
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasie
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37 Chs

Intrigue in the Arena Part 2

After the thrilling final round had concluded, Captain Chen led the large group of people across the now torch-lit bridge and back into the open-air hallway. To Daiyu's surprise, the area had undergone a remarkable transformation. Where once there were empty stairways, now tables stood laden with a feast fit for a grand celebration. Platters of succulent meat, colorful arrays of vegetables, fragrant rice, delectable dumplings, and steaming soups adorned the tables.

"Princess, this is just a small sign of how grateful we are to have you visiting us," Captain Chen spoke with a mix of sincerity and underlying sarcasm, gesturing toward the sumptuous feast. "We hope you would share this humble meal with us lowly soldiers."

Daiyu's gaze met his, and she sensed the subtle taunt in his words, but she chose not to dwell on it. Instead, she maintained her composure and replied with a polite smile, "Thank you, Captain Chen. It is an honor to share this celebration with you all."

Seated with her back facing the palace walls and the small beach, Daiyu's eyes took in the magnificent view of the arena and the endless dark waters surrounding it and this wing of the building they now occupied. The moon's shimmering reflection danced upon the ocean's surface, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that complemented the excitement of those surrounding her.

As the flickering torchlight cast a warm golden glow over the feasting soldiers, Captain Chen found himself seated beside Daiyu, a glint of suspicion in his eyes. Around them, the raucous laughter of soldiers mingled with the clinking of cups and the aroma of savory dishes wafting through the air.

"Princess, I must admit, I find your background quite intriguing. Tell me about your time in Taihar, the renowned country of warriors," he said, taking a sip of his wine, his gaze never leaving her face.

Daiyu maintained an air of composure, understanding the delicate dance of their conversation. The soft breeze from the ocean nearby rustled her hair, and she took a moment to compose her thoughts before responding.

"Taihar is a place of great history and honor. The cold desert is a harsh place to raise flowers. My father, Yun Ver Chao, was more adept at raising soldiers, so he trained me in the ways of combat and strategy. I fought alongside him in battles, learning the art of war firsthand from a very young age," she explained. Captain Chen nodded, sipping the wine thoughtfully, his eyes shining with curiosity and wariness about her seemingly open nature.

"It must have been a rigorous training, given the reputation of your father and the warriors of Taihar," Captain Chen commented, his aqua-colored eyes catching the torchlight with a glint. Daiyu's lips curved slightly, and she answered with measured words.

"I felt it was indeed rigorous, not so much harsh, but it forged me into a capable warrior. My father believed in pushing me beyond my limits to prepare me for any challenge that may come my way," she said.

Captain Chen's mouth smirked with intrigue, and he probed further. "And what of your time at the monastery? I've heard whispers of a harsh and demanding environment there. It must have been a challenge for such a young girl to be charged with caring for the infant prince."

Daiyu's expression softened, her eyes holding a hint of both strength and vulnerability that Chen Val Hitomu did not miss as the girl sipped her own clear wine before answering.

"The monastery taught me to endure hardship and work hard, with endurance," she said calmly. The distant sound of waves crashing against the shore reached their ears drawing Daiyu's eyes to the dark water.

"I learned the importance of discipline and determination in overcoming obstacles. It was a formative experience that shaped me into the person I am today. The monks there taught me the Maker's knowledge firsthand, and how to persevere. I learned to be cautious and aware and to understand what hardships one can overcome, as well as that pain and hunger can both be a motivation and a hindrance depending on how it is managed," she replied, choosing her words carefully, bringing her eyes back to the man's gaze. "It was a place of intense training, shaping me to be a better guardian and protector for my brother." Captain Chen seemed to sense the hidden layers in her response, and he continued to prod.

"Some say it was more than just training, that the methods were severe and unforgiving." The smell of the sea hung in the air, with his words, blending with the subtle tension of their conversation, leaving an air of subterfuge and intrigue in its wake.

*He may indeed be attempting to get me to condemn the monks for how they treated me. Why would he push for this?* Daiyu thought to herself, her mind connected with Zalgras.

