
Life and Death Duel

"Your Majesty, when you reach the underworld, don't blame me, haha! Daring to touch me, I will have your entire family executed!" The Regent laughed maniacally, gesturing for the guards to act.

At that moment, Seventh Prince abruptly woke up, realizing he was back in his cell, drenched in cold sweat. He quickly gathered his thoughts.

A guard entered, looking at him coldly, "Wake up, wake up!"

Seventh Prince looked at the guard and hurriedly asked, "Brother, how is the Jiang family?"

The guard replied coldly, "The Regent wants to see you."

Seventh Prince felt a tightness in his chest, "The Regent again?"

The guard impatiently said, "How is the Emperor? Why so many questions? Hurry up."

Seventh Prince was brought before the Regent, who looked at him coldly, "Tell me everything you know, or I'll cut you down."

Seventh Prince took a deep breath and calmly said, "You want to know how I know your secret plans, right? I'm a fortune teller. I can foresee the future."

The Regent sneered, "A fortune teller? Do you think I'm an idiot? This is your last chance. Speak."

Seventh Prince remained steadfast, "Regent, someone wants to kill you. I save your life, you save mine."

The Regent frowned, "You know someone wants to kill me?"

Seventh Prince nodded, "Yes, I save your life, you save mine."

The Regent pondered for a moment, "Fine, I agree. Tell me who wants to kill me."

Seventh Prince pointed to a guard, "It's him! He wants to kill you! Search his house, you'll find the evidence."

The guard hurriedly defended himself, "What nonsense are you spouting? You must be crazy! Are you seeking death?"

Seventh Prince said coldly, "Why not search? If nothing is found, you can kill me."

The Regent nodded, "Alright, this is your idea. Cui Da, to clear your name, we'll search your house."

Cui Da turned pale, "My lord, you can't distrust your men based on this kid's words alone."

The Regent sneered, "If nothing is found, this brat will be handed over to you."

Soon, the guards returned with a letter from Cui Da's house. The Regent took the letter, his face darkening immediately, "This letter proves that Cui Da was in contact with the Emperor's uncle, planning to kill me."

Cui Da fell to his knees, begging for mercy, "My lord, please forgive me. This is the third time you've escaped death because of this kid. My lord, I was misled by others. Please spare me!"

The Regent sneered, "Drag him out and grind him to pieces."

Cui Da was dragged away, and Seventh Prince felt a surge of relief at his successful gamble.

The Regent looked at Seventh Prince with a hint of admiration in his eyes, "Kid, you've got some skill. You saved my life. Interesting. From now on, you'll be my strategist. You'll have freedom in the palace."

Seventh Prince smiled slightly, "Thank you, my lord."

The Regent nodded, "Hahaha, come, follow me to the palace."

Seventh Prince followed the Regent into the palace, silently planning his next steps. He knew this was only the beginning. The real challenge lay ahead. He had to be cautious and strategize carefully to ultimately save the Emperor and the Yang family.