
Transmigrating with the first X rank talent

When charlie is sent to a world over a thousand years in the future they take it in stride yet two years later when they recieve their talent their life falls apart. This is one for my first novels so please leave comments so I know how to improve this

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8 Chs

My beginning

As I write this I look back on everything I've done, every battle I've won, every friend I've made, everything. But I decided to chronicle my life so others won't make the same mistakes as I.

It starts in another world, not so different from the one our species knows as its home, only less advanced. Somehow my mind was brought here, into the body of a 14 year old on an Earth that was embroiled in war against an alien race known as the T'chalk, one that had lasted for almost a century, and our once fruitful expansion had turned into bitter retreat after bitter retreat.

And so it came to pass that two years after I arrived, and a matter of weeks after the renton system, a star system housing billions of people, was brought to ruin, I and my class were due to graduate. Our commander, a 6ft tall woman with blood red hair and eyes like galaxies, had taken us to a hall containing a simple podium on which a glass orb rested.

'As of today you will no longer be deemed children!' Her voice thundered in my ears. 'Some of you may die, some of you will live normal lives, and a minute few may even be the future guardians of humanity! Do you understand?!'

'Yes ma'am' Me and my class promptly responded with, anticipation building in each and every one of us.

'Good, I will call each of you forward individually to recieve your talents, is that understood?'

'Yes ma'am'

'Chloe Abigail ' She called out. Upon hearing her name a 16 year old girl with straw like hair walked forward till she reached a glowing orb on a podium to the side of the commander, her feet clattering against the grey gunmetal floor, and then she placed one of her hands onto the orb.

As if it had been activated a burst of fog that rapidly changed colour filled the inside of the orb, however the fog quickly slowed its change until it stopped as a light blue.

Marking something down, the commander said 'C, blue, support. Next, Jeremy Andrews'

And so it went, each student getting called forward, placing their hand on the orb and receiving a rank, tier and type for there talent. The lowest in the group was an F rank, grey tier, utility talent that I later found out increased his intuition towards crops, however the highest was an A rank, Gold tier, Defense talent that increased the defense of all allies within a certain radius while lowering the defense of enemies within the same radius. Then it finally reached me

'Charlie York'

Settling my nerves I walked forward and rested my hand on the orb, expecting the fog to stop at a yellow or green, except it continued to change, never stopping or slowing down. But after half a minute I managed to drag my eyes away and focused on the commanders eyes, yet this woman who had disregarded the deaths of several students during a trip to an active warzone to see what the fighting was truly like, was absolutely shocked and only managed to mutter something out when I looked at her.

'Pardon?' I said, not quite able to hear her over the discussion of my classmates.

'X rank, rainbow tier, branch type'

Then I passed out. Well it wasn't really passing out it was my body turning off all conscious thoughts to integrate the talent into my soul without driving me insane from the pain so really not that different now that I think about it.


As I lay there, my talent integrating itself into my soul, my class burst out into chaos, the rich scions claiming the test must be flawed as if a commoner like me had such an outstanding talent they should have the same. Only for their voices to be stuck in their throat the next instance as someone teleported into the room, the air lowering several degrees as soon as he appeared.

'Is this the one?' He asked gruffly, staring at my body sprawled gracelessly on the floor.

'Yes sir.' The commander responded sharply, her composure regained as he spoke. nodding, the principle picked me up and disappeared without another word.

After he left one of the girls cautiously raised her hand and asked the question everyone was dying to know the answer to.

'Ma'am, who was that?'

Looking up, the commander responded briefly before gesturing for everyone to follow her. 'He's the principle of the academy, an S rank, Orange tier offensive talent wielder, James Ylvain'