
Life on the Line

As the Emperor and Empress walked into their quarters, the Empress frowned. "That man was quite strange."

The Emperor chuckled, "What's so strange about it? He failed to assassinate me and tried to save his own life in a foolish way."

The Empress, concerned, suggested, "Maybe we should skip the banquet tonight or at least investigate the regent."

The Emperor shook his head. "Empress, how can you believe the words of such a lowly person? The regent has been loyal for years. Investigating him would be disgraceful."

"But..." the Empress began.

"No more," the Emperor interrupted. "The Crown Prince of the Xia Kingdom is waiting. Let us go."

From his cell, Seven could hear the Emperor's conversation, growing more anxious by the minute. He shouted, "Let me out! I need to save the Emperor!"

A guard, annoyed, replied, "The Emperor has already gone to the banquet. Stop yelling."

Desperate, Seven turned to the guard. "Brother, please, let me out. I need to save the Emperor. What will it take to get you to release me?"

The guard sneered, "I could let you out for 100 taels of gold right now."

Seven sighed. "Where am I supposed to get that kind of gold?"

The guard replied coldly, "Then stay here."

Seven tried again, "Alright, how about this: let me out, and I'll get you 10,000 taels of gold. Deal?"

The guard scoffed, "I've heard that kind of promise before. Stay put."

Meanwhile, the Emperor and Empress were on their way to the banquet. The Empress was still uneasy. "Emperor, how should we deal with that strange man the regent captured?"

"He will remain in the dungeon until I return and can interrogate him properly," the Emperor replied.

"Perhaps we should skip the banquet," the Empress insisted. "I have a bad feeling."

The Emperor frowned. "You're suggesting we don't let the regent attend? That implies distrust."

"Better safe than sorry," the Empress said firmly.

The Emperor sighed. "I don't believe the regent would betray me, but I also don't think the assassin's words were baseless."

"So will you investigate him?" the Empress asked.

"Yes, but secretly. Tonight, the guards at the banquet are my most trusted men," the Emperor reassured her.

The Empress relaxed slightly. "That's good."

At the banquet, the Crown Prince of Xia greeted them warmly. "Your Majesty, Empress, it's an honor to have you here."

The Emperor nodded. "I am equally pleased to be here."

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Seven berated himself. "Useless! You're useless! Twice now, and my ancestors still don't believe me. I've failed my family twice, watching them walk into death."

The banquet proceeded smoothly, with the Emperor and the Crown Prince enjoying their conversation. However, on their way back, the carriage suddenly stopped. The Emperor frowned. "What's happening?"

Before anyone could respond, the regent appeared, smiling. "I was worried about your safety, so I came to escort you."

The Emperor's face darkened. "What are you planning?"

The regent sneered. "Isn't it obvious? A coup."

The Empress, her voice cold, said, "You're clever, but you ignored that young man's warning."

The Emperor, shocked, asked, "Regent, we are like brothers. Why betray me?"

The regent replied icily, "I want to taste what it's like to be Emperor. I've had enough of being a regent."

The Emperor shouted, "Guards, help!"

The regent laughed. "Your guards are gone. No one can save you now."

The Empress tried to reason. "Regent, you have years of friendship with the Emperor. It's not too late to stop. Don't make this mistake."

The regent shook his head. "This is my path. I'm destined to be Emperor."

The Emperor glared. "You dare!"

The regent ordered, "Take the Empress to the dungeon. Prepare the torture devices. Let's have some fun."

In his cell, Seven vowed to himself, "I must find a way to save the Emperor and Empress and change my family's fate!"