*It would be blasphemy if I did, as well as defamation of the servants of the Maker, punishable by the laws of this country,* she continued, knowing the dangers of speaking ill of the revered monks.

*He wishes to harm you using political means?* Zalgras inquired again.

*This feels more like a test as if he wants me to declare myself openly against the treatment I endured. If I did so, it would seem like I was blaming the Esteem himself, and that is worse than defaming the monks,* she explained, understanding the subtle intricacies of the political game.

*Good thing you are not really an airheaded female child. Though someone should pay for what you went through!* Zalgras sarcastically commented its anger at her having to tiptoe around truths that should be exposed.

"The training was demanding, but it was necessary for the role I was destined to fulfill. My father believed in preparing me to face any adversary, both physical and political. Oddly enough, the monastery was a perfect proving ground for his teachings," Daiyu said, her gaze meeting his directly, her voice unwavering.

*Oh yes, let's just dance around the edges of the truth, shall we?* Zalgras quipped, its mental tone dripping with sarcasm.

*Assassins, starvation, almost freezing to death, sickness, and exhaustion are challenges every girl of seven should face on top of raising an infant child with no resources. How lucky you were to have such an enriching learning experience,* the creature continued to grumble in her mind.

Captain Chen's eyes searched hers, and he recognized the gaze of a soldier who had been through and survived much. After looking deeply, he could not see the young girl before him anymore, but someone seasoned and wise beyond her years.

"I see," he said, his tone softening a bit. He wondered if he had been too hard on the young girl. He had been told to test her loyalties and her abilities, yet now facing those clear sapphire eyes, he felt she had been tested by life far harsher than he had attempted. He was left feeling like he himself did not measure up.

"You have endured much, Princess, and I respect your dedication to your duty," Captain Chen said, his voice conveying a newfound respect for the young girl's endurance and steadfastness.

As the sumptuous meal wound down, Fa Sai seemed to materialize from the shadows, bowing politely to her master as the young girl bid her farewells. Daiyu allowed her maid to show her the way to the tower where she would rest for the evening.

Soundlessly, they moved through the hallway, back toward the main entrance, which was now tightly sealed with a solid iron gate. Fa Sai led the way up a narrow set of green stairs and through a door into another long hallway. At the end of the hallway, a door to the right announced the presence of a library, and a barely noticeable ladder led up.

With a small key taken from her sleeve, Fa Sai unlocked the door leading to the upper floors and continued to climb up, Daiyu following closely behind. They arrived at a small bedroom with slatted window covers.

"Miss, there is a personal reading room on the next floor up, and above that is a small tea room where you will find a warmer and fresh water. The servant's rest area is above that on the final floor. Do you wish for me to warm some water for you so that you may wash up?" Fa Sai inquired with her head respectfully lowered.

"No, I will go to the third level and rinse there while you report on what you have learned," Daiyu replied. The woman nodded, and they climbed another ladder, making their way to the second floor. Bookshelves lined the wall, splitting the small space down the middle. Maneuvering around them, Daiyu discovered a small alcove with a table and set of chairs by the window, which overlooked the castle walls and another tower, hidden from her view in the foggy night.

They continued up another ladder to a small room with a coal warmer, a small table, a chair, and a covered vat of water. As Daiyu cleaned herself, Fa Sai provided fresh clothes for her, all while issuing her report.

"Ai Zian has informed me that the residence is now inhabitable, and he suggests that two days before the Festival of Glittering Tears would be an auspicious date for you to move in. We have also been successful in turning two of the maids in your mother's palace to our side by providing support to their families. They reported without fail that your mother and brother have not encountered any harm or intrigue since we have been away. Though your mother did make snacks for His Majesty, she did not tire herself out too much and was successful in delivering her confections to the Esteem without incident at the lunch hour..." Sa Fai's voice droned on with a mundane report that set Daiyu at ease. Quiet was good.

*Daiyu, I must say, mundane as it may be, it's quite a relief to hear that your mother and brother are safe,* Zalgras chimed in mentally.

