
Traveling between worlds,I'm Link

Har Davius ​​and his family were killed by a pack of never-before-seen fantasy creatures, goblins. He wakes up in Link's body inside the Resurrection Shrine, further discovering that he can use all of the items from the video game (Breath of the Wild). He shouldn't be the only one reincarnated, right? So he keeps hoping to find his family. He receives an unknown rune that allows him to travel to other worlds, so he must become stronger and search for his loved ones. Using the rune for the first time, Har travels to a world he knows, where hunters and monsters are in constant battle in this place. "Isn't this the world of Solo Leveling?" What really happened, what actions will Har take, and more importantly, how long will it take before I get sued by the big N? -It doesn't matter if you don't know the elements of BotW, it's quite simple to understand everything.- This is a translation of my Fanfiction in Spanish: Soy Link

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Virion challenge

After this little show, Tessia took Arthur and Har back to the royal castle, on the way, both the guards and the civilians couldn't help but look at Har, they will remember the appearance of this amazing boy in the future.

The above situation is already spreading rapidly, the fact that an unknown elf defeated a royal guard is too unbelievable, even if the king wanted to hide this it would be impossible for him, it happened in front of everyone's eyes and hiding it would be like trying to cover the story. sun with one finger

Not only them, Virion and Alduin looked at Har, who was led by Tessia to take a look at the kingdom, and they both had a thought, they want this boy's strength.

Alduin forgot the above, as long as this elf agrees to join his troops, then the shame that a royal guard can cover himself, he can always say that this was a royal guard who returned after a long time, moreover, with the power to apprehend even one of the royal guards, none of his enemies will be able to rest in peace.

On the other hand, Virion was still trying to figure out Har's strength, there was a strange glint in his eyes and he seemed to have an idea in mind.

The cause of everything, Har, walked following Tessia and observed the city on the way to the castle. It must be said that this city is really beautiful, it has a unique natural attraction that he couldn't appreciate by reading the story due to obvious limitations.

The city looks very active, there is a lot of movement everywhere, the buildings have an architecture like no other, but what surprises the most, even someone who was a king in his past life like Arthur, that is the royal castle.

'As expected of the royal family..'

Har looked at the majestic castle they had arrived at, maintaining a balance between the natural and the artificial, with perfect architecture that highlights the greatness of the royal family, both white and gold colors representing purity and wealth, It is as if the castle were the representation of the values ​​of the family that occupies the throne.

'He he'

Tessia looked at Arthur's surprised expression and smiled, she was happy to surprise this boy who made fun of her the whole trip, but when she turned her head she was a little disappointed, Link looked at the castle and didn't seem surprised.

Even though the castle is truly majestic, it's not like Har hasn't seen a castle before, either in his life before he died or in Hyrule, he even estimates that the destroyed Hyrule castle is several times bigger than this one.

At that moment, the castle doors opened, some servants were already waiting inside lined up on both sides.

"You can go rest and then we'll talk."

King Alduin said after entering, he knows that these people have been traveling for several days, so he planned for them to rest in the castle and then have a little chat with them, however, Arthur didn't seem to agree.

"Excuse me, your majesty of him, but I would like to discuss this first." Arthur said in a respectful tone, he doesn't know what Link thinks about this, but he thinks he would agree, even more so after that performance earlier, it's best to explain everything now and avoid any misunderstandings.


Upon hearing this, King Alduin couldn't have agreed more, it's better if they solve their doubts about the trip as soon as possible, also, this way he can know more about that young elf.

"Okay, but since we haven't prepared anything, for now we can only improvise."- Alduin nodded, waved his hand and a guard immediately understood, so he respectfully withdrew to improvise a meeting room.

Har already knew this so he didn't say anything, they wouldn't understand anyway, Tessia noticed that they all agreed so she didn't say anything either.

After a few minutes, Har and Arthur were taken to the makeshift meeting room, at one end sat King Alduin, at the other end was Har, to his left was Arthur, both Tessia and Virion and the queen were also sitting nearby. From the king, some royal guards were surrounding the room with serious expressions.

"Introduce myself, my name is Arthur Leywin, hailing from a small town in the Sapin Kingdom, it is an honor to be in the presence of the Elenoir royal family."

As if he were a representative, Arthur stood up and said respectfully, this kid's etiquette is really good, even the manners of some youngsters from big families would fall behind.

"'Arthur Leywin', although you claim to be from a small town, your manners are at the level of a large family, very well, you may continue."

King Alduin said satisfied with this introduction, but he looked at Har, who remained with a bored face in the background, and his eyebrows twitched a little, it's a bit hard to ignore this kind of irreverent behavior.

'Should I introduce it instead?'

