
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

BryanGrowl · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 33 - Monsterverse, and crossover

After a few minutes in the portal i finally arrived at the Monsterverse.

*** Third POV ***

Hikari Shinji, is a young man, that recently begun to work for a secret organization called Monarch.

He and his childhood friend Sakuragi Hitomi, were brilliant students of Tokyo university. Both were recognized as prodigies, and as soon as they graduated, men wearing black contacted them, saying that they worked for a specialized research institute of the government.

One of the men brought a classified file which recorded a series of apparitions of colossal creatures that defies the laws of physics.

At first they were in a state of confusion and disbelief. Then the man showed a video file, and when they watched it, they were left without breath.

So after this incident they decided to both work for Monarch.

The leader of Japan's research group was a man called Ishiro Serizawa. At the time they were hired Serizawa saw potential in them and added both to his personal researching team.

After 1 year studying these colossal creatures named Kaiju in Japan, and Titan in USA and England, they received an alert of Kaiju activity in a mining site in the Philippines.

*** Shinji's POV ***

Along with his assistant Dr. Vivienne Graham, Dr. Serizawa called us immediately to field research. Then our team departed.

Arriving at the site, we found a colossal fossilized skeleton and two spores in a large underground cave, one of which has already hatched. Upon noticing the spore breach, the team then comes across a nearby tunnel extending up to the surface; at the tunnel's exit, they find a massive trail leading out to the ocean. The other spore, still unhatched, is taken to Mount Yucca in Nevada, United States, where it is stored in a nuclear waste repository.

Days later, near Tokyo, Japan, a nuclear power plant located in the city of Janjira starts to experience seismic activity. A nuclear physicist and plant supervisor Joe Brody and his wife, Sandra Brody, make their way to the power plant. Sandra assembles a team to perform a damage check, under Joe's supervision.

The power plant is soon breached by an explosion and radiation leak, killing Sandra and her team, leaving a heartbroken Joe and their son Ford alone, and bringing the entire area down to ruins.

The event is attributed to a large earthquake, and the Janjira area is evacuated and subsequently quarantined.

Monarch under government authorization, established a research field area, around the nuclear plant core. And for the next fifteen years we would research the cocoon, now named M.U.T.O.

During these years me and my Hitomi married and she gave birth to our son called Hikari Ichiro. Tonight is our son's birthday and we'll prepare a surprise party, so i let Hitomi go first and prepare everything.

_ Hitomi, don't forget to call Serizawa and Vivienne, they asked us to call them next time, for our son's birthday party!

_ Oh, i almost forgot, thank you dear! - She said giving me a tender kiss.

_ See you soon. - I said returning the kiss.

_ Ok, ok! Why don't you stop flexing your marriage in front of us? - Said a coworker with bronze skin and blonde dyed hair.

_ Hum!? Did some shit ass fly said something i couldn't hear it! - I said looking at this piece of shit NTR stereotype.

_ Woah, calm down dude! I didn't do anything to you, why do you hate me so much!? - The man said.

_ I don't know, instinct maybe. - I said with a red light glow in my eyes.

_ What!?

_ If some day, i have even the slight suspect, that you've gone for my wife, haha! No one will find your corpse. - I said with cold eyes.

_ Jesus man, calm down! - He said shivering, then turned around and left.

_ Honey, calm down! Don't be so jealous of me. Don't you trust me? - Hitomi said with annoyed narrowed eyes.

_ I trust you. What i don't trust is the future. So i need to be prepared for it. - I said honestly, and griping her but tight.

_ Hump! Why are you trying to arouse me in front of our colleagues? - She said blushing and turning her face away.

_ Why? So that they know, that i am your man and you are my woman, and that i'll not let anyone take you away from me. - I said with determination in my eyes.

[My man!] - ???

_ Hmm?

What was that? I swear that i heard a voice inside of my head.

_ Hump! You know that i love when you say those things. What, are you trying to do impregnate me agai- hmm, what happened dear? - She snorted and saw the sudden change in my eyes.

_ Haha, it's nothing honey!

Then i turned back and said:

_ I'll accompany my woman to the car, call me if something happens! - I warned the team and left.

_ *Sigh* Ah! There they go again, i'm so jealous! - A woman, member of the team, said.

_ Oi! Let's go back to work! - Another member of the team said.


_ Shinji, not again please, i'll be late for our son's birthday. - Hitomi said after the third round in half an hour of sex inside our car.

_ *Sigh* Bah! Fine, fine! - I said letting her go and fixing my apparency and clothes.

_ Thank you, i love you so much. - She said kissing me again.

_ I love you too, my love. - I said leaving the car.

I stood there for a while watching her go, then i returned to the lab.

