
Trap in this World

“I want to escape this world.” “Far away from this world that no one know about my existence” “A world where I can be who I am and live freely.” “A world where I can trust people and be called family.” “No one will be sad if I lose, right?” “No one loves me, that’s why they abandoned me in this cruel world.” “Where I can find a place that no one is needed to sacrifice their life for me.” I wish I could live in another world where I could find happiness and a home. A wish of people who want to escape reality, a cruel and harsh reality. What will happen if they meet in a world where they can find what they wish for? Is this a beginning of a friendship?

Pensloth · Fantasie
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01: The Wish

"Just look at you! Playing video games every single day! Why are you doing this!? You are a disgrace in this family! Instead of going to college! You choose to stop and work at the Internet Cafe? Are you out of your mind, Mikael?"

I sighed when I heard my stepmother other shouting and yelling at me. I looked at her and her face filled of anger and disappointment for me. What can I do? I really hate this family.

"Did you forget that I'm just an outsider of this family? I never want to be part of this Family, but your husband force me to live with you. If you have problems then complain to him and don't bother me."

I stood up after I finish my food and walked away. I can still hear her cursing and shouting my name. Like, I care? People treated me as a bastard child.

I stopped when someone block my way and that thr eldest son of the family. I was about to pass him when he hold my arms and threatened me.

"You should leave this place, right now or else you will be

I said, "Mom, I can do whatever I want with my money, and this is what I want for my life. I know you're worried about my future, but I can take care of it."

I ignore her and phone a cab. "Come back here, Mikael. I'm not finished talking to you!"

I gave him the address, "To the ***** Street, District 3," and he fired up the engine.

It's not that far to the store. All I want is to arrive on time. Before getting out of the car, I noticed the shop and the car stop and paid the man the money.

She asked me, "Mikael, let me guess! You're mother is nagging at you again? Am I right?," and I nodded in response before handing her the cleaning supplies.

My female manager said, "Well, your mother is right, you should go back to school," after realizing something.

I remarked to my boss, "Boss, thank you for constantly reminding me about school-related matters, but I'm really okay. I graduated high school. I'm learning through the internet and the books you gave me. I truly appreciate all of it. I can still get money in my manner. So, just relax okay?"

Before the deadline, I started to tidy the shop. My supervisor treats me very well, almost like a younger brother. Though I am fine, I am aware that they are concerned for my well-being. I'm competent in my work.

She pouted, "Alright, genius Mikael," and I shrugged as I regarded her.

I said her, "Stop worrying old woman. If you want I can be your carer if you are going to be single forever. No one will notice you anyhow. I even manage to finish my high school without the help from my parents and still living here in this world, due to me.

She throw the rug but I manage to dodge it and I laughed at her. I think she is mad and left me here without saying anything. What a short tempered person she is. She even go back to her room in the second floor. I continue to do my job to clean and arrange the pc's and everything in here.

Many people came here because it's near in the school and many people want to do their things her for their study. It's not that big but this enough and the internet is okay. My boss is a CEO on her own technology company but she always do her works her and always nagging at me. Spoiled rich girl.

I started to work here after I finish my high school year and I decided to stop college because I don't know what course I'm going to take. I came here since it was near in my home and suddenly there was a guy try to harass the partimer here and I defended her and boom I got the job.

"ID, Sir." I said to the guy who came in. We don't allowed the student here when it times to class. That's the rule that we need to follow.

"Sorry, dude but you already that we do not allow the student to play here when it times in class, right?" I said and I gave his ID back.

"I really need to search something for my assignment. May I?" He ask me with pleading eyes.

"May I see your assignment?" I ask him for assurance. He quickly get his notebook from his bag ang gave it to him. "This is not yours! Did someone bullying you ha?" I ask him again.

"How Did you know that?" His eyes gotten big and amazed.

"I saw your penmanship a few days ago and it was a beautiful hand written for a boy. And this? This is not yours. Why did you let them do what they want? You should fight." I said it while looking and frowning to the notebook.

"W-wow! You're amazing! But still I need to do thus if I want to survive in my high school days." He said I saw his sad face. I grabbed the pen and answer it. After a couple of minutes I finish it and give it back to him.

"This is the last time. You should fight him, dude." I said some encouraging words to him.

"Thank you." He said and went out to the shop.

Hour past after we open the shop. Lot of people came in to play and so do I. I play while waiting when I saw an ID infront of mr and I saw a person and wearing a hood and hide the face. I think I remember this person.

"Give me my usual spot." A voice of a girl. I said okay and gave her the usual sopt for her.

"Okay." I said.

"Open time." She said and get her ID and approach the sopt that she wants and sit down.

"Yo, Master!" Someone greeted me out of nowhere.

"What are you doing here when you have a work." I said without looking at him. I already know who is the owner of this voice.

"Well, it's my day off and I rushed here just to defeat you in the game. Let's play, Master." He said cheerfully. He look like a puppy waiting to play at him.

"Stop calling me master. I don't have a time to play with you. Besides are you not tired on keep challenging me and then I get the victory?" I'm curious that's why I ask him. It's been a year since we have this kind of relationship. His not my friend at the beginning.

