
Travelers matchmaking

As a soul wake up they remember died to truck-kun and make some wish. Follow this soul as they travel to different universe and be a matchmaker to girl x girl (A/N:the mc is genderless so he/she will change gander between boy and girl if I decide to have a romantic interest it will be a girl)

Limhkekkoun · Fantasie
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3 Chs


"And if I were ever in a relationship and maybe never because I never fall in love then I don't have to care about anyone at all besides even if my parents is not good with it I don't care as long as I have the money but the one may not want to go me anymore but that just a if"I said as he nodded


"Hmm this is interesting change ur gender to avoid troublesome problems but it will give u lot of attention because it may not all be good hmm and she is unpredictable and smart I like her already maybe I should ask"I thought

"Hey I have a petty good deal for u if u want to hear it"I said

"What is it?I mean it all good but I'm interested in what the benefits for me"she said

"How about u becoming my child and it give u some of my power and can have my help to becoming a god or true immortality and I will give u the knowledge to create a system with all the things u want in it and beside u have me as ur father so u can tell all your friends how powerful your father is"I said proudly

"Make it all the knowledge I want to know then it a deal"she said

"I try?I'm not the god of knowledge but I still have the power but it still too much for u right now so with the system u create then they help u with it"I said proudly

"Hmm but if ur my father then I need to know ur name and the god of"she said

"Ok my name is enki but u can call me father and I'm the god creation"I said proudly

"The god of creation?"she said confused

"Since u have the skill creation if u have blood in u then u can create thing that u have seen them before and use less energy but create is still use lot of energy so I suggest u to have a super big energy and can adept quickly"I said super proud of my power "now it time see u again but pls do remember I will watch over u and contact u when I free and first u need to create ur system to help guide you!bye bye"I said

"Bye"she said as she vanishing

"Hmm now I'm alone but let see how she doing hopefully she can be super powerful before anyone find out that my child now let get back to work"i thought


Someone was birthing a child she was a beautiful woman with all the doctors and maid help her

The doctor look surprise

"What is it is something wrong"the woman ask

"The child is genderless miss"the doctor said as he look at the child

"What?"the woman frown

"The child doesn't have a gender but it seem like they when they reach the age then they can decide on which gender they took but it really rare I never seen one before"the doctor said shock the whole room

"Hmm if ur talented then I will see then but for now"the woman thought "all of u here are not to say the the gender of this child understand?!as this child is a boy"the woman said"and this child shall be name alexia Clifford"

"Yes miss"everyone say


The five mouth after the mc birth they being to walk which shock everyone as they thought he is a genius which is prove right after 2 months he being to talk then the parents being to hired teacher to teach him as people being to think he will turn into this generation genius after 1 year he is now 1year old when he got his own personal maid as nobody know his real gender as the only his parents and the doctor and his caretaker know everyone else that know is either kill but nobody know that in that one year time he now know that he is in a magical world as he is a noble child of the third most influential even thought his parents are only a marquee to the empire as he is gathered enough mana to create his own space but is still two little but it can be fit him and still have little space left and he gathered more mana to create his space much bigger and is make his system after 5 years he got it.he heard a female voice

[ CONTINUED•••TO••••HOST••••••]



"Maybe something to do with traveling but maybe creation system?…no"i thought"travel and matchmaker systems"I said



A blue screen show in front of me as I click accept.


"No….. status"I said

[ DING*alexia Clifford

Race:high human

Title: Creater of system,admin of system,young genus,god of creation child

Soul tier:4












TP:0(travel points)


Sliver:565 (100sliver=1 brown coin)

Blessings:god of creation ]

"Hmm should name the system why not let name her lily"I said

[ding*host complete a hidden mission would host like to open it?]

"Yes and lily is there a beginner pack?"


+10HP Potions

+10MP Potions

+100 TP

And yes there are would host like to open it?]

"Open it lily"



+1 beginner sword

+1 armor]

"Lily why is my luck ??? And my soul tier4?"I said curious

[it because host got chosen as the god of creation child which in turn host to also have enki power of creation and host immortality because of that host soul tier is 3 but host create the system which in turn upgrade host soul to 4 and because of this that host luck high but it seem as even as this life host still get birth in a high ranked family but a loveless one which the system tell]

"Oh that why but first I need to learn and create more skill for me to use and my body even though it doesn't need I still want to and my body is a child so I still can get killed first thing I will create skill but if I don't have mana then I just need to train my body so I need to tell my parents to get me swordman teacher and magic because I need experience besides they will get both of them for me either way since I'm almost 6"I thought

In this world 6 is where u start learning but my parents hire teachers to teach me at the age of 1 so I'm petty smart for my age

(A/N:this is my first time writing so if there a mistake pls feel free to tell me.)