_ This time you were quite fast old man, aren't you becoming rusty? - The NTR prick said.

_ Shut the fuck up! She would've been late to prepare our son's birthday party! - I said annoyed.

_ Hahaha! - The jealous woman laughed and petted my shoulder.

_ Fuck off! - I shouted even more annoyed.

Suddenly, an alert signal showed on the screen.

_ Hmm? Sound the alarm, civilians breached the quarantined zone!


_ Hahaha! See Ford i told you. No radiation, they're lying to us! - Joe said with obsession in his eyes.

_ ... - Ford kept silent, because he was shocked that what his father blabbered all these years, was actually true.

Suddenly a team of military arrived, and arrested both, then brought them inside the base.

From the truck's window Ford and Joe could see a big structure with various lights focusing at some kind of pointing rock on the middle.


Inside a room Joe was separated from Ford, for questioning.

_ I know what happened here, i know that some... thing, caused the explosion, here in the power plant! That thing killed my wife! - Joe said like a mad man.

Then suddenly a tremor happened, and the lights blinked.

_ See, it's happening again! Where is my son? I'll answer no more questions, if you don't bring my son to me! - He demanded looking at the mirror window.

Looking him from the other side of the mirror was Dr. Serizawa and our team.

_ What do you think doctor? - Dr. Vivienne asked.

_ He may know some information that we don't have, bring him and his son to the meeting room later.


Suddenly a stronger tremor happened, and one of the observation team members appeared and called for Serizawa's assistance. Then we all followed him to the observation room and saw that the cocoon was emitting an EMP.

_ Serizawa, the cocoon, maybe it's about to hatch! - I said.

_ Yes. Order all the man to retreat from the vicinity! - Serizawa ordered.

But before the order could be sent, an even stronger EMP happened and almost fried all the circuits, and computers.

Then the structure of the spore begun to break and a long member like tendril came from the inside of the spore. Then a colossal creature emerged from the spore. It was the M.U.T.O.

The M.U.T.O. breached through the containment and begun to destroy the installation, killing lots of people.

[Are you going to stay there and watch them die, or do you want to save them?]

_ Hum!? Who said that? - I asked freaking out.


_ Where are you?

[Look up.] - The voice said.

When i looked up, i saw a point of light in the sky. Then this light shone even brighter and came in my direction.

_ Ah! - I screamed scared.

[Don't be afraid, and relax.]

Then, the light reached me and i closed my eyes for the impact. But the impact never happened, i just felt a comfortable and warm sensation inside my body. When i opened my eyes i saw a figure using a kind of rubber tight suit, with different color patterns and he had a kind of breast plate golden armor, with a lot of patterns. He had a blue crystal on his chest and forehead, with bulbing yellow white eyes on his face.

_ Wh-who are you?

[I am Traveler, Ultraman Traveler!]

_ What do you want from me?

[I saw value inside of you, and a great desire to protect those that you love. So, i'll give you power to protect them. From now on, we will work together, to protect this world!]

As soon as he said those words, the bright space that we were in, shaked violently.

_ What was that?

[That was the M.U.T.O. it just hatched, so it's still an infant, but with his current power, it can easily destroy all this facility. So what will you do Shinji?]

_ I...

Looking at the destruction, and the despair on everyone's faces, i thought about my wife, son, my family and friends. Will i be waiting for Godzilla to show up and destroy even more things, just to kill this monster? How much more people will die because of them?

_ I accept! - I said with determination.

[Good! I knew that you wouldn't let me down.] - Ultraman Traveler said pointing his hand to me.

Then golden light particles reached my hand, and an artifact that resembles a dagger with a blue crystal above the handle appeared.

[With this, you can summon my power by shouting my name and pressing the button on the handle at the same time.]

Then, i did exactly like he said, i pressed the button and shouted:

_ Traveler!

After this, bright light shone from my body, and suddenly i saw everything becoming small. When i looked at myself i had transformed into a giant of light. Then the light diminished, revealing a giant man with the same apparence of the Ultraman Traveler.

I begun to look at my body and was shocked, because of what just happened. But unfortunately not for long, because the M.U.T.O. noticed me and attacked.

It tried to hit me with 1 of it's front claws, but i defended, easily. Holy shit! How can I be so strong? And not just that i felt an urge to shout.

_ Tchuh!

Then i punched the M.U.T.O.'s face so hard, that it fell back to the hole that it was before.

_ Tchuh!

Comprehending that it wasn't match for me, the Kaiju opened it's wings and flew away. Watching this i looked at Dr. Serizawa, that was with gaping mouth, nodded to him, then i turned back. I looked up to the sky and flew away.

_ Tchuh!

Everyone was left with gaping mouths, then one of the workers broke the shock, shouting:

_ What the fuck, was that!?

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