
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

BryanGrowl · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 34 - The world discovered terror and hope

*** Shinji's POV ***

After i left flying i returned to the facility, just to see everyone talking about a giant man of light. No one suspected a thing, thank goodness.

[Told ya!]

_ Yes i even forget about you, mister Ultraman. - I said still not believing that such a miraculous event happened.

[It's fine, you can call me Traveler. That's enough.]

_ Ok.

[After all we are bounded for the time being.]

_ Oh, i almost forgot about this part. Traveler, can you explain to me, what are you? If i'm not being too annoying.

[Haha! Stop being so respectful, we are one now, we don't need such formalities.

I'm a light being, that comes from the land of light and our objective is to bring peace to the universe. All in accord to the Ultra-law of course.

So, i came to this planet, after receiving a report that, Kaijus begun to surge from below and destroy the surface of the planet.

And not just that, right now we are at war with the Absolutians, and they want the power of the mighty Kaijus of this planet, named Godzilla and King Ghidorah.

My duty is to prevent Absolute Tartarus, that is their lider, to succeed.]

_ ...

I couldn't speak a word, this is too much for me. A war between powerful alien gigantic beings, if someone have told me this one day ago, i would've laughed and called it crazy. But now, i have one of those mighty alien beings inside of me.

_ Eh, Traveler, about this war i won't need to participate right?

[Of course you will! What part of we are one you didn't understand?]

_ No, but what about my family, my son, my wife? I want to be by their side, not to go to an intergalactic war!

[Are you dumb? What part of they will come you didn't understand? If you do nothing, not only your family will die but your world will too.]

_ But...

[Do you remember what i asked you before? If you wanted to fight or just watch?](In the previous chapter)

_ Yes, i accepted but... *Sigh* Ok, alright, i already compromised so let's do this! - I said cheering up.

So i gave it a day and went home to sleep.

*** Back to MC POV ***

This darn old man. I thought he would refuse, even after all this Oscar level acting! Why did i decided to make this crossover? Now i have to take care of this old man. *Sigh*

Ok, let me think. I already gave this old man a pseudo system with an Ultraman A.I. So, now i need to be the classic villain that will appear, and put him in a hard situation.

And to make this even more interesting. Hehehehe.

I teleported to Nevada and waked up the female MUTO, it broke the wall to the nuclear waste and started to feed on it.

So i teleported back to Japan and knocked on Shinji's door. Of course as myself.

_ Who's there? - Asked Shinji.

He returned home right after the battle with the male MUTO, and stayed with his family waiting for news about what would be Monarch's next step.

He then opened the door and i could see a prepared look on his face.

_ Helo Dr. Shinji, i'm Jaden Newman! I'm a scientist from the U.S. government, i came here to inform you that we will interview Ford, to see what he knows about his passed father's research.

_ Oh, yeah i even forgot about him. - Shinji answered with an awkward smile.

_ Everything is fine. So we request your presences in the interview on Saratoga, it's a urgent matter. - I said with a serious look in my eyes.

_ Alright, i'll prepare everything and go with Hitomi. - He answered.

_ Ok, see you there! - I said leaving.

_ Wait! - He said.

_ Hmm?! - I stopped and turned back to shinji's request.

_ I work for Monarch for more than a decade, but i never saw you before. What's your department? - He asked with suspicious in his eyes.

I looked him back in the eyes and said with a mysterious smile.

_ Soon enough everything will be answered Dr. - I answered with my eyes showing a golden light.

_ Hmm?! - He became perplexed.

Then i turned back and left on a military van in the direction of the power plant.

*** Shinji's POV ***

[It's him!]

_ Who? - I asked.

[Absolute Tartarus! He's already here!]

_ Oh no, so what do we do now? - I asked shocked.

[First stay calm! He didn't do anything yet, so we just need to observe what he will do and prevent him from capturing Godzilla and Ghidorah!]

_ Sigh, ok. - I said breathing slowly to regain my calmness.

[Good, just act like everything is fine by now then at the right time we can confront him.]

_ Alright.

I immediately called Hitomi and left our son in a friend's house. Then we went to the power plant.

Arriving on Saratoga we met Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Graham then went straight to the meeting room. There Ford was waiting for us and not just that Jaden (a.k.a. Absolute Tartarus) was already there sitting at the table.

As soon as our eyes met i felt his malice, but i acted as nothing had happened and seated at the opposite side of the table. Then Serizawa begun his introduction.

_ Helo Ford my name is Ishiro Serizawa, and this is my crew. We want to know if you know anything about your father's research, because this information can help us locate and intercept the male MUTO.

_ MUTO? You mean that abomination that killed my father and destroyed this facility? - He asked still shocked about the existence of such abomination and the death of his father.

