
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Louis has another mistress?

Meanwhile, at a cafe in Wakayama City.

"When will your party hit B rank, Louis? It shouldn't be a problem with your party's abilities right?" [Lisa]

"My party's members have yet to reach an agreement, When everyone has agreed, I'll do it." [Louis]

(Lisa Weiss is the leader of the Higanbana party, her current party rank is B, she is a genius mage who masters two elements like Kasumi. Despite the fact that Lisa seems to be a foreigner, Lisa is an Elf who was born and raised in Japan.) [Louis]

(The term genius for mages who master two elements is not just a lie, besides having two elements their attacks are stronger and varied than mages who master one element. But after seeing Altair's status of mastering three elements and having two classes at once, I don't know what else to call him.) [Louis]

"Is it Kasumi who disagrees? That girl thinks too much, do you need me to help convince her?" [Lisa]

"Lisa, don't impose your will on others." [Aomine]

"I won't force her, I just want to give her some motivation." [Lisa]

"Better not, the motivation you will give definitely make her even more terrified to ranking up." [Chiura]

"Thank you Lisa, but I will solve this problem by myself." [Louis]

(The one who rejected Lisa's idea was Aomine Fujiwara, his race is human just like me. Aomine is the leader of the G.O.L.D party, his party rank is also B, Aomine comes from the Fujiwara family, one of the richest families in Japan, but his desire to explore the dungeon is very great.) [Louis]

(The woman who also agreed with Aomine's words was the vice chairman of Higanbana and also Lisa's good friend. Her name is Chiura Remi, Her race is a tanuki type beast, as opposed to Ryoma, who has a fox type beast race. Meanwhile the woman sitting next to Aomine is the vice chairman of the G.O.L.D party, her name is Haruka Tomatsu). [Louis]

"Are you doubting me?" [Lisa]

"Yep" [Aomine]

"Of course" [Chiura]

"Oi! At least one of you should believes in me." [Lisa]

"What do you think of nerds?" [Lisa]

"I told you not to call me that, my name is Kamiya." [Kamiya]

(Kamiya Yuki has an ordinary family background and there is nothing special about the skills he has, there are many mages out there who master the wind element like him. But that's no excuse for him, with those average skills he can bring his party to rank B.) [Louis]

(Kamiya is also the youngest graduate of a famous university, at the age of 23 he has already earned a PhD in between his activities as an adventurer, this is what makes Lisa call him a nerd. The woman next to Kamiya who had just finished eating udon was Ejiri Usami, Kamiya's fiancée and also the vice president of the Spectacled Owl party). [Louis]

"It doesn't matter, after all, you are like that." [Lisa]

"I'm not that nerdy! My goal is to read a lot of references and other books to ease my party when entering the dungeon." [Kamiya]

"Are you sure?, how about you ask that fiancee lady beside you." [Lisa]

"Ejiri... what are you talking to Lisa about." [Kamiya]

"When Kamiya was so absorbed in reading, Our plans for a date must have been neglected. Sooo.." [Ejiri]

"Uwaaa! You should pay close attention to her feelings. Kamiya." [Aomine]

"Aw ow aw, stop that Haruka." [Aomine]

"What do you mean Aomine?" [Haruka]

"Don't pretend not to know, you stepped on my foot, aw ow ow..." [Aomine]

"Can I have some more ramen?" [Ejiri]

"That's enough Ejiri, you can eat all you want when we get home." [Kamiya]

"No problem Kamiya, Aomine's money won't decrease a bit if it's just to treat all of us here to an all-you-can-eat meal. Might as well Ejiri, I want to order ramen like you." [Chiura]

"Ok" [Ejiri]

(Sigh... this is how the B rank leader and vice leader that i know behave, generally the higher someone gets, the higher the arrogance that comes with them, this of course also applies to some high rank adventurers. Fortunately, their behavior remains the same as it was when I first met them). [Louis]

"What's up Louis, oh by the way where's Ayane?" [Lisa]

"She's currently shopping for daily supplies for someone." [Louis]

"No wonder I didn't see her, how is Miyu-chan" [Lisa]

"Oh do you want to hear about Miyu? I can start from..." [Louis]

"No no, stop that. I just want to hear how she's doing, I didn't mean to hear a long chant after you started talking about Miyu-chan." [Lisa]

"Oh too bad, I want to inform you about her recent meeting with Onii-chan." [Louis]

"Onii-chan? Isn't Miyu your first child? Did you have a family before marrying Ayane, Louis?!, despite Ayane's beauty and charm... I don't want to interfere in people's households, but is Ayane okay after hearing this news?" [Lisa]

"What news?, there seems to be a-" [Louis]

"Louis did that to Ayane?" [Kamiya]

"Heee, I didn't expect that at all." [Ejiri]