*Indeed,* Daiyu replied, feeling a twinge of comfort in Zalgras' concern. *Now, let us prepare for the Festival of Glittering Tears. It will be a crucial event.* She contemplated the upcoming festivities and the delicate political dance she would have to perform, all while keeping her true intentions well hidden.


The next morning, the salty fragrance of the ocean greeted Daiyu as she stood at the edge of the arena, awaiting the first rays of the rising sun. Her red and black martial robes fluttered in the gentle ocean breeze, and her midnight blue ponytail flowed gracefully down her back, catching the soft morning light. To her left, she could see the grand imperial complex, and to the right, the towering city walls that led to the bustling harbor. But her attention was drawn upwards, to the swirling blue glow emanating from the Maker's staff.

As the dim sunrise began to paint the sky with hues of pink and gold, the giant female figure slowly revealed herself, her pale stone arms outstretched, her elegant black stone carved hair gave the appearance that it flowed to her shoulders, and her emerald-colored looked as if it hugged her elegant feminine form, so life-like as if she would lift her staff to deliver justice at any moment. Daiyu's thoughts shifted to the upcoming blessing ceremony, where her brother's fate would be determined in the eyes of the public. Her gaze settled on the simulated fire base extending from the stone torch-shaped tower rising from the ocean, supporting the magnificent statue.

Behind the elegant female form, on the same level, stood the altar where her brother would be re-dedicated to the Maker. A giant compass-style device believed to measure his soul in the Maker's eyes, mounted above it.

To fulfill her mission, Daiyu knew she had to infiltrate the tower before the ceremony and manipulate the compass to read as she desired. She knew it had to be feasible, for, in the previous timeline, Balem and Zalgras had manipulated the results of the second test themselves. Back then, it was Balem who hosted Zlagras, but this time it was she. Therefore, the burden of recreating their past success fell upon her shoulders. Daiyu understood that she couldn't delegate this crucial task to any of her followers; she couldn't fully trust their loyalty to keep altering such a sacred test, supposedly administered by the Maker herself, a secret. The weight of this responsibility rested solely on her, and she was determined to find a way to alter the compass and secure her brother's future. Her heart was heavy with the responsibility.

*We will accomplish the task without fail, Daiyu. But for now, focus on the battle ahead. Have you decided whether you will show mercy to Captain Chen or defeat him in front of all his men?* Zalgras' voice broke through her pensive and worrisome thoughts, offering a comforting presence.

Daiyu took a deep breath, grounding herself in the present moment. The time for decisions would come soon enough. For now, she had to concentrate on the duel that lay before her.

Moments later Daiyu heard the even thrum of uniformed footfall as Captain Chen, flanked by his men, stepped over the bridge and into the arena circle, their attire denoting their affiliation with the esteemed Qinmay military. They all wore loose, flowing black pants that seemed to shimmer like water under the sunlight, complemented by form-fitting shirts that emphasized their well-trained physiques. Knee-length robes of varying shades of grey billowed gracefully in the gentle morning breeze, lending an air of elegance to their martial prowess.

Captain Chen, with his hair the color of rolling sea waves and his deep aqua-green eyes, exuded a commanding presence. The visible scar under his left ear tells tales of past battles, adding to the aura of experience that surrounded him. Standing at an impressive height, his broad shoulders and strong build conveyed the strength and power of a seasoned warrior.

She had received word through Fa Sai that Captain Chen meant to challenge her personally before the morning meal, she had not been surprised by the news after his many probing questions. Though it was a bold choice if she won he would not only lose respect in front of his men but would lose face for the whole Qinmay army for having been bested by a woman still merely a girl, but also a Taiharn girl.

As they took their positions, the spectators watched with anticipation, eager to witness the spectacle that was about to unfold. The atmosphere crackled with energy as the duel between the esteemed Captain and the young prodigy, Daiyu, promised to be a clash of formidable forces.

"Honored warriors, today we bear witness to an extraordinary event," Captain Chen's voice boomed with authority, capturing the attention of the assembled crowd. "As the first rays of sunlight grace this hallowed arena, we stand united in awe of the martial prowess displayed before us, for we can not deny the display of martial determination we witnessed yesterday."