"Nope and never. Just one game, Please?" He keeps on pleading.

"Fine. I have a condition, if I win you should stop calling me Master okay? Or else this will be the last time that we going to play. Am I clear?" I said and he stared at me. I think he was thinking.

"You're so unfair. But, If I win we have another game and I'll keep calling you Master. Computer 5 is my spot." He said and go to his usual spot.

I smiled at him because his still keep on challenging me in the game. He's good and his quick too that's why he is worth it to be my play mate. I set everything and the game start.

I still love this game and excited all the time. The characters are thumbs up. All the aspects of the game is awesome. It's hard to play this at the beginning but if you just keep on playing your avatar will get upgrade into a god like. Just like my Avatar, I saw the global ranking list and I was in the top, it's a satisfying to see.

I meet Raphael in the front door of the shop and I saw his depressing looks and I don't like it so I decided to teach him to play. At first he didn't move and his watching me until he play and he was good. That's the story of our first encounter.

He don't have a family and he was alone when his siblings abandoned him. His relatives didn't even to help him or to give a money. He survived and live without the help of his family. He did everything just to get money to buy food and to finish his study.

He's 2 years younger to me but he had cruel past. But his okay now because his smiling and cheerful. I treat him like my younger brother because I had the urge to nake him smile and forget the past.

"Tsk! You win! I wont call you master but we still have to play okay? I need to go. My boss keep on calling me and distracting me in the game. Bye." He said and pay the time and walked out.

I stop playing just to assist the costumer and read a book to gain knowledge. Boss keeps on saying that I need to read this and that. But I got bored and sleepy that's why I stop again. I open the site of the events of the game.

"Computer 10, out. Here's the money." The emo girl said and walked out. She's cold.

I can still see her and she just walked into the rain with no umbrella. I don't want to be a gentlemen. Someone came but wears a hoodie. What a creepy person.

"I want to play." I heard the voice and it's a guy.

"Let me see your ID, Sir." I said to him. He hesitated to give his ID but in the end he gave it me and scan the ID. He's a good looking guy and I think he is familiar.

"Here's ID and it's computer 12." I gave the ID back to him and I think he is confused and go to his PC. What's wrong to him?

I got bored and saw the outside that it's raining. It's a glass door but tinted in outside. The weather forecast didn't day anything that it will rain today. I shouldn't trust this kind of event.

I looked around in the shop. It's been 2 hours and Raphael came back and play. The emo girl is back but she is wet because of the rain. The kid from earlier and bullied is back and also playing since the class in finished. The two weirdos and creepy hoodie still in here. The other guy is cold and always frown in the game.

[ 3rd persona ]

It's been 3 hours passed. The shop will be close but the costumer are still here and playing nonstop. Mikael can't wait any longer for them. He stood up and announce something to his costumers.

"Last 15 minutes and after that go home so that I can close the shop." Mikael said to the costumers.

Raphael who was busy in the game answered Mikael. "Yes, Master. I'm almost done."

Mikael sigh because Raphael called him Master again. "Stop calling master and get out."

"Chill Master!" Raphael answered him and walked out.

Mikael back to the counter and his not angry to Raphael. Even though he win to the game but still Raphael is Raphael. Mikael gave up and let him do what he wants. He just shrug and he check the time and stood up to clean in every pc, he saw junkfoods and anything he saw that it's useless. While cleaning he heard something.

"Manager Luis, stop calling me when it's my day-off. Please stop accepting any kind of role that I don't like. Give me a break." The guy who wears a hoodie said and off the phone.

Mikael finished cleaning in the pc and back to his counter to relax. He sat down and saw a invitation of the game. His confused and thinking if he there is a schedule or event like this.

While the other people in the shop got the same invitation like Mikael. Like, Mikael they are confused and shock to the invitation they reserved from the game.

All of them click the invitation and read the title. "Escaped."

All of them answered the questions given to them.

'Why do you want to escape?'

They answered honestly and laughed.

"I want to escape in this world."

"Far away from this world that no one know about my existence"

"A world where I can be who am I and live freely."

"A world where I can trust people and called a family."

"No one will sad if I lost, right?"

"No one love me that's why they abonded me in this cruel world."

"Where I can find a place that no one is need to sacrifice there life for me."

I wish I could live in other world where I can find happiness and a home.

They have different story of their past. Because of the past they had that needs to care them. That's why they wished to just disappeared in the world. It's hard but they can still survive.

Mikael looked at his answer and also the wish they had. He wants to be free and be who he is. A place no one knows him and just live comfortably without working.

He also had a wish that he can go to a place that is magical and wonderful. Just like this game that he loves. He chuckles because of his wish but who knows what will happen, that what he said inside of his mind.

He look to the monitor and looked around in the shop. After he answered the whole thing and click the OK button. Suddenly a light came out and he felt that something is pulling him and try to escape but he can't.

After that incident he opened his eyes and look around and he stood up. He saw a familiar surroundings that he wishes to see.

"It's familiar but I don't know the name of this place." He said while checking his self.

Only one question he has inside of his mind. How did he get here? He feel excited but at the same time confused to what will happened to him.


Hey! If you can't understand the filipino language. I'm sorry!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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