

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
25 Chs


Three years ago Quineera returned to France. As usual she would be accompanied by Katty to visit the graves of her parents and sister.

After visiting her deceased family, Quineera's longing for her parents and sister was slightly healed. She left the bouquet of flowers then returned home.

Before entering her own bedroom, Quineera entered Theresia's room which was already empty. The room was no longer occupied, but Theresia's things were still neatly arranged because Dessy often used it when she was staying.

Quin landed her ass on the dresser chair then she watched her reflection in the mirror. "Tonight I will sleep here. I really miss Theresia. Maybe this room will heal my feelings," Quin said to herself.

Since Theresia died, Quineera never wanted to enter the bedroom. Only this time did she manage to enter after mustering up a lot of courage. The main reason was Dessy's words. Before she went to the tomb, Dessy, who often slept in the room, told her that there was a box belonging to Theresia that was stored in the cupboard. All this time Dessy wanted to open it but she felt she had no right. Finally she wanted her curiosity answered through Quineera. According to Dessy, Quin was the person who had the right to know the contents of the box.

Quineera opened the cupboard. Sure enough there was a box measuring 30 cm X 19 cm X 23 cm. Quineera opened it and found some of Theresia's dvd collections.

"Whose photo is this?" Quin noticed a photo of her sister with a man.

She didn't recognize the man's face because his pose was hugging Theresia. Only the back of the man was visible. Quineera's hands began to take out the contents of the box one by one. Her eyes saw a diary belonging to Theresia.

At first Quin wanted to ignore the diary but a great impulse from the heart made Quin want to read it. Quin was also curious about what made her sister end her life at the age of 20. Perhaps the diary could answer her question.

"Who knows I might find the reason here," Quin said.

Quin began to read page after page of Theresia's diary. "Ohh… this is the man she will introduce to me." Quineera was still calm as she read the diary and she wanted to continue.

"Then where is that man now? Does he have another girlfriend?" Quin wondered.

Quineera's eyes continued to read and came to a page. Quin guessed that it was Theresia's last writing because there was no writing on the next page.

Before ending her life, Theresia wrote her disappointment to Gevariel. While at the hotel, a woman who was heartbroken had time to vent all her anger, sadness, and disappointment in the diary.

"Oh my God! So Theresia was dating the man who has crashed into mommy and daddy?" Quineera gasped after reading the page.

"But wait! The person who crashed into daddy and mommy was a grown man in his fifty years old. Why did Theresia write that her boyfriend killed Mommy and Daddy?"

Quin was getting more and more confused. The loss she started to let go of now disturbs her mind and heart again. After Quineera's parents passed away, there was a middle-aged man who admitted his guilt as a runaway hitman from her parents. That was why Theresia's writing confused Quin. She was sure that her sister left the diary on purpose. Quineera came to a conclusion. The middle-aged man wasn't her parents' real killer.

"You killed both my parents and you blamed someone else for it. You made my sister fall in love and you hurt her." Quin clenched her fists and hit the pillow in her lap. Her jaw tightened from the sudden anger.

"See how I will take revenge on you!" Quin growed a grudge in her heart.

The hurt that is left will turn into hatred, and if the hatred is left it will turn into revenge.


Max and the two women have arrived at a hotel owned by Quineera. A luxury inn under the auspices of the Carls Company. This was where they would have a party. Uncle Deon would introduce Quineera as the new CEO at Carls Company.

Max opened the car door and Quineera came out looking dazzling. So beautiful. Quineera's black dress clinged to her body revealing her smooth arms and long legs.

Quineera was greeted by Uncle Deon and Aunt Jessy. "My niece is very beautiful. Surely the men in there will be amazed by your appearance," Uncle Deon praised. He and Aunt Jessy pressed their cheeks to their niece's cheek.

"All the guests are waiting for you, dear. Come on. We're in!"

Aunt Jessy invited Quin into the main hall. Uncle Deon went on stage. He would introduce the new CEO and owner of Carl's Company.

During this time, Carl's company had been owned by Uncle Deon because Quineera was still a minor. Of course with Max's help. Uncle Deon also owned a company that was engaged in fitness and health, that was why Uncle Deon prepared Quineera as CEO who would take over all things Carl's Company.

Quineera came forward and introduced herself. Everyone clapped and of course did not want to miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the new CEO.

"Looks like I have a new target. I need to make friends with her. Maybe she wants to be the main investor for the restaurant." Luke spoke to himself without realizing that his best friend had not been by his side.

Gevariel chose to stay away from that place. Too crowded made anxiety rise within him. It had been six years since he was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Six years after Theresia died.

Anxiety disorder is a mental illness in which the sufferer will experience excessive fear, anxiety, and worry when faced with certain situations.

With a glass of wine in his hand, Geva sat in the pool area. Because the event was going on, the pool became a quiet area. It suited him very well.

"Why don't you come in?" A question came from a woman, Geva, who was sipping his wine, turned around.