Arthur noticed the king's look, thought that he should speak instead of Link and introduce him, although thinking about it a bit, how should he introduce such a mysterious person? They only refer to him as Link and they don't have a last name or anything to link to. to your identity.

It seems King Alduin isn't asking for an introduction from Link at the moment, so he'll just continue.

Under everyone's attention, Arthur told his story's point of view, made up how he separated from his family and met the slave traders, this is when the king got angry.

"Humans, how dare you kidnap my daughter?!!"

King Alduin yelled and hit the table hard, he looked at Arthur with contempt as if he was also involved in the kidnapping, his grudge against humans is something that is rooted in most elves, not only because of the war between races, but also because humans have always kidnapped elves to sell them as slaves that meet all their needs.

Arthur heard this and couldn't help narrowing his eyes. He leaned back in his chair with a dignified expression and did not agree with this attitude of the king.

"With all due respect, your majesty of him, but being a dealer is not a race, it's just that some take it as a profession."


Those who heard this were shocked, is this child against the king's words? Not only that, his tone of voice is almost as if he is educating him.

"Insolent, how dare you speak in such a tone to his majesty!?"

The guards drew their swords ready to cut off Arthur's head, but Virion stopped them, it seems these guys have a problem with their hands, they will draw their swords no matter what.

"And what happened to those slave traders then?" Virion asked with a questioning look.

So far, Arthur hasn't told anything about the young elf, he hasn't even mentioned him, this makes Virion curious, where does this elf join then, was this boy able to beat those dealers?


Arthur heard him and already knew what this old man wanted to know, the most striking thing about his group is not the identity of the princess, but this elf who came out of nowhere to help him that day.

He turned his head and looked at Har, who was holding his chin in boredom, Arthur doesn't know if it's okay to tell about Link's abilities, he might be hiding something that could put him in danger, so he looked at him to consult about this.

'Is this boy so considerate?'

Har noticed Arthur's look, he had been reading the dialogues and has a slight suspicion of his intentions, so he simply nodded, he would let this boy say whatever he wants, he has no problem with that.

'Does he really agree?'

Arthur was a little surprised by Har's settlement, he had thought that he would choose not to tell everything about him and skip some things, but it seems that he is indifferent about his identity and doesn't mind exposing himself.

Although on second thought, not even he knows Link's true identity, this powerful elf, even the king didn't seem to have any knowledge of his existence, as if he really came out of nowhere to help him that day, like a heaven-sent guardian. .

"As you say, I took on those dealers with my bare hands..."


As soon as Arthur said that, the guards held the hilts of their swords and were about to draw them.

"How dare you tell such lies to the king?!"

The guards said, but Virion looked at them with cold eyes, a trace of aura escaped from him and he rushed towards the guards, it was like a gloomy wind, his hair twitched and suffered from goosebumps as soon as he felt that aura, a sweat Cold descended on their faces and they turned pale with fear.

"Hmm, are you saying that you took care of those guys by yourself?"

Virion gave a somewhat annoyed sigh to the guards before continuing the conversation, those guys really are quick hands, they seem to be eager to show off a good performance or something, then he looked at Arthur and waited for the moment when he would meet him. the elf.

Still, this human boy seems to have abilities that far exceed his age level, even some adults might not be able to defeat a group of dealers, moreover, it seems that he not only defeated them, he's a bit hard to beat. say,but it looks like this kid got rid of them,in the bloodiest sense of the word.

"Although he aimed to defeat all of them, the last one was a skilled augmenter, luckily, Mr. Link arrived when I was in trouble."

When Arthur said this, everyone looked at this Link subconsciously, they would have been surprised if it was earlier, but after seeing this guy beat a royal guard, let alone a group of dealers, they would believe him even if he said that he wiped out a whole organization of them.

Then Arthur told little things about his carriage ride to the portal, this is what surprised everyone, this Link was actually able to control the carriage and fly all the way without getting tired, isn't this an elf-like monster? ?,not only does he have such an amazing magic ability like that,but he even seems to have no mana limit,this guy is an anomaly no matter how you look at it

"You must have seen it, it was amazing, just by raising his hands, Mr. Link controlled the carriage and we went up to the clouds!"

When Arthur finished, Tessia was excited and she recounted this experience of experiencing flight for the first time.

Despite being only the stories of a girl, the others paid attention to it as if they heard important information, they are interested in this magic to control objects that even allows them to fly.

At the moment, the Dicathen continent, where humans, elves and dwarves live, has not developed any kind of transportation technology, they still use carriages moved by beasts.

If the elf kingdom can handle this magic, then they will make a huge leap in this realm, immediately pass into air traffic, and be in front of the others.

It will not only be about transportation, if they can apply this method, it is estimated that the kingdom of Elenoir will enter an unprecedented period of evolution.

