
A Queen

Yesterday, the whole student council body was informed that the new vice-president will be officially installed and to be honest, no member of the student council was happy for this event though I noticed that the president's smile seemed to be so bright.

'He couldn't be happy that his own brother got ousted, right?'

Some of the members were actually appalled of the principal's decision. Yes, Louis Hamilton can sometimes be arrogant and narrow-minded but at least he's good at paper works unlike some other members who are only good at publicity. To make it worse, the replacement is actually the infamous second daughter of the multi-billionaire family.

Maria Lily Burnsworth

It's a name that would ring a bell to every student in the prestigious school, Celestial Kingdom. Lamentably, she isn't famous in a good way. Her infamy sparked when it was known that she is an illegitimate child of the richest family in this country. Due to her spineless attitude which I confirmed through several conversations with her; Maria Lily Burnsworth became an object of ridicule. It was also rumoured that the poor girl was practically begging for Louise Hamilton's love.

Thus, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that the mastermind of last week's commotion at the first years' building was actually her.

"Close your mouth, Amber." My childhood friend, January Amott, spoke as he slowly pushed my chin upwards making me close my mouth. Looks like my jaw unconsciously dropped at the unusual sight which suddenly popped-up at the student council office.

It was Maria Lily Burnsworth.

Her looks were still the same but somehow, she changed.

The meek girl was gone and now in front of the student council members, Maria Lily Burnsworth walked in with an aura of supremacy.

However, her presence wasn't the only surprise. At the back of Miss Burnsworth were two handsome men. I was able to recognize the black-haired young man. Who wouldn't be? He is the famous second year student; the black dragon of the Celestial Kingdom, Hannibal Raven.

As for the silver-haired guy, I know nothing of him but he could stand on equal grounds with the handsome guys in the whole country.

Miss Burnsworth and the two guys were led by Senior Lance to the conference room. He also beckoned the whole student council members to follow into the room.

"Were we misinformed? We heard that it was only Miss Burnsworth who would be introduced to the student council today." January's brown eyes glared at the unexpected visitors.

"To make the long story short, they're here to accompany me." Miss Maria replied in a haughty tone surprising all of the student council members.

January huffed. "What are you? A kindergarten student?"

Due to the rumour that Miss Maria doesn't have any admirable intellect and talent, January was relatively pissed off by the idea of having a vice president like her which would explain the current verbal attack.

I couldn't help but frown at how prejudice my childhood friend could be. When my eyes glanced at the black dragon, he looked like the grim reaper who was ready to take someone's life. As for the white-haired guy, there was obvious displeasure on his face. The other student council members were wearing a smirk and just waiting to Miss Maria to cry or for any of her companions to help her out.

However, none of the two happened. Instead, Miss Maria took something out of her school bag and walked towards January. There was no anger nor sadness on her face but rather, a mixture of sympathy and understanding.

Miss Maria gave January two light pats on the back and put something in front of January then made her way back to her seat. January just looked at the item and had no idea what it was. Since I was seated beside him, I looked at what the item could be.

'No way…'

"A sanitary napkin?!" I blurted out.

All eyes were on the said item. Now everyone in the room was shocked until a light chuckle was heard.

It was Miss Maria.

She spoke. "Well, I don't remember offending you. So I guess, you're just having a PMS hence the sour mood. Oh, I don't use tampons, so please make do with that."

"I am not a woman!" January rose from his seat and his face was red in anger.

"Then stop b*tching around!" Miss Maria retorted with a sharp and intimidating gaze.

"You're a disrespectful brat!" January pointed a finger to Miss Maria.

'Fast!' Was all that I could say as I watched everything unfold in mere seconds.

While January was pointing at Miss Maria, she somehow managed to make her body slide on the table towards him. Miss Maria then grab hold of January's finger while her left leg passed through the right side of his head. At first I thought that it was a failed kick but I was proven wrong when a loud bang on the table was heard.

January's neck was pinned under the leg of Miss Maria while his finger was still in her tight grip making him wince in pain.

"You need to learn two lessons for today. Lesson number one, I hate it when people point fingers at me. Lesson number two, respect is something to be earned and from what I've observed, you only earned my ire, you sorry-case-of-a-man!" Miss Maria's voice was cold and oppressing.

She looked terrifying but at the same time beautiful. I believe there's a proper term to define her.

All of the student council members had one same question at that moment.


After receiving a weak affirmation from January, Miss Maria released him and like a model on a stage, except it's just a conference table, she catwalked towards Senior Lance then sat down at the table.

"Sorry for what happened," she said.

"You could've let me handle it for you." Senior Lance had a wry smile on his face.

"I appreciate the thought but I fight my own battles." Miss Maria shrugged then went back to her seat.

As my eyes continuously followed Miss Maria, I once again blurted out.

"A queen…"

She looked at me and gave me a blinding smile. "Now someone has good eyes," she said.

'OMG, can I worship her?'

I was now blushing and my eyes are probably sparkling in adoration towards my new idol. "Both of you are women so stop that infatuated look!" January hissed.

"Am I not allowed to worship her?!" I glared at him.

"Worship? Open your eyes nerd, she's a human. Oh no… She could be a devil in human's skin." January was now murmuring nonsense.

I proceeded to ignore him since he's obviously feeling butthurt at what Queen Maria did to him.

Before the introductions of the student council members, Miss Maria introduced her companions to us. Though we knew who Hannibal Raven is, she still introduced him. As for the white-haired guy, his name is Dull and he's her bodyguard. Due to the absence of prior notice from the student council, Queen Maria ended up bringing the two guys whom she planned to accompany her on her way home.

'As expected of a queen, she has two knights guarding her! Sir Raven would be the black knight while Sir Dull would be the white knight. Wait, Senior Lance is also concerned of her, he could be her protective prime minister. How dreamy this is!'

"So Dick's actually the first year representative." Queen Maria's disdainful voice snapped me back to reality, looks like I daydreamed on the introductions of student representatives.

Senior Lance merely nodded and continued. "For the treasurer, you've been acquainted with him quite well. He is January Amott, a third year student."

"Ah ok." Queen Maria didn't even bother to glance at him.

"The girl next to him is our secretary, Amber Ross, a second year student."

I stood up, fixed my round glasses and bowed towards the Queen. I initially planned to do a curtsy but I retracted the idea.

"Nice to meet you, Que- err, Miss Maria!"

"Nice to meet you too. Please do drop the Miss part and just call me Maria." The queen bowed back and smiled at me.

'OMG! What have I done to deserve her stunning smile?'

I sat back on my seat engulfed in bliss.

"Starting tomorrow, Maria will be formally working with us. I expect the utmost cooperation from everybody!" Senior Lance announced and ended the whole introduction.

Heya, I'm back folks!

Sorry for the very long hiatus.

Luxuria_Indulgentcreators' thoughts