
Unicorn Yoink

A thunder crack of fire and power swept through the forest as suddenly in a wave of flame and magic Albus appeared with Fawkes, the Elder wand drawn as he looked furious, his eyes landed on Jack, wand still raised towards the robed figure that had fallen, turning to look where Jack's wand was pointing he seen the disfigured professor and the raving thing attached to him.

Fury lit in his eyes as he noticed near instantly what it was as he sent a powerful stunner, then stasis. Saving the professor from death... for now. His fury subsiding only enough not to have it drip into his voice as he turned to Jack and Harry, the later shocked and watching Jack with his mouth hanging open. His scar had been hurting, but subsided when Jack had used the spell he did.

But even if he was still new to magic, his presence in 'Dungeon' as Jack called it had significantly made him more attuned with magic, and he could tell the spell he used was... wrong.

"Are you hurt boys?"

"We're fine, grandfather. Harry only tripped, his scar was hurting. When I noticed that I... took measures."

Albus nodded, he knew Jack would be fine after casting the killing curse, because the Ripper Family had been the one's to create it. Many, many years ago.

There was speculation's that it had been created by a dark family, which wasn't entirely wrong, but back then there was little difference between 'Light and Dark' as there was now.

Due to Jack's family having been the one's to make the curse, they had a mastery over it no one else did.

One of such mastery's was the fact they could cast it without wand movement, reducing the 'Instant Death' to a slow and painful one, it was primarily used by them in response to needing to quickly and efficiently take someone out, and pull them in for interrogation.

Back before the Cruciatus became wildly used, this form of the killing curse was used as a means to interrogation.

The main reason why it was considered a 'Dark' curse was because the Ripper's knew that if they let the true method be used, people would fling it without thinking. So they put a very, very small thing in the killing curse that only very, very few know. Actually, Ripper was the only one alive who knew the secret.

The curse that everyone else used was flawed, it delivered results of course... But the flaw was that if it was used to often, it would taint the magic reserves, and turn it dark. To make it easier to spot 'Dark' wizards.

"As long as your fine, ten points to your house for able to quickly think on your feet and call attention to you instantly within school grounds, another five for being able to catch the person responsible for killing the unico-.''

''Yes yes I know, points and the cup, I need Phoenix tears or she won't see it to another few moments."

Fawkes understood what Jack meant, flying forward in a wave as it's flames circled the unicorn as it began to burn away the darkness of the area, purifying the air and land around it to help it relax as Jack stepped forward. The flames parting to let him in as he caught Fawkes on his shoulder and kneeled before the unicorn as the bird began to shed tears.

Jack rubbed his palm along the Unicorn, it's breaths heavy and labored as it barely hanged on.

Jack grit his teeth as he watched, the healing was helping, but if more help wasn't coming, the unicorn would die even with the healing. Unicorn blood was... impossible to replenish unless they had another unicorn, and to get another one and preform a transfusion would take to long. Jack suddenly felt a warmth envelope him, a warmth he grew to find comfort in.

It wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him back onto it's embrace as his eyes grew heavy.

He accepted the embrace and he heard the voice of Life, whispered against his ear so softly it was like a dream.

"Pull it into the realm, it will take everything from you and you will grow tired, Fawkes will help."

Suddenly his vision came back and he was filled with fire, a burning so pure it escaped his mouth in a heated flame before Jack's hands slid over the unicorn and his magic pulsed out as he pulled in everything, every ounce of reserve, ever bit of help he got from the bird resting on his shoulder. Vaguely he heard a whispered voice, far off calling his name, another voice warning not to approach him.

Just as he squeezed himself as dry as he could, the unicorn vanished in a burst of magic that left Jack gulping for air, his body heaving.

Hysteria almost set in as he began to stand, despite the weakness of his body he was prepared to run, he wasn't sure from what, he just knew he needed to get away.

Emptying his magic reserves had a more adverse effect due to his Changeling heritage, it was never good to empty them so quickly, but it was worse for him.

A pair of strong hands gripped around his arms and pulled him back just as Jack was about to fall, standing as weak as he was made his knee's buckle.

He felt a cloak fly around him closing around him as he smelt the cloak, medicine and poison, potions and ingredients. Snape's voice hissing out.

''Easy boy, just calm down. You're truth is showing."

Jack could, vaguely understand what that meant, as his mind became assimilated with the memories, as everything fit into place, he begun to lose sight of what he was before Jack, he still had his memories, his experiences, his personality, but now he felt more like 'Jack' and who he was before was the person he took the memories from, his abilities with his mind, and his skill in occlumency had helped him with it.

Now he felt like he was Jack, and nothing but Jack.

Looking to his hand he could see his usual skin which was all be it still pale, was still shades darker compared to most kids his age , was now breaking apart, slowly becoming white. He clenched his hands and focused on himself.

Calming himself down slowly as he focused on himself and brought back his appearance.

As he grew used to his memories and had practically 'Relived' the life he had, he learned that Changeling's were a thing, but they were far more rare then anything else, there were only two known changelings, and the other one had died as it was his Mother.

It had actually been a miracle he was also a Changeling, even if two of them mated it was next to impossible for the next few generations to be one.

Few knew of Jack's status of course, Albus knew because of how close he had been to his family. Snape knew because when he was younger he couldn't change his appearance at will, and it required potions to help him keep his appearance, much like a poly juice potion, but instead of changing into someone else, it was focused to help you stay yourself.

A few of the ghost also knew, some by accident of course, but they never once shared it with others, no matter what. What would someone do, kill them?

Jack heard voices from outside the cloak. ''Professor, is Jack okay?" It was Hermione, it seemed in his event the rest had joined them.

It was Albus who spoke. ''He is fine Young Granger, his magic is depleted and he is, most tired. Feel free to visit him in the morning, but for now please, let us all return to the castle."