_ Sargent Ford, what you're about to see now is highly classified information that cannot be disclosed to public, do you understand? - Serizawa said with a serious face.

_ Yes. - He said.

Then Serizawa and Graham revealed to be part of a secret scientific organization called Monarch. Serizawa reveals that they knew of the creatures beforehand, and explains to Ford what the beast that attacked the plant, now referred to as a MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism), is, detailing its ancient origins and that it feeds on radiation and radioactive materials, moving underground and putting itself in a cryptobiotic state when Earth's radiation subsided. Serizawa also explains Godzilla's origins, the numerous failed attempts to kill him with nuclear weaponry, and the subsequent cover-up stories. Ford informs Serizawa of what his father knows, explaining that Joe mentioned tracking a form of echolocation within Janjira, leading the team to think that the MUTO was communicating with something else.

Ford is then taken to Honolulu, Hawaii to eventually return to San Francisco and reunite with his family. In a dense forest in Honolulu, a U.S. Navy Special Forces team finds the wrecked remains of a Russian nuclear submarine that, earlier, reported an attack. While there, the winged MUTO arrives on the island, ripping apart the submarine and feeding on its reactor. After being provoked by the military, it sends out an electromagnetic pulse that shuts down all electronics within miles.

On a different side of the city, Godzilla's arrival creates a tsunami that floods most of Waikiki. The MUTO's actions start a chain reaction that leads to mass destruction at Honolulu International Airport, where Godzilla arrives and confronts the creature.

Looking at the immense destruction i can't hold on anymore.

_ Let's go!


Seeing me leave Hitomi followed me and asked concerned:

_ What's wrong dear?

_ Oh, nothing, hahaha i just need some fresh air after all everything is going too fast and too bad. - I answered with an awkward laugh.

_ Ok, if you need anything just ask dear i'll be here in the research lab. - She said with a cheering smile.

_ Ok, thanks honey. - I said kissing her tenderly and leaving.

I quickly left the facility and go outside far from the cameras sight, then i take the artifact that resembles a dagger with a blue crystal on the handle, point it to the sky and shout:

_ Traveler!

This time my body transforms into a light sphere and lightning fast flew up to the sky. There i finished my transformation into Ultraman Traveler and flew out of the atmosphere returning above Hawaii like a meteor i landed drop kicking Godzilla's head.

_ Tchuh! - I shouted.

With the unexpected face kick Godzilla walked a few steps back away from the airport and the train station.

Watching my arrival the male MUTO remembered the punch that i landed on his head and take the opportunity to scape Godzilla.

I let him go and turn back to Godzilla who doesn't look very happy.

_ Rooooaaaaa... aaaaaggrrgrgrgrr!

After a long roar i finally noticed the difference in our sizes. Shit! Godzilla is more then 100 meters tall and i nearly reach the 70 meters of height. I start to imagine that i'm sweating bullets and dryly gulped.

Wanting to pursue the male MUTO Godzilla wanted to finish me quickly so he gave me a monstrous slap. I tried to guard against it but the sheer force applied sent my body flying hundreds of meters away destroying everything in my path. The blow was so strong that almost knocked me out.

Watching my miserable state Godzilla ignored me and went to the ocean to pursue the male MUTO.

The crystal on my chest started to bip while flashing red.

[Shinji use this opportunity to repair all the destruction that the monsters caused.]

_ I can actually do that?!

[Yes. I'm one of the few Ultraman that can perform this ability, as well as heal.]

_ Amazing! Thanks Traveler!


_ Travelium restoration wave!

So a green light shone brightly and a wave o energy begun to fix everything like the time itself was being rewinded. Even the dead people turned back to life.

Seeing that everything was done i looked up jumped and flew away.

_ Tchuh!


While this was happening Dr. Serizawa said shocked:

_ He actually repaired the destruction caused by the creatures?! Amazing!

The light of hope shone in his heart that night, and not just him but everyone that saw what happened.

Quickly like wild fire the news about titanic monsters a giant golden and silver savior reached everyone's ears around the world. The news shocked everyone that just found out that their world had giant monsters on it.

Some people were terrified of the monsters and the destruction that they could cause, while others that saw the giant man repairing the destruction and saving the people, hoped that this savior would protect them. Meanwhile one man behind Dr. Serizawa in the room looked at the images of this giant man with his eyes shining gold, and smiling.

But all the news and everyone that knew about it refered to this savior with one specific name Ultraman.


(A/N: Sorry guys for taking so long to deliver new chapter it's because I've been really busy these days. Thanks everyone who's still supporting me and reading this silly fanfic that is my first one.

I would like to tank Miyamura_Tatsuya and The_Arch_Fiend for participating in the pool with the weak powers suggestions.

Soon i'll release my new original novel.

Thanks again for your support and i'll see you next chapter. 😆)

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