
Chapter 7: Life Against Dragons in Valyria

Elesis POV

We are now running around the ruins of Valyria headed further east. So far this had been a real monster fest.

We had already killed 5 dragons so far. Weak as they were, it was still troublesome. Our new weapons are really proving to be a boon.

We can actually feel the changes they bring to our magic. We have killed several dragons with a single Greatsword flowing through and out of our blades.

Soon we will reach the places of our destination. Ronan and I had been enjoying our elemental spells aswell. And he was right. The more I use the ring the less I use it after. I will be mastering Ice sooner than I thought.

*Shhiiinnggg* *spurt* *thud*

Another dragon dead, as I slid my sword across it's throat.

Looking over Ronan, he seemed finished with this house aswell. I flicked my wrist to clean the blood off my sword and then I jumped to the second floor, on the same balcony he was in.

*BAM!* "So, how did it go?" I asked as I landed hard on the tiled floor.

"This one isn't good. I found a small hill of silver here. No gold though. The crystal chandelier and everything golden I took alongside the valuables."

"Well we do have the space. So shall we? or would you prefer to have lunch for now?"

"Let's eat while the coast is clear."

After a peaceful meal and a few stolen kisses in between jokes. We continued our travel. Soon we reached the manors of the dragon lords. Though burnt and covered in ashes. The banners still remained.

I grabbed my sword still in it's sheath, and tapped the ground twice. A spell inbued within the sheath. It acts like a sonar, the sheath serves both as a transmitter and as a receiver. It does so to insure my mind isn't bombarded by information and sound. This way, only the image filters through my head.

We traveled over the magma. It is solid enough to walk on but anything strong hitting it and it releases poisonous gas as it cracks. This makes hearing coming Dragons easier.

"There is a dragon just behind that manor in the middle. It's as big as the fish like dragons we faced.

"Any defining features?

"It has no wings but four legs. And a very long tail curled around it. That's the best I can get."

"Let's get it out of the way first. I don't want to be caught off guard while inside the manors."


I then drew my Excalibur Morgan as he readied his Caliburn. But as soon as we did, the dragon spurned to action. It looked more like a lizzard with spiked armadillo shell.

'fast!' it started running around the manors. It came at us first with it's tail. It lashed out like a whip. Ronan for some reason parried all three, while I started throwing Phalanx Greatswords all three landing at it's side but looking at it, it wasn't any deep cut. I summoned more swords but all three missed, as it dodged.

It then turned it's eyes on me. I parried the first two attacks and dodged the third. It landed beside me causing the ground to crack and release a steam of poison gas. Though my acessories can protect me from the poison. It was still hot enough to burn skin and damage my armor by 1%, and that was for but a second.

The Dragon showed no reaction to it. And then ran to the roof of one of the mansions. I sheathed my sword, as Ronan and I created Loretta's mastery both of ours using Ice arrows. And it became a shooting exchange from there. This dragon can attack like a fucking shotgun, spraying fire bullets everwhere. We dodged for some time until I was hit and much to my surprise, lost 7% power with but one stray fire bullet.

We soon landed enough hit that it had to abandon it's current strategy. It's scales were frozen to the point it was getting in the way of it's movements. It had slowed down enough that when it landed, I went after it with my sword drawn. It tried to swallow me. I dodged and stabbed at it's temple. It had hit but it wasn't deep enough. It shook me off and then before it could spit fire at me, several ice arrows exploded from the other side of it's head. I was about to attack again until I was hit by the tail losing 15% armor to it despite guarding with my sword.

I flew across the field and was caught by a pair of arms. Ronan looking both determined and worried. I nodded at him. And returned to the fight. Ronan went rushing forward. But the dragon kept it's distance and climbed up a manor. It attacked with a different breath this time, it breath fire to the sky and slowly closed it's mouth. The fire thinned and intensified and then directed it at us. We ended up running across the field trying to dodge laser like breath.

When it's attention was on me Ronan tried to get close but it turned it's attention to him. Causing Ronan to be the one running. I inturn summoned my bow and begun shooting arrows. Two quick volleys of Loretta's Mastery, and one volley of Greatblade Phalanx, straight to the face close to the eyes had the dragon roaring to the sky. It's fire begun to diminish unti it broke completely. Ronan ran towards it while I continued the attack. When he was close enough he ran up the wall. The dragon saw him too late, Ronan raised his sword and channeling ice across his greatsword and came down on the dragons neck. But it raised it's front leg and shielded itself. Ronan cleaved through the leg but the lizard didn't react as we thought and slamed it's tail against Ronan. I threw more Greatblade Phalanx, But it went after Ronan relentlessly and ignored me. So I threw my sword instead. "RRRROOOAAAARRR!!!" it unleashed a shrill roar.

