
Transmigrating Into An Abandoned Baby's Body

Mediocreikara · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Darkness and Light

The teen college boy stopped crying. He did not know how long he cried, nor how long he has been tasting that sweet sensation in his mouth every after he cried. Gradually and slowly, his grief lessens and what remains in him is just loneliness. There in the darkness, he stood alone. He looked around him only to realize the boundless darkness. He looked down to inspect himself, only to see darkness too. He tried feeling things, and strangely enough, he felt something beside him even though nothing can be seen in his vision. He also felt the sensation of breathing even though he does not see himself having any sort of body.

He spent long, still reminiscing the past, but with less grief, as he accepted his faults and negligence in this void of darkness. He still cried from time to time but not as frequently anymore.

In one faithful day, in that darkness, finally, he saw a ray of light. Slowly, that ray of light expanded until the whole darkness receded to nothing.

Situated at the altar in a church, a baby lies on a bird's nest with a white cloth wrapped around him. A white cross attached to a necklace is hung on his neck, while a green aura seemed to encase his whole body.

The baby blinked a couple of times, seemingly adjusting its eyes to the sunlight.



'Does heaven have a roof? And, a chandelier too?'

'No... heaven is at the sky, it can't have a roof, can it?'

'Then... don't tell me... I'm in hell!?'

*WAAH!* *WAAH!* * WAAH!*

The baby blinked confusedly for a moment, then suddenly, he burst into tears. His body visibly shook and shiver. He seemed frightened of the ceiling and the chandelier on it as he stared at it with focus.

After some time, it gradually calmed down and just did casual sniffing through its nose.

'Maybe it's not hell, hell must be colored in background of red...'

'Yeah, maybe, I'm in a hospital?'

'With broken ceilings?'

'Abandoned hospital?'

'Why would I be confined in an abandoned hospital? Are we too poor?'

'Maybe... can I move my body?'

He tried moving his arms, and to his surprise, he can move them. But, when those arms entered his line of sight...

"Why so little!!"

The baby in the altar screamed with his little pitched baby noise.

He moved his arms in circular motion, and back and forth.

"My are arms are really little!!"

'Don't... tell... me...'

He pinched his face, his nose, and his wee wee, and surely, those are all little.

'Oh my god, have I been reborn?'

He tried moving his little body, but was unable to stand up. He leaned his little head toward the right, then followed it with his little body. Then what he saw was... broken... broken chairs, broken windows, broken doors, and broken walls.

He felt scared and his little iris dilated to its fullest. He immediately tried to lean to the left in reflex to stay away from scary things.

And what he saw in his left is... broken... a broken cross of white, and a broken sculpture or a giant without a head and its arms.

His little body trembled and little teardrops are making their way out of his little eyes.

He finally can't handle it and just faced upfront.

'Where am I!?'

'What is this place!!'

'Too creepy!'

'My heart can't handle it!!'

The baby seemed out of it as its body kept on trembling while occasional sniff can be heard coming from its nose. Its little eyes trembled a little too seemingly wanting to cry but holding it back.

Finally, after a few hours, his trembling stopped. Then, maybe from fatigue, it slowly drifter back to the peaceful arms of rest and dreams.