
Chapter 36: Death in the Riverlands - 1

Rickard sat in the corner of his room in Riverrun. His eyes held a steely anger shimmering underneath. And yet the flickers of guilt and sadness also escape him.

He had just come from a conversation with Hoster Tully. Though calling it a conversation would be taking lightly the precarious situation he found himself in. It was less of a conversation and more akin to a hostage negotiaton.

He didn't expect the old fish to bite that hard. But he had made his choice. Now he simply wishes his son would understand it as well.

Eddard walked in with a curt greeting still donning the same armor but without the helmet.

Rickard looked to his son and was glad and proud of what he sees.

Eddard shows a fine shade of eyes seen only in those who had fought in a war. Eyes that had seen death and its horrors many times. Yet his posture showed a resolute stand against the what he had faced. He has the dignity of valor oozing out of him.

Rickard couldn't help but think that he was born for that armor.

"Take a sit son."

Eddard sat before him but none spoke afterwards. There is so much to address between their families that it has piled on, putting a great deal of pressure upon their shoulders. And despite having several matters that are small enough to be dealt with quickly, neither of the two wanted to set aside the most important thing, saving Lyanna.

Rickard poured his son a drink and then his and simply shared a quiet moment with Eddard. The two passed the time in silence that slowly but steadily built into comfort.

It was then that Rickard gathered enough courage to speak.

"Eddard, I am sorry to have kept a distance from you since Brandon's death."

"Father I-"

"Please, allow me to apologize." Rickard interrupted, making Eddard bowed in acceptance. "I should not have left you to grief. All alone. I had done that before and I regret it every single day.

"I was a coward. Burried too deep under my own loss, I had sent you away. Not realizing that not only had I lost a wife, you had also lost a mother. By the time I realized that, you were already gone.

"And now I did it again. The same mistake, all over again. But I thought that we could grief together this time."

"All of us father. Together. Me, you, Benjen and Lyanna. We can do it together this time."

"...A-Aye, together... Eddard you know you are now my heir. You are to be lord of Winterfell, Highlord of the North." Eddard nodded. "I am sorry my son. I had been left with little choice...

"Just after your spar I had been called into Hoster Tully's chambers. He wanted to ensure that the agreement carries on. I had protested the best that I could, but failed still.

"Hoster is desperate. The clear divide on the stand of the Riverlords has just been shown to the Vale, the Starks and even to foreign powers. The fact that a foreigner could rally his own men instead was a bad omen. It was obvious that house Tully has no grip upon his domain."

Eddard understood but could not fault his friend. He and Ronan had pleaded Hoster a handful of times to rally his lords to the cause but the man didn't address it personally and simply said he had sent the letters, and nothing else.

"Then the other factors to consider, the Black Dragon, a Foreigner of unknown might, wealth and power, and now you.

"A Valyrian Steel Armor. Many had claimed to have possessed the same treasure but none have shown it, all except your friend who inturn, gave one to you.

"Had this been peaceful times Tully would be contending with the Lannisters, The Targaryens and the Tyrells for your hand in marriage. But this things are exactly why he acted with desperation.

"He had threatened to align with the Dragons should I refuse. The Northern army is blocked. They are being held at The Twins. And the Knights of the Vale is still days away.

We would have been surrounded. But I admit. That is not why I agreed."

"You feared for the chances of saving Lyanna had we been forced to contend with the Riverlands alongside the crown." said Eddard.


"I will do it. I will fulfill my brothers oath father."

Rickard was stunned. Eddard's voice carried not eagerness nor desire. But sheer determination.

Seeing how well his son had grown before him made Rickard shed a tear. A moment of weakness he did not try to hide.

Clasping his son's shoulder he looked into his eyes and said.

"I am sorry my son. And thank you."

Rickard soon spoke of his plans for the North before the whole rebellion. His reasons for the alliances. And his wishes for him and Benjen.