When distracted Ronan righted himself midair and burst forward, trying to slit the lizards throat but it was able to dodge to the side and again retaliates with a tail. While Ronan blocked it with his sword. He channeled a greatblade and released it unto it's side close to the belly and burrying deep into the skin this time. The dragon roared. At the same time he burried his sword to the tail and then channeled a greatsword piercing through the tail into the ground and pinnning it down. I on the other hand was still shooting arrows as I ran forward, aiming at the joint on it's back leg. It looked mangled already, keeping the dragon to roar in place.

Summoning a greatsword in one hand, I hacked at it it's neck once I reached it. It landed and burried a quarter of the way. I was launched off when it's remaining arm swatted me away. But as it did, Ronan landed a greatsword on top of mine making it lose 2/5 of it's neck, making it's attack against me too weak but I still took 8% of the attack. I in turn jumped as high as I can. And while mid air created another greatsword going for the neck. The lizard struggled harder but Ronan was ahead of it.

He launched his shoulder cape causing it to elongate and wrap around the dragon's front leg joints and then channeled ice through it. The ice was thin but enough to slow down it's movement enough.

Just inches from cleaving it's head.

*ROOOAAAARRRRRRR!!!" It suddenly burst into flames. I twisted the sword sideways to guard with the flat side against the sharp potrutions that shot off it's back.

Ronan and I were blown away. The wounds on the dragon begun to burn close. I begun channeling ice through my Ice ring and I then held the greatsword with both hands and watched it turn into a more detailed version of Adula's moonblade.

Ronan did the same with his but he only needed to use his sword.

The dragon then roared and the sharp blades on top of it's back armor became longer. It jumped and began rolling like a wheel towards me. Keeping myself light footed and using fire burst on my toes I was able to dodge to the side. I saw it turn towards me and then noticed the drop on speed as it did.

It came at me again, and again I dodged. As it missed it came straight for Ronan who had done the same as me using his air burst. I ran to his side as he ran to mine as we dodged. Soon I was beside him as I whispered what I saw.

He decided to test it out. He went forward first. He clashed against the dragon before it could pick up speed. As soon as they did. He was thrown off but the dragon lost balance revealing it's belly, one I bombarded with two volleys of Loretta's mastery. One piercing and the other explosive. It roared in pain. It rolled back on it's legs again and then arc it's back high and shot three times each with a hale of sharp spikes. We were able to guard against it but we have a new problem now.

With all the rolling and shots the ground is now littered with cracks. We can actually hear it fall apart from below. We simply hope this thing can't swim on Lava. The good news is that the belly wound was hit by explosive frost arrows so it wasn't healing as fast.

The lizard growled at us. Ronan and I stood side by side this time. He whispered his plans as the Dragon jumped for another roll. We dodged on the first and then ran towards it and we reached it just as it was about to roll forward. We both activated our 'Hero Time'. Ronan hit first.

*Bang!* His attack was explosive enough to create a sound of thunder, causing the dragon to unravel, completely caught offguard by his new strength. I was on it immediately as my sword burried in it's belly and with an upward swing, eviscerated the dragon.

*Crack!* *bang!* Ronan then launched himself like a bullet to the exposed neck. Completely cutting through the neck. The dragon fell with a huge *THUD!*. dead for sure.

Ronan landed on one knee, his sword shouldered, one hand on the ground and his singed shoulder cape flowing with the wind.


I rushed to Ronan immediately. And as I feared he was breathing heavily. I lifted him slowly and ran to the nearest manor. I jumped to the second floor balcony and kicked down the down the door. With a blast of cleaning spell. I carefully laid him down the bed.

I saw him open his eyes and looked to me.

"It's over. Rest for now my love, I'll take care of the rest." I whispered to him.

He gave me an apologetic smile and with reluctance, fell asleep. I grabed the shrunk trunk and I then went to the Dragon. It was slowly sinking to the Lava. So I gathered as much parts as I can while I can. The Eyeballs are a must. The back armor for sure it was tough. It took a lot of effort but I was able to remove a large chunk of it.

Once I returned to the Manor I just slept by his side after setting up proximity alarms across the area. After ofcourse I stole a couple of kisses.