

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urban
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25 Chs


Luke and Gevariel had already arrived in front of the large Carl's Company. "Wait! This is a big company, right? Are you kidding? How can they be willing to help a small restaurant that was just being started?" Geva stopped his best friend's steps by pulling Luke's hand. He was very confused to understand this situation. In the last few months he has opened an online lunch box service. He deliberately did it as a promotional event before they realized the new restaurant.

"Let's say that the goddess of fortune is on our side. Come on in before we're too late." Luke, who couldn't wait to pull Geva's hand, made everyone look at them with a gaze that was difficult to interpret.

"Don't touch me!" Luke shouted and he threw Geva's hand away.

"Why do you shout? You pulled my hand," Gevariel was annoyed and he replied by rubbing his hand.

They blamed each other for the views of people who misunderstood their closeness. They did not want people gossiping if they were a gay couple.

Arriving at the front desk, they were immediately greeted by a beautiful assistant named Katty. "You must be Mr Gevariel and Mr Luke." Katty pretended to guess even though she had already known Gevariel's face from the photo.

"Yes, you are true." Luke answered as a representative. He knew that his best friend would not answer instead he would be busy covering his face with a hoodie. "The CEO is waiting for you." Katy replied with a smile.

"Wait! Have we met before?" Luke tried to look into his memories. "You're Quineera's assistant, right?" After trying to remember, Luke finally recognized Katty.

"That's right. I'm Katty, Miss Quineera's assistant. Miss Quineera is the CEO of Carl's Company." Katty's explanation succeeded in making Luke gape while Geva did not focus on the conversation because some people were intensely watching him. It's normal if many people recognized Geva because he had a cooking show on a television station. But being a celebrity chef did not relieve his anxiety in front of many people, especially people who were not familiar to him. "You mean Quin offered to be an investor because she recognized us?" Luke was trying to control his mind and heart. In his shock, he tried to digest everything that happened.

"For that reason, you can ask Miss Quineera. Let me take you to her room." Katty answered while they followed her towards the elevator.

Quineera's room was on the 16th floor. She deliberately chose the top floor to make it more private for herself. The people who were able to meet her were not random people anymore. They must be the owner of a big company or some other important person.

"Miss Quin, they have arrived." Katty's voice made Quin's imagination fly to nowhere. She who had been staring at the city of Lyon Paris from the window finally turned around.

"You!" Gevariel was surprised while Luke was normal because he already knew from Katty.

"That's why when people speak you must hear! Miss Katty already explained that the CEO of Carl's Company is Quineera." Luke blamed Geva but in a whisper in his ear. He did not want to argue in front of the two women.

"You already know if I can't be in a place like this." Not wanting to be blamed, Geva defended himself in a whisper as well.

"Hmmm! Can we start the meeting?" Quin clenched her fists and brought them closer to her mouth.

"Sorry, Quinn. We are still surprised." Luke said.

Seeing Luke being so informal to Quin made Katty annoyed. "Please be formal with the CEO of this place!" Katy said firmly. Her face was very serious.

"Just let them, Kat. I've been friends with them. It's normal if they are informal. Where's the agreement letter?" The behavior of the beautiful CEO looked very different. Quineera who they knew when they were cooking together are very different. Quineera was so firm, elegant, beautiful, and more dignified with a blazer and a three cm above the knee skirt that clings to her body. Katty handed Quineera three pieces of paper then her boss gave it to Luke.

"Please read! If there are points in the cooperation agreement that are detrimental, we can discuss it immediately before we sign it." Quineera sat in her chair making Luke curious even more. While Geva did not see Quin's face at all. He really did not like this condition.

"We agree." After reading the letter of agreement Luke agreed. The issue of the agreement letter was fully his responsibility. Geva knew very well that Luke's intelligence was beyond doubt. He would not make a decision if it would cost him in the future. The three of them signed the paper with their signatures and seals.

"Are you busy?" Quineera asked and occasionally glanced at Geva.

"Why didn't he see me?" Quinn thought.

"We are not too busy. We have free time for today." Luke answered while glancing at Gevariel who was always lowering his head. He would not say anything because everything was left to Luke. Luke could see that Quin had looked at his best friend a few times.

"Does Quineera like Geva?" Luke started thinking about Quineera's gaze on his best friend.

"From now on we are officially working partners," Quin deliberately raised her voice so that Geva lifted his head but the man kept his head down as if Quin's face was less attractive to look at.

"Thanks for the trust, Quin." Luke said but at a glance he still saw Gevariel and Quineera. "There's no way Quin likes Geva. She must be upset that Geva had been ignoring her."

Luke and Quin shook hands. Quin gave her hand to Geva but the eyes of the two men kept staring at the floor making Quin irritated.

Quin acted recklessly by pulling Gevariel's hand. Geva gasped because now his palm was pressed against Quin's. Suddenly, his sweat dripped down the size of a green bean seed, making Quin even more surprised.

"Let us go home!" After their hands let go, Gevariel tugged at Luke's shirt. He wanted to get out of there immediately. If he could disappear then he would choose that way.

"What's wrong with him?" Quin muttered while she watched Geva and Luke's backs drift away from her room.