Father and son shared a moment in comfortable silence. Just taking a sip or two of wine while simply speaking with one another. And yet neither of the two thought anything bad by it.

~~~ Break ~~~

When the fifth day came, news of Eddard and surprisingly Caitlyn's marriage was announced. And it led to a hearty celebration alongside the welcoming of the Northern Army. Five thousand riders had met with them, and the marching levies is sure to follow within another two weeks.

But despite the celebrative mood, Hoster alongside his eldest, Lysa, were seething within. Each for a different reason.

Lysa was checked by another maester, one not affiliated with House Tully to verify Lysa's purity. She failed. One name came out of her mouth.

Peter Baelish.

Hoster was glad he had been able to silence the truth and was able to set it aside quickly enough. He was not about to make the same mistake as Tywin after all. And so as far as everyone knew, he wanted her available to inherit Riverrun should the unfortunate occur to his son during the war.

His son was but a boy in the eyes of the Lords. A tourney is one thing but none of them would have complained if he had not fought in the war. So many were baffled by his words but people simply shrug it aside and nodded. There is a flying, fire breathing dragon, causing chaos all around after all.

Lysa on the handle is envious. She had watched the spar and was actually quite taken with the young wolf. She thought she would wed him since Brandon's death. The revelation of such a mythic treasure was just the nail in the coffin for her father to make a move. But sadly, her affair was unfortunately revealed.

And so jow she had to stand by the side as her little sister, who already stole Peter's heart had just stolen the man of her dreams aswell.

The day of wedding came. There was a small feast, the bedding and then the celebration. It was short but in an eve of war no one truly complained.

It was the very next day that first blood was drawn.

Lannister forces led by Gregor Clegane had ravaged three outer villages at the borders of the Westerlands and the Riverlands and currently being occupied.

It was then that Eddard and Ronan themselves have decided to meet them.

People scampered in great haste as men are armed, armored and horses were saddled for the coming confrontation. Rickard himself is preparing his son's own horse.

Every knight in the castle were both eager for glory and shooting envious glares at the Mountain clansmen. Their armor are a complete set. No different than the other. Their weapons are of finely made steel as well. Longsword, short sword and spear and shield. They were armed to the teeth. Then all of a sudden these men stood in attention greatly surprising everyone.

And from the castle walked out two imposing heroes before their eyes. First was Eddard, donning his Wolf Knight armor. With greatsword and Greatshield in each arm. He is followed by Caitlyn, now Stark, with helmet at hand.

Behind them though is a revalation.

Ronan Sieghart walked out with his beautiful and also a red haired wife. Now donning his Valyrian Steel Armor. A full plate armor covering him from head to toe all the way to his clawed finger tips. The armor gleamed in tandem with the royal blue cloth underneath with the same silvery chainmail in-between. Bronze edging and bird motifs on both shoulders of unknown origins. Some said it was an eagle but most prefer it to be a falcon.

The two walked side by side, coupled with their furred necks and flowing blue cape made their march all the more captivating.

Reaching his horse and a hug from his father, Eddard then turned to his wife. Caitlyn Stark is a true beauty. And despite knowing one another for only a short amount of time, seeing the worry and concern she sends him warmed his heart greatly.

Giving one another a loving kiss, she then handed him his helmet. Raising his hood and donning his helm, he mounted his horse and was handed his greatsword by his father.

Ronan is given the same send off. Urging those who had wives of their own currently present to do the same.

But this time their attention was dragged away once again by another overhwelming display of wealth. Not only does Ronan have his signature sword attached to his waist, he is handed by another Valyrian steel greatsword as he mounted.

Favonius Greatsword.

Ronan gave a nod to Eddard who then urged the men forward. And so the 8000 men from Riverrun rode off to meet and face the first battle in the The Great Rebellion.

~~~ Break ~~~

Sherrer Town, a small town that borders the Riverlands and the Westerlands. It had always been a peaceful location. Life was simple to the common folk. They aren't as downright poor the rest of the Riverlands nor were they wealthy like the West. People wake up, have a meal, work, rest and the sleep. Rinse and repeat.

But the once peaceful town is now more akin to a land of death. The dirty road is now filled with corpses. Whether they be men or children. Decapitated bodies with their blood darkening the path. There were even people who were impaled into wooden poles and others had the looks of horror still etched into their faces as their guts spilled into the ground. Bodies and even arms and legs are strewn about the ground.

This was the scene in which Ronan and his men rode into.

