
Transmigrator's Random Travels in Fictional Universes

What if you suddenly got transmigrated into a new world. And it even got some of your favorite anime characters? You also got an omnipotent system to help you. Well this is that kind of story, where an otaku who was transmigrated as Kinoshita Kazuya and how he enjoys his new life. WARNING:: Before reading this, I just want to inform you that Kanokari will not be the focus of this and it will be boring mostly for some. I just took the characters so don't expect that the plot will follow KanoKari just because the mc is Kazuya.There will be plotholes and cringe moments. And also some characters in this will sometimes differ from their canon counterpart in terms of maybe their personality, some history, etc. And this story mainly revolves around the desire of the mc to do what he wish. So, please leave if you don't like any info I wrote above. (AN: Also please leave comments or your opinions about the chapters and proper reviews okay? That's all I'm asking for since, that's all my entertainment for writing this fanfic. And please leave your honest thoughts, I promise I will read every one of them even if they are hate comments or whatever) (PS: I dont know how to classify this fanfic but it will contain many slice of life chapters mixed with some actions so I don't know. Well it's up to you guys how you classify this novel whether a slice of life or action etc.)

Lazy_Author69 · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Ichinose Chizuru

The longer you're with someone, the tougher it is to part ways.

-Sawako Kuronuma (Kimi no Todoke)


"Stop crying....you look more beautiful if you smile"

Chizuru heard the familiar voice of the boy she likes. She looked up with tears on her beautiful face and saw him.

With the sun shining behind him. He was staring at her with an expression of concern, and other emotions mixed in.

Suddenly she remembered how they met for the first time. She was walking back home back then. But it was already night, she was going home from her part-time job.

She was walking in the park at that time, then suddenly she noticed 3 men following behind her. Due to it being night it was dark but she noticed the 3 men due to the lamp at the side of the pathway.

She felt her nervousness rise and fasten her steps but the 3 men still followed closely. Eventually, she decided to run but before she could do so one of the men grab her arm.

She resisted and the man loses his grip on her. But she was also surrounded by the 3 men. Seeing that she couldn't help but scream.

"Stay away!"

At that moment someone appeared. He was a handsome boy at her age. He has short brown hair and brown eyes.

Before the thugs can react to the arrival of the boy, he already dashed. The boy fought the 3 men alone and defeated them.

Chizuru who was watching this was surprised. Her eyes shined and she felt her heartbeat fasten.

But then she saw the boy was wounded. After that, she called the police and invited the boy to her house and treated his wounds.

That's their first meeting, and then the two slowly got to know each other more. With her developing strong feelings for Kazuya, who once saved her.


Chizuru stayed silent and wiped her tears, "Why...are you here? What about your girlfriend?" she asked sadly.

Kazuya stared at the girl in front of him in silence before sighing. "First of all, I'm sorry if I hurt you in some way. And also Kurumi was the one that urged me to go after you" he bowed his head.

Chizuru pouted her lips when she heard the latter part of his statement, "So you only went after me because she said so?"

Kazuya then understood that she misunderstood his intentions. "No No, don't misunderstand...I also want to chase after but...I also don't want to hurt Kurumi or you."

Hearing that she calmed a bit and realized that Kazuya cared for her as evident by his earlier statement.

Then she heard Kazuya, "Ichinose-san, no Chizuru, I know you have feelings for me. I also have feelings for you but...I didn't want to hurt either you or Kurumi so I tried avoiding you. But...I realized I can't stop my feeling for you so here at this moment on. I, Kinoshita Kazuya asked you Ichinose Chizuru, will you be my girlfriend. I know it is not really believable coming from me who already has a girlfriend but...this is what I truly feel about you." After saying so Kazuya once again bowed his head.

There was silence after that. It lasted for almost a minute before Chizuru who was stunned by the sudden confession got out of her stunned state.

Tears once again came out but this time its tears of joy. She ran towards him and embraced him. She cried tears of joy on his chest before giving her answer.

"Yes...I love you, Kazuya."

Staring at that beautiful face, Kazuya felt blessed. Kurumi also said something similar and said he can have many women. For him, this was a blessing like when he transmigrated.

He wiped her tears with his thumbs and held her face. He slowly lowered his head and the two kissed.

This was their moment, luckily they are in quite a secluded place so no one saw them.


(AN: Okay, this chapter is a bit shorter as I ran out of ideas to continue it. Anyway, now that the problem is resolved, I think I will be having some slice of life chapters next. Also, I know I repeated some things in the dialogue so forgive me for that. And no action for a bit but I will add those some other time.)