
Episode 8- The Council Couple

As I woke up I could hear birds chirping and the people of the town socializing outside. I got up and my husband wasn't next to me, probably just at work. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I sat down at my vanity and started to brush my hair. "Azkaban", I shouted. My butler Azkaban came running up the stairs. "Can you please make me breakfast, thank you", I said, putting the brush down. "Yes ma'am". He left and went downstairs. After I finished brushing my hair I showered and went downstairs.

The plate was waiting on the table. I ate and got dressed before doing my makeup. For some reason, I felt like I was going to have a great day. I had a thing to go with my husband. He was the leader of the military and also a teacher at the high school. It was "bring a family member to work" day at his job, so that's where I was headed. While walking to the school I passed plenty of people. "Good morning councilwoman Emily", they greeted me. I had a smile on my face, like any other day, I felt good.

I got to my husband's classroom and greeted his students. "Hello everyone". "Hello councilwoman Emily". "Oh stop it, just call me Emily". I'm 22 and married Liam-or the council man- when I was 18. I inherited the power of speed and now am a local icon. If Liam and I divorce, I might end up losing my speed. I stood off to the sidelines and did some talking for a while. The students left and went down to lunch so I was alone with Liam. "So this is your lovely work environment"?

"It certainly is", he said, kissing my cheek. There was a knock on the door and then it opened. "Hi Mr. Rings", she greeted him. It was a young lady, she had to be one of his students in order to know him so well. She had wavy brown hair that went to her shoulders. She had a nice build and a model type look. "Hello, Misa", he greeted her. She looked at me before glaring and turning back to Liam. I ignored it, it was probably my imagination. "Councilwoman, did you brush your hair this morning? You look a bit rough".

I put on a fake smile. "I did actually, thanks for your concern", I told her. "Well I'll be back Liam, I'm gonna go get me some coffee", I said, leaving. Left the room and then heard things falling along with a short shout. I ran back in there and saw Misa sitting on Liam's desk. Her shirt was unbuttoned and he was standing in front of her. I felt my eyes get hot and my legs get weak. "What are you doing Liam", I shouted at him.

Misa looked up at me and smiled. I ran towards her and punched her in the eye. I turned to Liam and kicked him in the stomach. "Four years of marriage and this is what I get! Really", I cried. He got up and pushed me, making me fly towards the wall. I got up and punched him in the nose. Just then, the students came back upstairs. "What's going on"? "Why are you and Mr. Rings fighting"? I stormed out of the classroom and saw Misa and two police officers standing there. I had given Misa a black eye and she reported me.

"You're coming with us Emily", they said, cuffing me. "I'm the councilwoman, you can't do this"! "Oh... but we can".