Inside one of the taverns. The men of the Westerlands cheered and hollered at their achievement. As per their Lords order, wipe out the villages. Sadly they never specified on how.

They laughed and drink as several women and even girls are passed around and groped to the men's content. While in background several women are screaming and crying as they were raped.

All of a sudden they heard the stomping of hooves. One of them looked outside only to scream as blood spraid across his face, hitting his eyes.

The man's scream was ignored and he was laughed at as he rolled across the wooden floor. Someone tried to pull him up to his feet but stopped as a spear pierced through both their skulls.

Everything stilled as they heared the shouts of clashing steel outside. They scrambled to their feets at the exact same time as a blood drenched knight with a very imposing armor barged into the establishment.

Ronan had seen a lot of horrors across the new world him and his beloved had found themselves in. But there was always one thing he refused to acknowledge no matter the perspective.

The moment someone involved the lives of the innocent in what ever purpose, quest, desire or need they may have. Was when the gloves come off.

And that was the reason he surged into action when he saw a girl barely in her late teens, legs pried open, clothes torn, and bruised in both the body and face.

His first step is wide swing cutting through three men at once. His heavy steps cracked the wooden boards as he rushed a man with a punch so hard his brains scattered against several men. Another swing of his sword cleaved a man in half from his head to his groin. Before the body could even reach the floor two more followed as he cleaved one diagonally and another by the waist.

The man fell to the ground screaming in panic, not understanding how his guts had spilled to the floor and his legs, a feet away from him.

Ronan continued, ducking under a sword swing, he then retaliated with a punch to the chest so hard that it caved. Ronan grabbed said man by the head and then swung him like a bat against another tossing them through one of the walls.

A knight holding a more decorated sword came at him with a swing, but he simply grabbed one of the nearby men and used him as a meat shield. As the officer's sword was stuck against the chest of the human shield. He was assaulted by a great amount of pain as his knee bent in the wrong direction. The saw an armored boot coming his way and instinctively raised his arms. He then screamed as his arms broke with bits of bones and torn muscles sticking out of the gaping wound. But his screams were cut off as Ronan grabbed him by his mouth. He teared and shook in pain as the man lifted him off the ground.

His eyes darted around for help, but for every turn of his eyes fear engulfed him. The hall has turned into a meat grinder with all sorts of body parts across the room. Seeing this happen to his comrades is different compared to seeing his victims. Because this time, they were the latter.

He was dragged outside as several similarly well armed men and women walked in with swords drawn.

"Tend to the villagers!"

Was all he heared until his blink his eyes from the dizziness and shadows as the light of the sun struck him in the face.

Outside he was met with another incredibly armored man and several hundred riders. The clashing of steel echoed across the village but it was dwindling greatly.

"Do you believe he is worth alive?"

"I shall personally see to the answer. Can I leave this to you?"

"Go. I have this handled."

