
Transmigration; A Mother's Redemption and a perfect Wife.

#Sweetnormal kids #Sweet fast-paced novel with little misunderstandings. Her life was lost to a man she thought would love and free her from all the miseries she went through. She was a groomed assassin from a young age and a total orphan without a family; after loving and completing missions for this man, she loses her life to the same man who takes her life away, depriving her of any chance to be alive! But miraculously, her soul gets transmigrated to another girl of the same world as her. But this time, she gets a perfect man as her husband. She gets to be a mother of three beautiful babies who were triplets! Author: What do you think about this life? It's a second chance, Tang Fei... Tang Fei; "It's my first time being a mom, but I will learn. After all, I was infertile in my previous life, so this is a bonus!" Author; What about the man? "It's okay, I can learn how to be a good wife; after all, it's my first time to be married and be a wife; nothing is difficult, so long as he loves and pampers me! And probably cry below his arms, who knows!" Author; What about my past life? "Of course, that man has to call me Sixth Auntie, and I will be an elder to him; how hilarious, right? But I still will avenge my past life, they don't deserve to live a good life through my sweat!"

Kim_Li_0078 · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 49; Sixth Master Huo....

He also removed the worn-out shoes and wore the sandals before going back to the hospital bed and sat closer to Huo Zhihao.

"Master, the Tang family members are here looking for you... I think they heard you are around the hospital vicinity." A guard came over to notify him. He knew at the moment, there was no entrance into the hospital, so they must have arrived earlier to see their daughter Tang Shi Shi.

After they got notified that time that Tang Shi Shi was badly hurt, they immediately got her admitted, but she has been in the intensive care unit all these days. They don't know who had brutally hurt their daughter and sibling. And they didn't know that she had gone to visit Tang Fei that specific day; they had been investigating, but nothing came through for them. They were clueless and decided to wait until she woke up to know what could have happened to her.

Sixth Master Huo lifted his head as four figures walked into the wardroom. Two elders, a man and a woman, two adult ladies, and one gentleman. They were Tang Fei's elder sisters and brother.

"Sixth Master Huo..." They carefully walked over, getting into the wardroom while their gazes wandered around the wardroom; they couldn't see Tang Fei anywhere and wondered where she could have run to.

They could see only the kids who were in the wardroom, but then again, they couldn't differentiate between Huo Zhihao, who was lying on the hospital bed, and the boy seated on the hospital bed. They were so similar.

"What is it!" He didn't even want to hear from them, if it hadn't been Tang Fei who was tolerant and guarding them, he would have already long ago banished them from Nanjing City. They have never treated Tang Fei as their child or sibling. They only saw her as a fortune fetcher.

"Sixth Master Huo, can you let our Tang company go? You promised to invest a few months ago! Please, don't suppress us!" The man who pleaded first was Tang Fei's father, Tang Yi Fan, who spoke up at a bowed angle, stretching his hand out to greet him.

Sixth Master Huo was busy with his laptop but immediately lifted his head glaring at them coldly!

Tang Yi Fan hurriedly withdrew his hand meeting that cold and murderous glare.

"You haven't even inquired how your daughter is doing or where she is, but what you all care about is some investments and profits you will gain! What kind of a father are you?" Sixth Master Huo was infuriated that he immediately tossed the tablet against him and it roughly smacked his thighs before it fell onto the floor.

The guard rushed over and picked up the tablet storing it away! As much as it slightly crashed, it could have cracks that could be repaired and get it back to working condition.

"Ss...." He sucked in cold air feeling a sharp pain on his left thigh. His eyes immediately watered and you could see the glistening tears that were threatening to fall at any minute.

If it weren't for his company, he wouldn't allow himself to be this humiliated. He could only swallow his dignity for the time being.

"You only know how to find her for your own benefit! But when it comes to other things you don't care! You don't deserve to be her family! And if it weren't for her, you wouldn't be alive here talking!" That was point blank, it was because of Tang Fei that they were enjoying such a prosperous life. They were just leeches!