
Chapter 20

Duke Veritas family consists of the Duke himself, duchess Verena, his eldest son, Viktor, whose currently studying at the royal academy, and his two daughters, Aurelia and Ilaria, and the youngest, Vincente.

The duke and duchess didn't marry out of love, but rather for political purposes, however, they shared mutual respect and common interests. They had a solid marriage, and were viewed as an ideal couple by many. Their relationship wasn't far from love, but unique and comfortable to both.

The duchess was both elegant and polite, and every move showed her superior upbringing. The duke treated her with utmost respect, allowing her to speak with him casually, and would discuss several matters with her before making a decision.

However, ever since Victoria appeared, hushed rumors circulated around them, especially duchess Veritas. The rumors caused her social standing among the madames of noble homes to drop, she was so humiliated, she refused to leave home.

She was angered with her husband. Although she didn't exactly love him, she had faith in him and never denied him anything. She had been an attentive wife and a caring mother for their four lovely children.

His unfaithfulness was like a stab to her heart. It's quite painful to be betrayed by one of the people you trust most. What's more painful, is the fact that he cheated on her after she had given him an heir. If it was before, she might have understood a little, though she still wouldn't forgive him.

The heavy mood that settled over the room worried even the servants outside. Nobody said a word, just quick glances of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and hurt, or guilt, and apologies.

The duke was somewhat ashamed to look straight into his wife's eyes, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut about his daughter's living conditions. He even heard she fell into the pond.

"you arranged for Victoria's..."

The duchess snapped her book shut and looked straight into his eyes. "it was a temporary residence until her room is complete."

Usually, the duchess would be polite but talked to the Duke with ease, even making a few jokes every once in a while. For the first time ever since he knew her, she spoke coldly with a challenging look in her eyes.

He couldn't respond as her tone was still polite, and he was the one at fault. He sighed again at a loss of words.

"her mother passed away, so—"

"I understand." she cut him off glancing at the small crib next to her. "I will raise her well. I seem to have some experience..."

She reminded him of their children, especially their newborn son. She had purposefully brought her sleeping baby for that specific reason, and he only allowed it because the sleeping baby would prevent anyone from blowing up, or speaking a tone louder than he allowed.

"then, please don't be too harsh on her, she's only —"

"nine years old. She's a few months younger than Aurelia, I could raise them together."

She pointed out that he cheated on her while she was pregnant with his child. And when she stressed 'raise them together' a sneer flashed through her eyes but disappeared quickly, as if saying, 'I will raise our daughter of noble blood with a piece of filth from a.....'

He couldn't even imagine his wife saying those words out loud, that's how polite and dignified he'd always viewed her. Each of her words poked his guilty conscience, but he had to excuse her as she was hurt by him.

As he had questioned her place with his actions, she was trying to protect her dignity and show him that she won't take a step back when she wasn't at fault.

"The emperor forbid you from entering the palace?" she raised an eyebrow, and the corners of her lips curved into a triumphant smile, but were quickly concealed as she busied herself with her book.

"his majesty allowed me to spend more time with my family, as two members were welcomed recently." he corrected.

"hm..." she gazed at the sleeping baby again. "as far as I know, only one was 'welcomed', the other..."

She reminded him that illegitimate children aren't 'welcomed' in society, and their names wouldn't be included in the nobles' list, unless with special permission from the emperor.

Speechless once again, he remained silent. His reckless actions in his youth hurt more than her pride, so he deserves at least this much.

"I was drunk." he blamed his actions under the influence of alcohol as a mistake, but she had already announced her withdrawal from the conversation by lifting her book higher.

Many nobles, or more accurately, husbands, wouldn't tolerate her 'disrespectful' actions, however, Duke Veritas swallowed it reluctantly, although he will stop her if she took it too far, but she couldn't care less at the moment.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

"your grace, lady Ilaria is here."

"come in."

The butler, Arnold, or as he called him, Arlo, opened the door to a little girl holding up the hem of her skirt and skipping to him, much to her nurse's terror. The nurse immediately dropped on her knees to apologize, but he dismissed her nonchalantly.

"daddy!" she rushed to him, and he scooped her up and tossed her into the air.

"weee! "

She suppressed her giggles when she noticed her sleeping baby brother and her mother with a raised brow.

"mommy!" she whispered.

She tiptoed to her mother and hugged her, then she turned to the crib and stared at her baby brother. She poked his cheek and he scrunched his tiny face. Noticing her mother's gaze, she smiled cheekily and ran to sit next to her father.

Ilaria was merely five, but intelligent and a quick learner. She resembled her mother with her shiny brown hair and round green eyes. She also spent the majority of her time causing trouble around the house and annoying the servants.

However, she behaves in front of her parents. Most of the time. She loves spending time with them and copying whatever they do. Her father tolerates her antics sometimes, and her mother encourages her to act more like a lady.

That's why at the age of five, she already knows the alphabet and how to count to ten, surpassing children her age.