He was then dragged into one of the nearest barns. He knew there was only one way to escape their clutches, he needs to prove his worth. But he just doesn't know where to start.

~~~ Break ~~~

It took a while until mid afternoon before everything settled down. The villagers were tended to and the bodies of enemies and Riverlanders were sperated and burried.

Though some were greatful at their arrival, the common folk couldn't help but feel sadness and anger. Sadness for their losses. And anger for their late arrival but all that were dwarfed by the fear and anger towards the Westerlanders.

Standing on the side of the road,Eddard watched as the survivors packed what they had left into wagons. He had decided that the borders are far too dangerous for them to stay, and so they will be escorted to the closest town to Riverrun.

Eddard turned and saw Ronan walking towards them dragging the broken man through the dirt. Everyone turned to him and then he tossed the broken man into the foot of one of the villagers. He looked at them and said.

"He's all yours."

Though stunned, the first to make a move was a little boy as he began beating the officer with a stick while screaming. The villagers expressions contorted into rage and then began joining him.

"What did you find out?"

It didn't take much for Ronan to get the knowledge that he wanted from the man. He may not have access to magic that allows him to bend someone to his will, but a device that can detect lies is not outside of his abilities. It was only a matter of asking the right questions.

"...this was intentional Ned."

"...could they not have misinterpreted?"

"...I think their orders were left vague as they are for a reason."



"What now? They were too few for a vanguard forces. I counted two thousand here."

"Clegane just rode to the Stony Sept a couple of hours when we arrived. With our horses we can reach his tail in two hours but I believe we should focus more on cutting them off."

"You certain we can reach them?"

"Aye we can. Clegane may have a horse but his men are on foot."

"If the reports we received were right then there should still be ten thousand men out there."

"And if we got ahead of them, we can set up a place for ambush within the next town."

"Aye...the Stony Sept, a strategic location."


"I had just received a raven. Robert had finally rallied the forces of the Stormlands after bringing to knee Lords Grandison, Cafferen and Fell at Summerhall. He will now be marching for Ashford."

"Then all the more reason why we must make for the Stony Sept. We can reinforce Robert's forces from there."

"Aye, you there!" shouted Eddard to messenger. "Give me quill and parchment, I have message for you to deliver."

"Don't bother. I have another method."

Eddard didn't question it but was still looking at Ronan curiously. Ronan then whispered to him. "I have just informed my wife in the castle, she will be delivering the news to your father and Hoster now." Eddard nodded in acceptance.

Looking ahead they saw that the commander of the Lannister forces is now just a pile of broke flesh. And the people crowding him have been silent looking at the broken corpse.

Ronan walked towards them. "Tell me, did you mean them harm when they first came here?"

Most shook their heads.

"Did you not simply wish to live in peace here?"


"Then take heart and heed the coming morrow. And when the sun rises always remember, to remain as you were before and still are, as good men. For all good men defend their love ones, fight for their love ones and even avenge their loved ones... For hatred walks hand in hand with love, and you cannot have one without the other."

Seeing their shoulder rise and their posture straighten, albeit a little bit, was a good sign to Ronan.

"Go, you still have your lives to live. And every second is a precious tale for the after life." he added and then walked away.

Riding beside Eddard the two fell into comfortable silence.

"You did them good." said Eddard.

"I made them realize what they already knew. It's up to them what befalls them now."

"...hahaha... Whatever helps you sleep at night my friend."



An hour later everyone was set and ready. Five hundred men to escort the villagers and their seven hundred wounded back and the rest will rush to the Stony Sept.

~~~ Stony Sept ~~~

A first bastion of the Faith of the Seven who are One within the Riverlands. It is also a focal point in between the Crownlands, the Riverlands, and the Westerlands. Making it an essential location in terms of invading or defending in between the three kingdoms.

When Gregor Clegane was told to take hold of the place, he had expected it to be filled with women and loot. After all that was what they were promised. But standing before the edge of the town. He saw nothing, or to be more precise, he saw no one.

Clegane decided to dismount and look around instead. After five minutes, his patience had worn out. He could not find anyone, nor anything valuable. but the foot prints and drag marks on the dirt told him that the town was infact occupied.

Unbeknownst to Clegane is that his men are already dying quietly in the shadows.

Half way into the town, a Lannister soldier was suddenly yanked into a nearby alley. As two men held him by the mouth, neck and arms. He struggled in surprise but the one holding him by the neck suddenly yanked his head upwards until he suddenly felt both hot and cold around his neck. The third man in the shadows had slit his throat.

The corpse was quietly pulled further into the alley and then left there.

Ned quietly watch from the roof as two Lannister Knight walked into the alley. Seeing that the man is far away enough from the rest. He dropped down on one man with his sword burying through his skull and then threw a knife to the other man's throat.

Deep inside Eddard couldn't help but lament the fact that his mentor would have greatly disagreed with their actions. It would have been the height of dishonor. But to Eddard, this was a must, they were outnumbered and if he wants to spare more lives from death on their side, then he must at least even the odds. That and Ronan is right this men couldn't be ablllowed to live lest they would cause more death and suffering in the future if they did.

Across the town, more and more fell for the same ambush.

That was when he saw the rear of the army had enter the town. Deciding that it was time. He unfurled a horn etched in runes and lined with gold, silver and a handful of jewels from his waist and blew.

The loud sound of the horn was powerful but not only could they hear it, they could feel it. And for the men at Eddard's side, they felt a new found surge of courage within them. With a loud war cry, the forces of Riverrun, The North and Clansmen, crashed against the Lannister soldiers from all sides of the town, completely surrounding them. Eddard saw that Ronan had taken his post at the rear cutting down two men already. And so he decided to make his way to his target.

