

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urban
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25 Chs


Both of Geva's eyes noticed a beautiful woman in a black sleeveless dress approaching him. "I don't like crowds, but my friend urged me to come here." Geva replied casually. The presence of one person would not have much effect on his anxiety.

"May I sit down?" The woman asked permission to sit in an empty chair near Geva.

"Please sit down, But is it okay if I go?" Geva immediately asked for permission because he was not comfortable meeting new people.

"Quin!" Katy called and walked over to them. "You were summoned by Mr. Deon. He said there was a young businessman who wanted to meet you." Katty's words made Quineera sigh in annoyance.

"You said after I introduced myself on stage, I could leave the party." Quineera protested while Geva, who had not moved, could only hear the debate between them.

"Just for a moment, Quinn. After this you can do whatever you want." Max's bass voice was also heard. Geva watched the three of them walk out of the pool area.

"Is he?" Max who saw Geva at a glance felt familiar with Geva's face.

Quineera returned to the hall. "Sir, Quin is already here." Max whispered in Uncle Deon's ear.

"Luke, come here!" Uncle Deon called Luke who had been busy talking with the others. Uncle Deon was Luke's parents' work partner. Previously, Luke's father had told Uncle Deon that he could not attend. He would be represented by his son named Luke.

Jonathan Tan also requests that Luke be introduced to Quineera. "Luke, this is my nephew. Her name is Quineera. She graduated from Oxford University." Uncle Deon boasts Quin in front of Luke. Uncle Deon hoped that Quin and Luke could get closer.

"Beautiful," Luke spoke in his mind.

"Quineera." Quin offered a hand for a handshake as a sign of introduction.

"Luke." With a sweet smile Luke returned Quin's handshake. In his mind, in addition to beautiful Quin, he would make Quin as a work partner.

"Can we talk?" Luke asked. He wanted to get to know Quineera.

"Can. I'm bored here too. Can we talk in a quieter place?" Unexpectedly, Quineera immediately accepted Luke's invitation.

"Where?" Luke started to think.

"How about in the pool area. Just now I left that place. There was only one man and that man had already asked permission to leave."

Quineera and Luke walked to the pool area. "Please deliver food and drinks to the pool." Quin left a message to the waiter. Pool area with main hall not far. Quin and Luke were already there.

"Geva!" Luke shouted when he saw Geva sitting leisurely on the chair.

"Didn't that guy want to go? Why is he still here?"mind Quineera's asked.

"You know that I can't be in a place like that." Geva immediately twisted the words as if Luke was at fault.

So far, only Luke and his family knew that Gevariel was a celebrity chef who had an anxiety disorder. Nobody would have guessed because Geva always looked perfect in front of the camera.

"This is Geva, my best friend." Luke introduced Gevariel to Quineera.

"Geva? Maybe it's the same name." Quinn thought and she spoke to herself before she finally said her own name.

"Quineera." Quinn watched Geva's face for a long time.

"Don't look at him like that. There are many who idolize him. Especially women. Don't tell me you're one of his fans." Luke has accused Quineera of being one of those stupid women who idolized his best friend.

How could Luke not say Geva's fans were stupid? Without knowing how Geva's daily life was, the fans always cheered for Geva. Especially if Geva was cooking in front of the camera.

"Agh?" Luke's words made Quin raise her eyebrows and raise the corners of her lips. "I don't know him. How could I be his fan." Quin, who didn't understand, answered with a surprised face.

"It's good that you're not one of them. My friend is a bone of contention among many women. As you know I am more handsome than him but he has so many fans." While boasting about himself, Luke explained a little about Geva. At least as an opening if he wanted to cooperate with Quin.

"How can?" Quinn grew curious. She saw Geva's look. According to Quin, Brave, her friend, was more attractive than the two men standing in front of her.

"Nowadays, a man who can cook, it's even more enchanting. My best friend is good at cooking." Luke put his arm around Geva's shoulder and praised Gevariel in front of Quin. That was one of the tips he used to make potential partners more captivated.

"You can cook?" Quin immediately focused on Geva's face. All this time she wanted to cook, but Katty and Max always forbade her. The time for cooking could be used to study, work, or rest. Max always said that cooking was just a waste of Quin's time.

"You have to try his food. It will make you addicted." Luke never stopped praising his best friend. Even though he harbored an interest in Quin, but he put it aside. For Luke, getting investors was the first goal.

"I can cook," Geva answered simply.

"Wow, I really want to learn to cook but I can't because my two assistants always forbid me. May I come to your place? I want to try your cooking." Without further ado, Quin immediately gave a request until Geva who was drinking immediately choked.

"Careful!" Luke said to Geva and he took the glass from his friend's hand.

"Maybe we can cook at my house. There's a fierce dog in his apartment. Don't go there!" Luke reasoned. He knew very well that Geva would not allow anyone into his apartment other than Uncle Sam, Luke, and the late Theresia.

"No problem. The important thing is that I can see him cooking. I will ask Katty for permission later. But can you pick me up?" Quin said to Gevariel. Again, Quin's request made Geva stutter.

"Let me pick you up. Geva will go shopping to the supermarket." Luke was surprised. This woman in front of them was really to the point.