"Today's contest is a testament to the spirit of martial excellence, an opportunity to embrace the diversity of strength that resides within us all," Captain Chen declared, emphasizing the significance of the unique duel. "It is a display of respect and honor, in acknowledgment of the warrior spirit that knows no boundaries."

*He does seem to have a propensity for the dramatic. Or perhaps he is attempting to lull you to sleep in order to make his victory easier?* Zalgras muttered mentally to Daiyu.

*Perhaps, though I do not intend to win this match, it serves me not to embarrass this man and gain more ere from his military. I will also be putting on a good show.* Daiyu responded.

The crowd's anticipation grew palpable, a hushed excitement permeating the air.

"As your Captain, I humbly step into the ring, for I am drawn by the challenge offered by Yun Val Daiyu," Captain Chen announced, surprising the audience with his decision. "I wish to test my skills against this remarkable Taiharn warrior, to learn from her and prove the strength of the Qinmay in this display of unity and camaraderie."

In the ethereal glow of the rising sun, the arena buzzed with anticipation. Gray-robed porters gracefully presented Daiyu and Captain Chen with red wooden swords, a vivid symbol of the imminent clash between the young prodigy and the renowned Captain. The spectators held their breath, drawn to the impending spectacle that promised to be an extraordinary display of martial prowess.

"May the Maker's blessings be with you," the porters intoned with a sense of reverence, acknowledging the weight of the match about to unfold.

Amidst the whispers of the breeze, Daiyu stood like an elegant warrior, her midnight blue hair flowing like a silken banner in the wind. The black and red martial robes swirled around her with mesmerizing grace, and the embroidered tigers along the hem seemed to come alive, prowling like fierce guardians. The red middle robes, catching the sunlight with each flutter, added a striking contrast, intensifying the fierce determination in her sapphire eyes. Her presence radiated an air of silent strength, like a dormant volcano ready to erupt with power.

Before her, Captain Chen exuded a commanding presence. His hair, the color of rolling sea waves, danced with the wind, and his aqua-green eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. His scarred face spoke of battles fought and won, a testament to the strength and resilience of a seasoned warrior. The wind playfully picked up the tails of his long black satin belt, sending them slithering into the morning air like serpents of power.

The audience watched in awe as these two formidable opponents prepared to face each other, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. The clash of their contrasting martial robes, one a sea of red and black, the other a canvas of dark elegance, reflected the duality of their strengths and the beauty of their artistry.

*Zalgras, it is time to dance in the realm of shadows. Remember, we dance for the crowd, we are not meant to win, just make it look good.* Daiyu reminded her mental companion.

*This one does not agree with your intention for these theatrics. However, our shadows shall mesmerize them,* Zalgras responded, sensing the thrill of the duel.

As the two combatants bowed in with respect and took their stances, the crowd held its collective breath, eager to witness the forthcoming spectacle. With a solemn command, a porter declared, "Begin," and the duel commenced.

The resounding clash of red wooden swords reverberated through the arena, blending with the excited murmurs of the crowd. Daiyu danced with unparalleled grace, her movements an enchanting display of finesse and precision. Like a phoenix soaring through the sky, she weaved through Captain Chen's formidable attacks, evading and parrying with the skill of a true master.

As they sparred, her robes swirled like flames against the backdrop of a moonless night, accentuating the contrast of her fiery spirit against the cool, dark elegance of the arena. Every delicate twist of her form revealed the mastery with which she commanded her body, a martial artist whose movements were an extension of her very soul.

*She's guiding my strikes... is she holding back?* Chen Cal Hitomu's thoughts were chaotic as he realized that this young girl might be toying with him. Captain Chen found himself perplexed, yet undeniably enchanted by Daiyu's enigmatic display. Each movement resonated with mystery, challenging the perception of her young age and gender.