Eddard weaved against two sword slashes and then retaliated with a wide circular swing. Cutting down the two people. He saw a man charge at him with a Warhammer only to bounce back and Eddard answered by smashing his greatshield forward. Before the man could get up he had been speared through by a Riverlander. Eddard continued his brisk marche forward, cutting down as many that got in his way. The whizzing of arrows hit his back. He looked back to see five surprised archers, deciding to end them Eddard rushed them with great speed and cut all three in one swing before they could run. Eddard then saw a glim of metal at the corner of his vision and instinctively raised his shield to guard. He was surprised to have been pushed backward, albeit slightly.

Lowering his shield he crashed his sword against his new opponent. Their swords locked, as did their eyes.

"...You will die here Clegane." said Eddard. .

The mountain merely sneered and tried to push Eddard only to be surprised that the Fancily clad man before him was able to match him in strength despite his size.

Clegane then extracted his sword and finally saw the large chip on the blade. With a loud yell he attack with a horizontal swing. Eddard had to jump back due to the reach of Clegane's weapons. It was more of a large slab of metal with sharp edges and pointy end.

Eddard's senses remained sharp and his body in peak condition. He watched as the blade passe by him, missing by a several inches. And then he countered with a strong stab. Clegane feeling an imminent danger used all his strength and was able to pull his sword back and guarded with the flat side of the weapon. He was pushed back by several steps. And his sword had not escaped the legendary blade as it now sported a large hole.

Retracting his sword, Eddard spun and struck a man behind with his sword raised and then blocked another from the side with his shield. Clegane rushed forward while he was distracted. With a ragefilled swing, Eddard was struck from behind lifting him into the air, landing him twenty feet away. Eddard shook his head from the fall and then instinctively raised his shield. As Clegane's sword crashed down on Eddard's shield he continued to hammer down on the shield with absolute brutality his anger at the unbreakable shield rose and rose with every swing. Eddard though is currently in one knee as his arms shook from the attack. Though injured, in pain and most definitely with a broken bone in his shoulder his undeminished stamina allowed him the patience to think and retaliate. With a hammering heart. He unbuckled the shield from his arm and quickly grabbed his sword with his good arm. Clegane's attack all of a sudden planted the shield in to the ground but leaned back as he felt death's loom once again.

Eddard's blade scraped across his face, scarring his whole face diagonally. Snarling, Clegane looked and saw Eddard standing in a low stance, feet spread at the ready with his greatsword carried over his shoulder while his broken arm hang limply off him.

Clegane felt unknown danger from the young wolf. A danger that came from skilled warriors with the strength of will to move forward. His grey eyes, piercing through the darkness of his cowl and helmet. Giving off an intimidating presence with the only one acceptable end, death.

Clegane once again tried to banish the creeping fear with a war cry. But the wolf stood stoicly.

The wolf then dodged an attack from behind. And then with a greatsword at hand stabbed right through the person armor and all. With a grunt Eddard raise his sword, with the man still impaled, and swung the corpse right at Clegane.

Clegane rolled to the side. Seeing a fast and powerful lunge directed in his face he scrambled away.

Eddard, seeing the unbalanced Clegane, pushed forward. The wolf's movement has changed drastically. No longer was he a mere knight that swung his sword with poise, speed and power. No, this time he is more akin to Hero. His movements were excessive but not overtly so. His new form utilized the speed and flow of one's movements to chain one attack after another, allowing said person to maintain a great amount of strength in each strike. This was impractical in combat. But Eddard is currently in possession of armor allowing him to elevate great amounts of fatigue from his body due to it's absurd lightness, the confidence due to it's near indestructibility, and blessings that allowed him access to near limitless stamina.

This made his relentless barage of strike against the giant of a man even more awe-inspiring.

The Northerners started chanting his name.

"Stark! Stark! Stark! Stark! Stark!" More and more followed as more Westerlanders died by every passing second.

As for Clegane, he could tell that despite the ferocity that he is receiving, each of the Wolf's strike was meant to kill. With a healthy amount of fear, Clegane was able to hold on for dear life.

