
¿Questions? Part two

A few minutes later, Xiao Ning'er had already calmed down

"Well, let's continue with the next question is your turn Shen Xiu"

"Teacher, before continuing with my question, I could answer my question," she said, raising one of her arms.

'Ohh apparently she is very polite and is very different from how the novel describes her, although that doesn't matter.'

"Since you're so polite, I'm willing to answer your question."

Although he said he was only going to answer one question from each, he didn't seem to mind answering more than 4 questions.

"Before he said that like you Xiao Ning'er has the soul of a Dragon"

"yes I said that"

"Then you are a Dragon or a human"

'It seems that she is the most insightful, although you cannot expect less from someone with the soul of a Fox'

'also thanks to the fact that they absorbed the energy of Eden unconsciously their special souls had a slight awakening, how interesting' He thought seeing each of the girls.

'Although Yang Xin ..., I'll take care of that later.'

"To begin with I never said it was in human" he said

"Then according to your criteria, what am I?" Zero continued

"If you are not a human then you are definitely a Dragon," she said very confident.

"It could certainly be said that I am a Dragon but my true soul is another ..., you don't need to know that yet, let's continue with your question Shen Xiu"

"uhmm" Although she was surprised that he stopped, she didn't make a problem and continued with her question.

"Why didn't he choose us as his disciples?"

When he heard the question, Zero's face asked himself the same question.

'why? '

'I need them to help me with problems in the multiverse but ...'

'since I said goodbye to asuna I felt this feeling of loneliness again'

Although he had many thoughts abroad, it had only been a few seconds.

"To answer your question I will begin by telling you about the multiverse"

"At the beginning of time there was only one universe in which life almost died out due to a war between what we will call primordial and the divine beasts. The reason for the war was that although the divine beasts were born with a great physique, they they were born with a weak soul and in the opposite way the primordial one was born with a powerful soul but without a physical body.That is why the divine beasts had no reason and unconsciously sought to complete themselves by devouring him primordial and in their search they devoured the small forms of life that still did not unfold, at the end of the war only the primordial was alive, he saw that life almost disappears in the universe decided to gather the energy of all beings fallen in war and threw it on the edge of the universe. this energy caused a great explosion from which an immense number of new universes with a stable life was born "

"He hoped that the new life born would not be like the previous one but although life forms were born that lived in harmony, life forms were born that only seek destruction, although this did not bother him, what bothered him was that these forms of life did not they were like the divine beasts that had no choice in causing destruction these life forms could choose their own way ... "

Eden began to cloud

It started to rain

Thunder echoed through the clouds

Lightning began to form

Winds whipped the cabin they were in.

The girls were surprised by all this phenomenon.

"What bothered him was that they were different from the divine beasts, they could choose their way of being and what they chose was ..." By telling this Zero began to get angry without realizing that his emotions affect Eden or that seemed to The girls

"cause wars without reason, murder for fun, enslave your own race ..."

And with this prayer the first ray fell

" teacher "


Shouts were heard from the girls especially from Shen Xiu and Ye Ziyun

Rays kept falling

" Why does this happen?" Shout Ye Ziyun

"Master, he said it before this world reflects his emotions" Shouted Shen Xiu

"But why is this happening now?" Yang Xin shout

"I think I know why it is." Shouted Shen Xiu. 'for some reason after waking up in this world everything has become clearer'

"He is furious for some reason" Shouted Shen Xiu

" but why?". Shouted Shen Xiu

"Teacher is him" Xiao Ning'er shouted that he hadn't said anything until now.

"what do you mean Ning'er"

"he is from history, he is the primordial"

There was a short silence when they realized that they are facing a being that can create universes. But they didn't care because they had a bigger problem.

"If this is the reason we stop it"

"I dont know"

While trying to find a way to calm Zero. Ye Ziyun walked towards Zero.

"Ziyun, what are you doing?" Xiao Ning'er shouted.

"He cried out with a hug, maybe it works if I do the same"

A quite childish response considering that this may lead to his death.

"Girl, you're crazy, don't get any closer to him" Yang Xin shouted.

Without listening to his warning Ye ziyun kept walking but this time Xiao Ning'er and Shen Xiu followed.

"You too, what do you do, you can get hurt," Yang Xin shouted.

"Why do they do this?"

"Teacher, he helped me at the worst moment of my life so I can't leave him alone" Shen Xiu said with a big smile

"I promised not to leave Ziyun alone," Ning'er said. although his body kept shaking, his eyes and voice did not hesitate in his decision.

"You are so naive, worry about someone you just know"

"Even if you say that, you care about us even though we just met," said Ye Ziyun

"You're strange," said Xiao Ning'er.

"You said all that but you still come with us," Shen Xiu said with a slight laugh.

"Well, I have no choice," Yan Xin said, looking away from the girls

By being in front of Zero they could feel his fury.

"Treason, senseless wars, murder others for power ..." While all this was happening Zero was still immersed in his own world or that was what it seemed.

Each one moved around Zero and hugged a part of his body. Because of their height Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er hugged one leg each. Shen Xiu jumped and hugged Zero's chest like a koala. Yan Xin stood behind Zero and hugged Zero's head making contact with her breasts.

It only happened a second later and everything calmed down.

Lightning, thunder, rain stopped, which means Zero calmed down.

There was a short silence in the room but not long after Zero's voice was heard saying something strange to the people present in that room.

"They passed"

Upon hearing this statement, they all had confused expressions on their faces, as they wondered what was happening, they slowly moved away from Zero's body.