence, he wouldn't be able to tell it was a trick to lure him away from Izuku , giving time to escape but the downside to that was he was being chased by this monster.

Akihito looked back at Izuku to see if he was making it out okay and saw that he was still there shaking, he was to scared to move.so without many choices left, Akihito had to fight him head on now.

but Akihito was already ahead of the game, those 48 in his intelligence isn't just for show because has Mechta right where he wants him.

Akihito stoped in his tracks and so did Mechta as he activated his quirk, making him come crashing down fast but before he could land Akihito used his telekinesis and grabbed a few steel rods laying on the ground near him.

he arranged them so that the ends were

pointing towards Mechta this way when he does land...let's just say it won't be a soft one.

Mechta came closer and closer to the ground until..CRASH!.....a dust cloud formed around where he landed so Akihito couldn't see if it worked.

Mechta : " clever boy but that wont kill me"

Akihito was shocked as a figure in the dust cloud appeared, after it settled down a bit, Mechta was standing in the middle of a crater with the steel rod bent away from him.

[24 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

Akihito : " that's it, that all the damage I could do to him"

Akihito was right to be surprised because by all right, with his current stats it should have done alot more damage than that but Mechta is just too strong for him.

and so Mechta, now even angrier with what Akihito has done to him, picks up one of the steel rods and raises his arm high up in to the air before bringing it back down at a much faster pace then before.

Akihito realising that he's in danger, moves to his left as to avoid the attack however it manages to hit his leg, instantly breaking it.

[Oliver has taken [55] points of damage]

[HP : 130/185]


Akihito screamed in pain as his leg was smashed in be the steel rod, he knew he was gonna die if he didn't do something so he grabbed a hand full of dirt and turned to Mechta.

Akihito : " take this you bastard"

Akihito threw the dirt that was in his had towards mechta's face, causing him to shout in pain as it got in his eyes, this gave Akihito some time to crawl away to safety.







Akihito : ' how much time do I have till this is over'


he said this as he was hiding behind sonlme crates, he was to injured to run away so decided to hide instead, luckily for him it seemed to work for the time being.

Akihito : ' ahh...fuck if only I had the senzu beans on me right now but I can't take it with me because I might lose them, I need to get the inventory unlocked when I get out of this'

just as he was done thinking to him self the crate he was hiding behind was lifted and thrown away a few meters.

Mechta : " I found youuuuu"

Akihito : " wait wait wait we can talk about this ok"

he said this as to try to buy some more time for the heros to arrive.

Mechta : " no more talk only your head going 'pop',now come here"

Akihito was frantically trying to crawling away from the murderer, he turned around and threw another hanfull of dirt towards Mechta however he quickly put his hand infront of his face to protect it.

Mechta : " that won't work this time"

mechta reached out his hand to grab Akihito, lifting him in the air and throwing him far away into some steel beams.

[Oliver has taken [84] points of damage]

[HP : 46/185]

Mechta then jumped up into the sky again, the next second he was Infront of akihito.he lifted his first and punched Akihito hard against the steel beams again and again.

[Oliver has taken[13] points of damage]

[Oliver has taken[12] points of damage]

[Oliver has taken[17] points of damage]

Akihito was now bloody beyond regonation, he couldn't do anything just lay there in pain.mechta lifted both his fists, getting ready to finish the job but before he could do so he stopped.

infact everything stopped.... everything froze and just as Akihito was begging to understand what has happening a woman's voice could be heard to his left.

[Oliver you can't die here]

Oliver : " ʷʰo is ᵗʰat"

Oliver tried to speak but it just caused him more pain.

[Oliver please don't talk, here take this]

this women said this as she opened her hand to reveal a senzu bean, Oliver opened his mouth and the women put it in for him. he tried to chew the bean he needed help so the woman moved his mouth the helped him swallow it as well.

immediately after swallowing it, Olivers wounds began to heal but it also gave him something much more useful.he looked at the woman and she looked like a silhouette even when he tried to move his head to look at here from a different angle.

Oliver : " thanks....Lia right"

[not quite but I know you'll figure it out....I'm sorry once again but I must go ]

Oliver : " wait just stay for a bit please"

[I will be back, I promise but for now you must focus on your task at the moment....goodbye m̶y̶ l̶o̶v̶e̶ ]

he couldn't quite hear the last part of her sentence but he took her advice and focused back at hand.when he got in a fighting position time was inotion again and Mechta was surprised at Akihito since he changed from being bloody and blue laying on the ground to confidently standing up to him.

but still he came down with his fists aimed right at Akihito however before he could even react he suddenly felt a pain in his lower abdomen and flew backwards towards the steel pillar behind him.

[36 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

Akihito picked up the steel beam next to him and threw it towards Mechta full force.

[67 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

he then dashed towards Mechta so fast that it only took him a few seconds to arrive there, he lifted the steel beam off of him and threw it away.then he started punching Mechta in the face repeatedly for a few seconds straight, only this time he was holding back as to not kill him.

[14 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

[20 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

[17damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

[12 damage has been dealt to [Mechta]

[Mechta : 17/260]

[Mechta fell unconscious]

[Oliver has gained +380 experience]

[Oliver has leveled up ×3]

when he saw this message he stopped before he could do any more damage and got off of him.

Akihito : " your lucky I'm not the kind of person who kills but I'm sure that any of the family's you've destroyed would've loved to of seen your corpse"

with that Akihito turned away and walked to Izuku who was watching the whole event go down while hiding himself behind some crates.

Akihito : " come on it's getting late"

both of them left the construction site and headed home to finally relax while doing so they walked past a bunch of police officers and some heros who had just arrived a few seconds after Akihito was done beating the bad guy for them.






[ Name : Akihito kiyama

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 6 years old


Level : 12

HP : 395/395

MP : 303/303


Strength : 68

Vitality : 79

Endurance : 53

Intelligence : 101

Agility : 79

Speed : 82

SP : 9


Quirk : TELEKINESIS LV 5 : allows the user to move objects under 30kg from a radius of 50 meters ]




[Quest : back up is coming


[rewards : [×1golden lucky draw ticket]

[Hidden quest : beat Mechta


[rewards : inventory unlocked]










