
Traveling The Cosmos Fixing The Plot

6 people find themselves on a ship floating in space with no idea how they got there. Only to be told the will of the omniverse did it so they can fix and change "the plot" of various worlds. I only own the mc, (and any oc's if i use them) expect OOC possible Snu snu.( I may write another book to practice) I don't own the cover art infrequent updates, could be day, weeks, or even months apart 1st world - danmachi (undecided)

FluffyHaremPlz · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Deserved Relaxation

Ben's POV

Last night was fun. We binged The Pirates of the Caribbean. Caenis and Ghislaine seemed to really enjoy it. They'll definitely have fun when we go to Telskyura.

After a good night's rest and hearty breakfast, I am ready for my daily training. Today Ghislaine planned on having me train in the sim room. According to her, it was hyper-realistic. If you put someone in the room while they were sleeping, they would think it was real.

It was the best way to get used to the feeling and sight of killing things. I think I'm gonna handle it well. I'm good with gruesome stuff.

So after showing me some new moves and a bit of sparring with her, Ghislain made her way to the beach, and I made my way to the sim room.


As I stepped into the sim room, my breath caught in my throat as I found Caenis standing at the center of the barren field filled with dead bodies. The soft glow of the simulated sunlight shined on her, making her dark skin look even more alluring. She was dressed in her revealing white armour, exposing her toned physique that glistened with beads of sweat. That combined the blood splattered across her face: it was a sight to behold.

My pent-up horniness must be catching up to me. Things have been moving so fast that I haven't had a chance to 'release.' Yes. That's definitely why I found that so hot.

Suddenly, the room slowly changed from a barren field into a massive empty, plain white room.

"Whatcha Lookin' at."

Hearing her voice, I snap out of my daze. "Uh, you," I said, meeting her fierce gaze.


"Tch, whatever."

"Anyways. Are you still using the room? I can come back later."

Caenis rolled her eyes. "No need. I'm just finished. You can start your training."

"Actually. If you could stay here and watch. Then let me know what you think. I was planning on just doing it to get used to killing and actual combat, but if you're here, getting feedback would be nice. Ghislaine. Bless her soul. Has a hard time putting things into words."

"Sure, I'll watch," Caenis replied. "But I ain't helping ya' if shit hits the fan."

"Great!. Let's get right to it, then. AURA set the simulation to level 1. Location set to open plains."

"Sim room set level 1. Location grassy plains. Commencing in 5 seconds."

As the simulation began, I found myself standing in a vast grassy plain. I could feel the warm sun on my skin, and a gentle breeze rustled the grass around me. Everything looked so realistic that it was hard to believe I was in a simulation.

I took a deep breath, trying to focus my nerves and adrenaline.

Once the countdown finished, a small green creature dressed in rags and sword in its hands appeared.

Wasting no time, I rushed at it. Before it had time to react, I swung my sword, bisecting it.

"Level 1 cleared. Level 2 commencing in 5 seconds"

The following few levels weren't that bad. I got to level 9 quickly.

A few meters in front of me were three Goblins and two Lizardmen. They were standing in formation. Two Lizardmen warriors stood at the front, equipped with shields, swords and light armour. Directly behind them was a Goblin mage. Behind that, on either side, were two Goblin priests.

Ok, Ben think. You've played enough games to know you get rid of the healers and mage first, but how. You know what. Fuck it. Who needs a plan. What is it that Ghislaine always tells me? "Victory goes to he who moves first."

Gripping my sword tightly. I dashed towards the group of enemies.

The goblin mage was the first to react, casting a spell that sent a green bolt of energy toward me. I deflected it with my sword, I continued my approach. The Lizardmen warriors reacted soon after, rushing to meet me.

Once I was close enough, I went for a horizontal slash.

The Lizardmen warriors rose their shields and braced their bodies, ready to block my attack. They managed to do it but still took some damage and got pushed back. They were sturdier than the ones I faced before.

Just as they blocked the attack, the mage launched an attack of his own. A bolt of lightning came from above me. Thankfully I was able to react in time by jumping backwards.

Tch! Annoying. The priests heal the lizards and buff them along with the mage.

I guess I'll try using that.

Stepping further back, outside the mage's range, I prepared for my next attack. Using my Suijin genes, I focused on the moisture in the air and ground, condensing it, forming javelins of water in midair.

Without hesitation, I launched the water javelins at the Goblin priests and the mage. The javelins shot through the air with a lot more power and speed than I anticipated. They effortlessly pierced straight through their heads, causing them to drop dead to the ground.

With the annoyances gone, I turned my attention to the Lizardmen warriors. I took a deep breath, channelling more water from the air and ground. I channelled it into a swirling torrent around me.

With a flick of my wrist, I sent the torrent of water shooting toward the warriors. It crashed into them, destroying their shields and knocking them off their feet.

They struggled to get back up, their light armour barely hanging on to their wound-riddled bodies. Seizing the opportunity, I closed in on them, slashing and thrusting with my sword, targeting their vital spots.

