
Flint Rozehn

I was quite pleased with the reception we got. Although the king was busy and couldn't make our audience until now, we had been well fed and given the best rooms. I know part of his indulgence comes from the fear of not knowing what we are here for. And that brings us to the current scene. The little prince led us to the waiting room and said his father was on the way. I was quite interested in this prince. He had a gentle and smiling face but he couldn't hide the ruthlessness and unruly light deep in his eyes. It wouldn't be bad to bring him to our camp. I gave a silent nod of approval. I turned back and happened to meet Azazyl's eyes. I raised a questioning brow, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear

"Do you think he's handsome?"

I thought back to the prince's appearance. He could be said to be handsome so I nodded sincerely and then promptly ignored him.

We didn't wait for long when the king granted us the honor of his presence.

He smiled amiably

"To what do we owe the honor of this visit?"

"It wasn't a visit. We were just here to use to library. We planned on leaving immediately after we were done"

"Well now isn't that a shame? It isn't everyday Terraverde gets visitors like you so please do stay a few more days. Let Flint show you around"

I looked silently at him for a while and then smiled

"That would be lovely. Thank you"

"I will leave you young ones be. Do have fun while you are here"

"We will."

He nodded politely and walked away.

At some point, Flint had joined us and now we were all looking at each other awkwardly. I coughed slightly and tried to lighten up the mood.

"I would have suggested an introduction but we already know your name so that won't be necessary. Sooo how old are you?"

He narrowed his eyes a little and then smiled

"I just remembered that I don't know the names of either of you. Let you all know my name already. That is hardly fair now is it?"

I smiled back

"Then, a proper introduction. Lets start shall we?"

"Then I won't be polite. As I said earlier, I am Flint Rozehn.... Prince of Terraverde "

"Nice to meet you prince Flint. I am Aadvitha Falghor, Second princess of faes. A pleasure to meet you "

I saw his eyes widen in surprise and my smile grew.

"Draco Falghor, King of dragons "

"Firtha Eldridge, First princess of faes"

"Elyria Velarde, Daughter of fifth elder"

"Elowen Allaire, Daughter of third elder"

"Azazyl Vikoka , Lord of demons"

"Azarya Faulkner, captain of imperial far guard "

I watched as his eyes widen with each introduction until he finally seemed to go numb.

"Is this some kind of royal envoy? What do you all— ahh forget it."

"You haven't and my question Flint, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty- one years old your highness "

My eyes narrowed at the title.

"Drop it. We don't do all that where I'm from."

"Got it!"

"I'm eighteen years old, Firtha is nineteen, Elowen and Elyria are seventeen, Azarya is twenty, Draco is twenty- two and — I don't know. How old are you Azazyl?"

"I can't believe I'm the only person who's age you don't know "

"You never said"

"Am I being ostracized!?"

I rolled my eyes at him

"Stop being dramatic and tell the cute prince your age"

He took back the pitiful look and turned back into the demon lord

"I'm twenty- one years old." He then shot me a glare

"Make sure you remember it."

I just turned my eyes away from him

"See no evil, hear no evil"

"You guys get along pretty well"

"I guess you can say that"

"So, what exactly were you looking for to come all the way from— well everywhere. And judging from your identities, you're not people who would run a fools errand so anything that would take you from your home territories must not be a simple issue"

"You can't be too hasty in making judgments about people you know "

"My instincts have never failed me. You all look like you'd rather be anywhere but here.  Yet, you all are here. So, if I may ask again what brought you all to Terraverde?"

We all exchanged silent glances and each one of those looks meant it's up to you.

I wasn't sure of telling him was the right idea, but this is something that concerns the whole world. It won't do is any good to hide it, it also won't do is any good if it spreads and causes panic. I don't want to startle the snake in the grass yet. So I was a bit hesitant. At the end I decided to just tell him. I would be selfish to keep it to myself.

So I briefed him, about the stone, the ancient being, the emergence of bloodwraits, shadowborn and wrymkins. But for some reason, I concealed Azazyl's involvement in all this. He is just someone we met after all. It's still not sure if he's a friend or foe.

His brow was tightly furrowed by the time I had finished talking

"This is an extremely serious matter. If it is as you say then, we are facing a dreadful foe with unknown power. I have to let my dad know to take precautions in advance. Thank you for letting me know despite your reservations. I'll be on my way"

He walked out briskly and closed the door behind him. I couldn't help but feel unsure.

"Go you guys think— Did I make the wrong decision?"

Draco hugged my shoulder tightly. "Of course not. This isn't something that can be kept a secret. The earlier others are aware of the danger, there's more chance of fighting back. You did great"

I sighed in relief. I really don't want to be put in a situation where I don't know what to do. I have taken the lead countless times and now they subconsciously expect me to be the leader, if I say it isn't taking a toll on me then I'd be lying.

Firtha walked up and gave me a kiss on my forehead

"Hey, you're still a kid. Don't think too much okay. You still have us"

Yeah. That much was true.

We wandered aimlessly around the streets and found ourselves at a small creek. We all lay in the grass and looked up at the clouds.

"Do you guys think — Do we have any chance of— I don't know"

"We just have to try our best. That's all we can do"

We watched as the clouds passed over us and the weather changed. A shadow then stood over me blocking my view. A raised a brow and motioned for him to move.

He smiled and lay on the grass with us.

"I thought you guys had left already"

"How could we, when we promised the king we would have fun here?"


Silence fell over us again and Firtha then spoke up

"Flint, what was it like growing up here? And as a prince too."

He paused a bit before answering

"My life was quite monotous. Practice swordsmanship and archery, reading hills upon hills of texts, having to maintain proper 'decorum' all the time because I am the future of Terraverde. It's really exhausting because this life is a far cry from what I want. But it's not like I have a choice."

"Oh. That's sad"

He chuckled

"You don't have to pity me. It wasn't always this way. There was a time when I would come to this creek to have picnics, I would go traveling around the kingdom. I was terribly indulged. But when my mom died, my father seemed to have lost his soul and was determined to drag me with him. Enough of all that anyways. I told my dad about your conjectures and he's taking it pretty seriously. The imperial guards are training even harder now. Thanks for telling me. Is there any way I can help?"

"Hmmm, do you know anywhere else that we can go for information? Somewhere that's on par with the old library?"

He thought for a bit and said

"I do have one place in mind, but it's more of a person. He's known as Master Aldrich. I came across him one time I was philandering about. He is the oldest man in Terraverde. Almost a thousand years old. If there's something you need to ask, he might have answers."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"Somewhere at the outskirts of Terraverde. It's been years since I last saw him though. So he might already be dead"

"We have to at least try. When is it convenient for you to take us? The earlier the better "

"Then ... Let's get a good night's sleep and head off tomorrow"

"That would be great. Thank you "

My contract still hasn't gotten approved. Y'all I need to get contracted before submission ends.

Power stone me! Let's rise up the ranks.

Amelinda_creators' thoughts