A glancing blow to her left arm nearly sent Daiyu tumbling out of the dueling ring, but with a swift and graceful recovery, she managed to regain her stance just in time. In that split second, Captain Chen pressed forward, striking like a deadly black serpent. His ferocity left Daiyu with little time to gather herself, but with a combination of skill and instinct, she managed to redirect his attack, skillfully guiding the battle back toward the center of the ring.

With Zalgras' numbing presence shielding her from the pain, Daiyu continued the dance of combat. The two warriors moved with such fluidity and precision that the audience could almost hear the resonance of their swords, each strike and parry a testament to their honed abilities. The intensity of their struggle was mirrored in the sheen of sweat that covered their bodies, and the irregular rhythm of their breathing spoke of the physical exertion that the duel demanded.

*You are taking more damage than you should, Diayu. Is this man's pride worth this suffering?* Zalgras asked, concerned.

*Another smoke screen, defeating him would harm us in the long run. This pain is being used to buy my brother and myself a better future.* Daiyu assured her friend gritting her teeth and focusing on the final steps.

As the duel drew to a close, Daiyu executed a calculated plan with dramatic flair. She cleverly feigned vulnerability, enticing Captain Chen to make a final, fatal move. The audience gasped as the young warrior was defeated, her body collapsing onto the mat in genuine exhaustion and pain. As she lay there, staring up at the bright morning sky, her breaths came in small gasps and her body ached from the toll of their masterful performance.

*Daiyu! That last hit fractured your ribs a bit, you will need to find a private location for me to heal them.* Zalgras' voice dripped with concern and irritation, offering some relief by numbing the intense burning and throbbing pain in her lungs and ribs.

The spectators erupted into thunderous applause, their admiration for the young warrior soaring to new heights. Amidst the ovation, Captain Chen approached, extending a respectful hand to assist her to her feet, acknowledging the profound performance they had shared.

*It is over, I won't do this again, I swear,* Daiyu promised her worried companion, her voice determined despite the pain. With a sly smirk, she reached up and accepted the man's hand, allowing herself to be helped upright once more.

The onlookers roared their approval, deeply moved by the extraordinary spectacle that had unfolded before them. The display had left them with a profound admiration for both Yun Val Daiyu and Captain Chen Val Hitomu.

"A formidable performance, princess. You've earned my respect," Captain Chen stated, his admiration evident in his eyes.

"As have you, Captain Chen. Your skill is undeniable," Daiyu responded graciously, releasing the man's hand with a nod of appreciation.

As the day wore on, Daiyu retired to her chambers to change into a fresh set of robes. Zalgras' healing touch had mended the damage inflicted during the intense duel, yet her body still felt tender and battered. Though discomfort lingered, Daiyu refused to complain, grateful that she could now breathe without the sensation of being stabbed with a burning blade. In the depths of her mind, she suspected that Zalgras had deliberately left behind the healing pain as a stern reminder never to take such a dangerous risk again. She couldn't help but feel touched by her ethereal friend's care, a sly smirk coming to her lips with every small tinge of pain, even if it meant enduring the minor aches that served as a sign of Zalgras' concern and perhaps a hint of frustration over her injuries.

As evening descended, Daiyu received her report about the progress of her home's renovation. Her staff had been diligently working to bring her personal space to life. Alongside the update, a peculiar request from Se Mali caught her attention. It seemed that during his quest for information, Se Mali had crossed paths with an arborist who had a unique proposition. He suggested planting two new trees in Daiyu's personal courtyard, strategically positioned to block the view of the newly constructed training ground—a project that Daiyu had specifically instructed to be built there.

Perplexed yet intrigued by the idea, Daiyu pondered the proposal. The one-time country guard, with his fiery orange hair, was genuinely excited about the prospect, and his enthusiasm was slightly contagious as other members found the idea exciting. After a moment's contemplation, Daiyu decided to trust the man's instincts and gave Fa Sai the green light to allow the arborist to work his magic.

As the day's business came to a close, Daiyu felt a surge of excitement about revisiting her newly renovated home soon. The anticipation of seeing the completed changes, along with the enigmatic addition of the trees, stirred a sense of curiosity within her. With a content heart, she retired to her quarters, looking forward to what the next few days would have instore.