Though Eddard's strikes were stronger due to Clegane's lack of footing, the man was still an armored behemoth. His sword was wide and was able to take much punishment. Until with a loud shattering sound, it broke due to his relentless strikes of great strength, amplified further by his new found fighting style. The Northerners cheered loudly with their Lord's impending victory.

Clegane raised is arms in desperation. Though his armor was thick, it was already too heavily damaged and it began to be torn apart in mere seconds. Moments later Clegane was kneeling with heavy breath and bleeding from his side. Now wearing disbelief in his face.

All around them, the men of Riverlands and Mountain Clans looked in awe while the Northemen looked on with pride at Eddard's incredible display, his broken arm dripping with blood in contrast to his immaculate armor and cloths had only added to his Heroic figure.

The battle had ended with the Lannister men either dead or dying. Clegane is now surrounded. He knew he was beaten but none had interrupted their fight. They were all curious to see if 'Lannister's personal butcher' would be struck down by the quiet wolf.

Even Ronan himself stood at the side. He wanted Clegane dead. Sadly he couldn't do it at the current setting. This would be like claiming glory of another for yourself, an act that is greatly spat upon. He has no intention of being labeled like Mace Tyrell and his title as 'The Oaf Lord of Highgarden.'

All of a sudden Clegane rushed Eddard, but as Clegane raised what little is left of his sword, Eddard had instantly cleaved the same sword arm. The giant roared, less in pain and more in fear and confusion as his arm fell still gripping its handle while the other gripped the stump. Clegane was then knocked to the ground as iron soles found purchase upon his chest and the gleam of Valyrian Steel at his neck.

For the first time, he was actually forced to acknowledge that he was afraid.


"I yield..." Clegane said with gritted teeth.

"SEAL HIS WOUNDS! I have need of him alive."

A handful of men rushed to Clegane both to restrain him and to patch his wounds. Eddard saw his friend walking away. But before he could follow, he was dragged by a healer elsewhere to tend to his wounds.

It wasn't long before he was released under oath not to strain his arm in the coming month, an oath he most likely would break. After minutes of looking for his friend he found him directing the men in fortifying the town. Standing beside Ronan, Eddard ask.

"You disapprove?"


"Come now Ronan, I can see the dissatisfaction from you."

"Dissatisfied, yes. Yes I am. But I do not disapprove. I like to believe my ego is not big enough for me to throw a tantrum over something like this."

"He will be judged for his crimes Ronan. He will meet his end soon enough."

"Yes, perhaps the people can find closure through this. A public execution."


"That and I look forward for when he faces me in Trial by Combat."

" haha. Aye. There is that. Do not worry my friend, he is as you say. A man who only brings nothing but death and destruction. The gods will take joy with his death happening before their eyes."

"Yes... yes they would." said Ronan. But Eddard caught another feeling from his words, he just didn't know what. Aside from the fact that it was slightly, mischievous.

"It was you who told me to 'never play with your food' was it not. I certainly hope you would take that into heart."

"Hahaha, I am not Oberyn Ned. Of course we could have asked... if a certain someone had told the man it only takes three drops of the users blood to recharge the jewel."

Eddard groan slightly at the man. He knew he never let him forget.

"My mind was too pre-occupied by other matters. It was not my fault I forgot."

Ronan laughed at his childish answer. Eddard himself smiled slightly at himself. He really was very stupid to have forgotten something so important. Not like he would ever tell anyone else about it.

The days passed in preparation for the coming attacks. When it will arrived is uncertain but it is sure to come. That much was obvious to everyone. Most of the occupants of the tows were evacuated but there were still many who stayed. Aside from the inn the most busy establishment is the whore house. And plenty of women stayed specially since there were plenty of knights that was sure to require their services.

Ronan was looking over the fortifications, traps and defensive plans with Eddard and Beòrn when the door was rudely opened. The looked to the panting messenger waiting for him to catch his breath.

"My Lords, Lannister forces are approaching!"

"Good. We can hold them here."

"Aye we can, the forces of Riverrun along with a thousand more Northern riders will be here by the time their army arrives."

"Umu. Well then, let us give them a warm welcome. Shall we."