But they know, the magic they can use changes depending on a person's affinity, some can even use magic outside of the known elements, such as the healing magic of healers, no matter how much you practice, develop a spell in one category other than the one you drive should be impossible.

Although King Alduin's face is still indifferent, he is a little anxious. He can only hope that such magic can be developed with basic elements, although it is a little unreasonable, but the benefit that this can bring to Elenoir is immense.


Now that he said everything, Arthur sighed before continuing: "The story has been told, his daughter is safe now, all I want is to go back to my family."

These were his true intentions from the beginning, to come to the kingdom of Elenoir and return home with the support of the elves.

"Art, are you leaving already?!!"-Tessia stood up immediately, she had an expression of disbelief and asked sadly.


The king and queen looked at each other and wondered, since when has her daughter been so confident with strangers?

Everything continued according to the story, although Tessia was sad, the king agreed that Arthur would stay and then he would be accompanied by a group of guards back to his house.

This was Arthur's only request, even though he could ask for any reward, he only asked to return to his family, which was already very considerate and humble of him, so all that remains is to listen to Arthur's request. har.

"I would like to know, does savior Link have any request for us? We are willing to fulfill any wish in the form of a reward."

The king said this looking at Har, who had not bothered to remove his helmet even in the presence of the king.

'Any requests?'

Har read the dialogue over Alduin's head, he hadn't thought about that yet, but does the king have something that benefits him? Whether it's money or stuff, he doesn't really care about it, he can't waste this opportunity on something mundane like that, what he really wants are things that improve his strength.

The king should have weapons and exquisite weaponry in his treasure room, right? But none of these things should suit his style, like an avatar in a game, the best weapons for him are the ones inside. of Hyrule.

A nice thing would be a beast core to fuse with, but he's not a mage, he doesn't even have such a thing as a mana core, so fusing should be impossible.

So Har just waved his hand and refused, at the moment there is nothing the king can offer him, but maybe it will be different in the future.


Everyone was surprised to see that Har refused, isn't this guy supposed to understand Har's language? How was he supposed to understand the king's words just now then?

"Hmm, hmm, since savior Link doesn't have any requests, I assure you that this favor will always be remembered, you can rest in the castle and then stay in Elenoir as long as you like, if you have any requests in the future, you can still come." to the royal family to collect this favor."

King Alduin cleared his throat and said, he had noticed this before, but he didn't want to say anything, after all, the excuse that Link was spared because he doesn't understand his language wouldn't make sense at that point. case.

In addition to this, his words were quite obvious, before he said that he would prepare Arthur's guards for him to go home tomorrow, this is obviously because this is a human child and he knows that it will be a problem if he stays in the castle for a long time. Some elves still hold a grudge against humans after all, however, this Link is an elf, and a very powerful one, so he wants to keep him close.

Since there are witnesses now, he would use another moment to invite him to his troops, he can only wait a bit before having a conversation with this Link, although it really seems like he can't speak, at least he can understand what he says. .

After this, Har and Arthur were led to his rooms, however, Virion got in their way as soon as Tessia was out of his sight, as if he didn't want her to know about his actions here.

"That was a good fight before."

Virion said in front of Har, who stopped with the maid due to his arrival.

Knowing Virion from the story, Har could imagine where this old man was going, so he smiled a little and shrugged.

'This boy, it seems that he is smarter than he thought..'

Virion had a small smile when noticing Har's actions, he could sense that this young man knew him more than it seems, so he continued.

"It's not good for you to get stuck with the idea that you're stronger than us, so let this old man teach you a little about Elenoir's true strength."

Virion said this waiting for a reaction from this Link, but he had seen it before, this young man's fighting spirit burns like a blazing fire.

"What do you say? Do you dare to fight?"

Virion asked curiously, he had noticed that this Link stared at nothing in a daze, he doesn't know that he was just reading the long texts above his head.

'This old man doesn't want to humiliate me?'

Har wondered this, but it doesn't seem like that, despite making an excuse that he wants to demonstrate Elenoir's strength, Har knows that this old man just wants to test his skills, it is estimated that he will continue the story and then do the same with Arthur once time you leave the room.

'Since this old man wants to give it a try, then it wouldn't be bad to compare my strength with that of the former king of Elenoir.'

Har smiled and gave Virion a thumbs up.

'Haha, as expected.'

Virion smiled widely upon seeing this, only the maid to the side had cold sweat soaking all over her body.

'The ancient king Virion will really fight this stranger, this is unheard of!'

-End of this chapter-

-Lately all the chapters have more than 2000 words, it's crazy considering that I started writing 500 words and it took a whole day, thanks to everyone who supports my works, despite their dubious quality, a hug to everyone. -