"Level 9 cleared. Level 10 commencing in 5 seconds."

This is getting harder. I'm gonna be fun with this.

"Level 20 cleared. Level 21 commencing in 5 seconds."

"Terminate the session."

I panted heavily as I collapsed onto the simulated grass, my body trembling with exhaustion. The simulation was more difficult than anticipated.

"Damn... that was... tough," I managed to say between breaths, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "But I did it... I killed those... monsters."

"Yes, you did, "Caenis nodded. "Ya' did better than I thought you would. But have a lot of work to do."

"Your instincts are great, and you're getting better with the sword, but you lack experience. You tend to focus too much on the enemy in front of you."

I chuckled weakly, knowing she was being generous with her assessment. "Yeah. I still have a long way to go before I can measure up to you and the Ghislaine."

"Don't compare yourself to us," she replied firmly. "You, of all people, should know how strong I am and how I got this strength. I don't know what I'd do if you got as strong as us in over a week."

"I've decided. Starting tomorrow, after your morning sword training, I'm gonna train your water powers."

"Wait, really?" I asked, surprised by Caenis' offer. "You're willing to help me with my water powers? Thank you, Caenis," I smiled sincerely. "I really appreciate it."

She shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "Whatever. Just don't expect me to go easy on ya."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I replied, chuckling softly.

"Good. Then meet me here after tomorrow's sword training," Caenis said, turning to leave. "And don't be late."

"I won't," I promised, watching as she walked away. Man, I hated to see her go but loved to watch her leave.

Mmmhhm. Nothing beats relaxing in an open-air hot spring after a hard day of training. As soon as I stepped into the hot water, I could feel the tension in my muscles begin to melt away. Nat's Elixer worked wonders, but psychologically this is so much better.

The hot spring was located in a secluded corner of the ship. It was scary at first being outside in space, but there's a membrane surrounding the ship.

The feeling you get being surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful plants as you relax in a hot spring with a glorious view of space cannot be described.

Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the edge of the spring, enjoying the feeling of the water enveloping my body.

My mind wandered to everything that's happened so far. I focused on my crew.

I let out a small chuckle as I remembered Caenis and her tough-love approach to training. Despite her attitude, I felt that she was slowly warming up to me. She was just like I remembered from her lore. Her gruff exterior hid a frail side and caring heart.

Ghislaine was quiet and stoic-faced. She sucked at putting things into words when training me but could be strongly smart at times. She took her assigned role seriously. She could also be quite girly at times.

Natasha's concern for my well-being was endearing. She always had everyone's best interests at heart, and we all appreciated her looking out for us. Her soothing presence and motherly care made me feel safe. I need to get her to give me a lap pillow and stroke my hair one day.

Then there was Mobius. She was quite different from what I remember her being like. Then again, I didn't dive too deep into the Depression Impact lore. She was playful and liked teasing me, but she could be quite innocent and cute. She cared about all of us more than she let on.

And Sumeragi. Not much I can say about her. We were all worried about her. But if she was summoned here, then the will of the omniverse must have thought she could handle it.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the sound of footsteps approaching the hot spring. When I opened my eyes, I saw Caenis, Mobius and Ghislaine standing at the edge with their arms crossed with Nat behind them.

Mobius was the first to speak. "Hehe. My dear Captain~ You didn't think you could hide this place from us forever, did you~."

"I guess it was only a matter of time before you all found it," I said, sitting up in the hot spring to face my crew. "The more, the merrier."

Ghislaine, Caenis, and Mobius wasted no time, quickly stripping down and hopping into the hot spring with me.

Nat, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment. ""I've never been in one of these before," she admitted.

"You're in for a treat," I replied with a grin. "It's incredibly relaxing. Just look at the others."

"Ahh, this feels so good," Ghislaine sighed, sinking into the water and leaning back with her eyes closed.

Mobius giggled, splashing water playfully. "I must admit, it's nice to relax after a day of work.

Caenis grunted in agreement, but even she couldn't deny the soothing effects of the hot spring. "Not a bad spot you found, Captain," she admitted.

Natasha finally decided to join us, and I couldn't help but notice the slight blush on her cheeks as she dipped her feet into the water. It was adorable.

"It's quite warm," she said, easing herself into the hot spring, letting out a soft sigh of relaxation as she settled in.

I chuckled, leaning back against the edge of the spring. "See? I told you it was worth it."

As we all relaxed in the hot spring, we chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. After a while, we all got out. It was dinner time. On a side note, cold Pocari Sweat after a hot soak is utter bliss.

We were all wearing robes, sitting in the outdoor eating area overlooking the hot springs.

"That was great," said Mobius as she stretched. "Good job finding this place, Cpatain~."

"Yeah~" Agreed Caenis, in a state of deep relaxation.

"..." Ghislaine was so relaxed she couldn't speak.

"I wish we had places like this in my world." Needles to say Nat loved it.

"I'm glad you all like it," I replied, a content smile on my face.