"You have to be careful too Ejiri." [Haruka]

"What do you mean Haruka?" [Ejiri]

"Have you confirmed that Kamiya doesn't have any other women at the moment, the situation will be difficult to resolve if it's like Louis." [Haruka]

"Like I said, there seems to be something wrong here." [Louis]

"Calm down Louis, even if you feel guilty I will try to help you." [Aomine]

"Regarding other women, I believe in Kamiya." [Ejiri]

"Ejiri..." [Kamiya]

"The thing is Kamiya doesn't have time to flirt with other women, he's too busy reading books." [Ejiri]

"Tonight you can't eat anymore, Ejiri. Because you've eaten a lot here, right?" [Kamiya]

"Eeeeh? Since when did the rules change? What about the three meals a day that you have set? Breakfast, lunch, I haven't had dinner yet." [Ejiri]

"Even if you say three times a day, in the morning alone you add three times for breakfast." [Kamiya]

"Kamiya meanie!, doesn't that count as one? I didn't break any rules." [Ejiri]

"Oh yeah, you can't cook by yourself either, because tonight's cooking schedule is me." [Kamiya]

"Nooooo.." [Ejiri]

"Louis, I'm ready to accommodate Miyu-chan if things aren't harmonious in your current household." [Aomine]

"But I need someone to play the role of her parents..... .... Oh! Haruka are you ready to help me? I want you to be a temporary mother figure for Miyu-chan." [Aomine]

"What? Me? I'm not sure if I can be the right mother figure for Miyu-chan, but if I'm with you..." [Haruka]

"Of course I will also find a suitable father figure for Miyu-chan later. I'll leave the rest to you, Haru- Aw aw ow ow." [Aomine]

"Stop that Haruka, why are you keep stepping on my feet today?" [Aomine]

"I don't understand what you're saying Aomine..." [Haruka]

"Are you guys done arguing? I want to hear the explanation directly from Louis. You guys forgot that the one who came to the conclusion of this debate was Lisa." [Chiura]

"Oh shit, I got carried away." [Kamiya]

"I'm also like a fool becouse of her." [Aomine]

"Hey how about my dinner Kamiya?" [Hijiri]

"(Me as a mother?) [Haruka]

"What's wrong with my conclusion? All the evidence has pointed to Louis, the facts will always come to the surface." [Lisa]

"There's a proverb: don't hide the carcass" [Lisa]

"Proof of what? Besides, that proverb you mentioned shouldn't sound like that. [Chiura]

"That proverb should be... ummm" [Chiura]

"There is no point in hiding a carcass." [Kamiya]

"Right, like that!" [Chiura]

"Isn't that the same thing?" [Lisa]

"Obviously different, if the proverb does read as you mentioned then other people will go back to ask the person who issued the proverb." [Kamiya]

"Whereas according to the original proverb, other people will not ask the reason, because the person who hears the proverb has already received the information that hiding a carcass is futile, or in other words, those carcasses' stink will surely be noted." [Kamiya]

"But the main problem isn't the carcass, Lisa just wants to look smart when saying those proverb." [Chiura]

"Just ignore Lisa for now, I think we need to hear the explanation directly from Louis." [Chiura]

(After that I explained the misunderstanding caused by Lisa. It didn't take long to make the others understand, while Lisa still couldn't believe that her extraordinary deduction was wrong.) [Louis]

(At first glance, others would not believe that the average adventurer here has a high rank status. Even in terms of age, the party leaders of Higanbana, G.O.L.D and Spectacled are still quite young, usually the adventurers who occupy their current positions are veteran adventurers who are approaching middle age.) [Louis]

(Of course, their party was doubted by other adventuring parties, especially the G.O.L.D. party. As we all know, Aomine is a kid born into a conglomerate family, other adventurers have made many wild speculations about him. But people who know Aomine's true abilities when he is in the dungeon will not dare to doubt him, Aomine who has a monk class is very terrible when fighting with monsters in the dungeon, he becomes a nightmare for the monsters who exchange blows with him). [Louis]

(Likewise with the Higanbana and Spectacled Owl parties, although the Higanbana and Spectacled Owl parties are not as much in the public eye as the G.O.L.D party, they are not completely free from the envy of other adventurers.) [Louis]

(Because of this, my party is still undecided whether to increase the party rank or not.) [Louis]

"But I'm grateful to be part of their acquaintance..." [Louis]

"What's wrong Louis?" [Aomine]

"Sorry Aomine, I've been pondering a bit." [Louis]

"Louis... sorry if I misread the situation, can you tell me more about this Miyu Onii-chan?" [Lisa]

"Altair? He is.... [Louis]

. . . .

It's hard for me to keep writing without any feedback from all of you guys :(

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