
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

-[chapter 14]-

*Yawn* 'What a dream' - I thought after yawning, last night I didn't fall asleep until 3 in the morning and they woke me up not long ago.

I would have liked to continue sleeping, but well, Max didn't let me stay in the camper.

On the bright side, last night before I fell asleep [Meditate] leveled up and I have a feeling that [Mana Control] isn't far away from doing so as well.

"Seriously, he looked phenomenal with those red eyes" – Ben said while trying to get his grandfather and his cousin Gwen to believe him.

"I'm sure it was a fish and nothing more." – Max said and now I don't know if he is pretending or if he really doesn't believe Ben. Because, if he's really pretending not to believe her, it really bothers me. It makes me remember once in my old life that something that was not at all normal happened to me and when I told my mother, she said it was just the wind or something like that.

It was like this, I was walking past at a speed that was not fast enough to create a gust of wind strong enough to move an object that was about half a meter or more from me. And if that was the case, that object was moving from one side to the other for a long time, even so, he didn't believe me as if I were going to make up a ghost story to scare myself. (it was a Christmas ornament that they put on the tree, it was made of plastic, I think)

(Based on a true story... yes it happened to me, although later I downplayed it if I was going fast and mine was probably the wind, but I still believe it was a ghost...)

*Gwen's frightened scream*

And while I was in my thoughts grumbling about how annoying it is when no one believes you when you tell the truth, Ben had scared Gwen by putting a bunch of worms in front of her.

'I think this is going to become a habit, hearing Gwen screaming, scared by everything.' - I thought as I sighed and shook my head at the thought.

"Hey, I think I better move on with the idea of going fishing, I'll stay here and sunbathe" – Gwen said and I, seeing the opportunity, also spoke.

"I think I'm going to do the same as Gwen and I'm going to stay and sunbathe... and sleep a little" – I said, and then he murmured while I yawned and started walking to follow Gwen.

"As you want. But they don't know what they're missing gwen, Haru." – Max said and I honestly did know what I was going to miss, but that didn't stop me from wanting to go to sleep.

Gwen responded and waved as she continued walking.

"Don't worry, you have fun." – I said as I said goodbye and I yawned again. If you're wondering, this state of mine is normal when I train my skills for a long time, manipulating skills and mana wastes my mental energy and if we add it to the fact that I still haven't fully recovered physically. I just have to say that the only thing I'm worried about right now is sleeping.

"Hey Haru, are you okay?" – Gwen asked me as she walked a little slower and stood next to me.

"by?" – I asked, apart from yawning, I don't think I did anything that would make me think it was wrong.

"You have been yawning a lot since the morning and yesterday you went to sleep very early until almost afternoon." – She said and well, if you see it that way.

"Don't worry. I only overextended myself when I fought against the mutants of old Animo and last night, since I wasn't sleepy, I started training some of my skills. I sleep for a while and I am sure I will be better." – I answered him while I gave him a small smile, not for nothing, but because I was holding back from yawning, but in the end I ended up yawning.

"Well, if you say so, just don't overexert yourself and rest well." – Gwen said and I couldn't think that despite her being the way she is with her cousin, she is actually very kind.

"Of course, do not worry." – I said and I think at some point – "Don't worry" – became the word I say the most.

It didn't take us long to get to the dock, I separated from Gwen while she looked for a place to sleep.

It didn't take long before I found a place to sleep, I looked to the sides and saw that no one was watching, I quickly took out my Trenchcoat, reached in and from the interior space I took out a hammock.

I put it between two nearby trees and lay down.

"Haaaa, yes this is the best…". – I murmured relaxed while releasing a sigh. One of the things I have in the interior space of the Gabardina is this hammock, I think it is one of the best things I have saved. And to make this moment better, the breeze began to blow, giving a feeling of freshness and I began to take out the grapes that I had bought in the store the night of Animo's attack.

"At this moment I only need the pretty girls to feed me to do better." – I thought with a happy smile on my face while I ate the grapes.

"EHHhhh…nice girls, huh? "I didn't know you were that kind of guy, Haru." – At that point I heard a voice that left me paralyzed for a second, I opened my eyes quickly and saw Gwen standing on one side of the hammock.

"G-gwen?" – That was the only thing I could say because of how surprised I was.

"I came to see if you were better and the first thing I heard you say is that… I'm leaving, since I see that you are more than fine." – Gwen said as she turned around and began to walk away.

"Gwen wait… WHAAAHH!!" – In my moment of panic I tried to get up quickly while trying to hold on to the hammock, big mistake, I fell face down on the ground, fortunately I had not placed the hammock too high and the ground was not that hard.

"Ow! Wow! Wow! my forehead." – I complained while rubbing my forehead using [Minor Healing]. Although it was not as painful as when the frog threw me into the air, although that time I had [One for all] activated, still, with this fall I would have earned a bump on my forehead if it were not for the minor healing .

"Hpmh" – I heard Gwen snort as she walked away.

I just sighed as I watched her leave, but I didn't follow her. Although the truth is I do care a little about what she thinks of me since we are traveling together and I don't want to spend my vacation enduring looks and scorn from her, beyond that... I don't care much.

"Oh well, me and my luck." – I murmured while I shrugged my shoulders and lay back down in the hammock with real intentions of sleeping, since all my desire to relax a little while I ate some grapes before going to sleep were ruined.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

[Gwen's POV]

Walking away annoyed from where she was huraka, I couldn't help but remember her words and huff as I increased my steps. I don't even know why I'm like this, he's someone I met not long ago and yet some simple words I heard him say bother me.

Haruka Kagemusha, grandson of an old friend of Grandpa's, my first impression of him was that he was a very cute boy, after having known him for a few days I can say that his behavior is also very good. He's kind, he likes to help people and he's more mature than a lot of guys and I'm not just saying that because he's 2 years older.

'Although he seems to have difficulty talking to new people.' – I thought, well everyone has one or another problem.

At first I wasn't very happy about coming to this camp, much less happy about coming with my stupid cousin, but after meeting Haru, I think it wasn't such a bad idea to come.

'Cute girls, huh?' – I couldn't help but think as I wondered if boys his age were already starting to be so interested in girls.

"I better stop thinking about it… (Sigh)" – I murmured and then sighed as I lowered my head and finished reaching the dock.

But then I saw that a shadow suddenly appeared, making me raise my head. What I saw was a giant monster coming out of the water.

*ROAR!!*-the monster roared and before he could run, the monster had lowered his body, destroying the dock and throwing everyone on it into the air, including me...

"WHAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" – the only thing I was left with was screaming as I was thrown into the water.


I don't know why he decided to write this chapter like that, but what else, I just hope it hasn't turned out too bad.

The next one is going to be just as uncomfortable or worse.

so I'm going to upload this chapter now, tomorrow around 12 I'll upload another one and I won't upload more until Monday.

I hope you liked the chapter.