
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

-[chapter 13]-

Now I am lying in the camp, after yesterday's fights my body still needs some time to recover, although I recover faster than normal, it should still take about 2 days until my muscles stop hurting.

'But you could say that on the one hand it was worth it.' – I thought and I'm not talking about the invention that I won after beating Animo, but about this...


[Name: Kagemusha Haruka] [Age: 12] [Rating: I+ (G- with one for all 12% even higher with berserker, G+ with one for all 100% even higher with berserker)]

[HP: 95/95] [MP: 520/520] [SP: 90/96]

[Strength: I+] [Defense: I+] [Dexterity: I+]

[Vitality: I+] [Intelligence: I] [Mana: H]

[Luck: C (variable)]

[Soul Classification: Intermediate Soul State]

[Job: Senior Martial Artist Apprentice (68%)]

[Transformation to pink muscles: 16%]

[One for all: 12%]

Unique Skills: [Berserker]

Passive Skills: [All Elemental Affinity] [Luck] [Charming Gaze] [Silent Footsteps] [Counter Attack] [Bronze Body]

Active Skills: [Evaluating Eye: Level 10] [Parallel Thoughts: Level 6] [Fireball: Level 5] [Cleanse: Level 9] [Seal: Level 5] [Thought Communication: Level 3]. [Intimidating Gaze: Level 7] [Mana Control: Level 8] [Soothing Aura: Level 9] [Barriers: Level 5] [Stalk: Level 7] [Minor Healing: Level 5] [Minor Illusion: Level 6] [Strong Punch: Level 6] [Strong Kick: 5] [Meditate: 3].

Resistances: [Magic Resistance: Level 3] [Mental Resistance: Level 4] [Poison Resistance: 4]

[Outer Torso Soul Bone: Nether Wings]: [High Affinity to Nether Fire] [Supersonic Flight] [Protective Aura] [Feather Hardening] [Feather Shot]

[Familiar: Night Raven "Nisha"]

My stats went up and the skills I used the most did the same.

'Who would have thought it was true that you grow faster while you fight.' - I thought and although it doesn't look like much. This is the first time in a long time that multiple skills have been leveled at once, not to mention, my muscle transformation level and the percentage of [One for all] that I can use increased.

In my previous fight against the giant robot I barely put in any effort, because… well, that was mostly Ben's fight, so none of my skills had leveled up nor had my stats gone up. But now after fighting the mutant animals the skills I used the most did level up and my stats increased, although only a little.

What I am happy is that the percentage of my muscle transformation and [One for all] have increased. Speaking of which, I would have a higher percentage than I have now if I had done the same from the beginning that I learned to control the power percentage of [One for all], but the truth is that it is not my style. I prefer to play it safe, increasing the power by 1% from time to time, the truth is I don't like how my body looks after greatly increasing the percentage that I can use.

If you're wondering, I had tried it shortly after learning to control the percentage of power I use from [One for all]. So I am speaking from experience, which is totally different than when I train like a normal person, that the pain remains in certain parts of my body.

While when I tried to train by significantly increasing the percentage of the power of [One for all] that my body could withstand, that time my entire body was left as if it had undergone highly intensive training in all possible and impossible trainable areas.

Together as I am now... I don't even want to move, I don't even feel like using more than 5% of the power of [One for all].

But well, moving on…

'If I'm not mistaken the percentage of my muscle transformation and the power of [One for all] can still increase more since I haven't fully recovered yet.' – I thought, taking away all the bad, you certainly have its positive side.

'And I have a feeling that this summer I will have to go through this situation more than once... Ufff, now I don't think it was a good idea to come.' – I thought and my cowardly side became present. It's not because of the dangerous fights, but because of the pain I'm going to go through in the not-too-distant future.

'I better stop thinking about that.' – I thought as I took another sigh and tried to think about something else.

*gwen's frightened scream*

"MMM??" – I heard Gwen scream so I looked out the window and although there is fog I can still see Gwen on the ground and a big monster made of what looks like algae and plants coming out of the water.

'Something like that happened in the third chapter... I think he is transformed into Four Arms, I think after that the lake monster appears...'. – I thought as I watched Gwen walk away from the dock looking upset while Ben was removing the plants from his body while he laughed.

It didn't take Gwen long to get to the camper, she saw that Max was lying asleep and she went to bed too. If you're wondering, I'm here in the passenger seat suffering from insomnia from having spent the entire day sleeping.

That's when I saw something giant start to come out of the water...

'Oh Ben, as a good friend I would like to help you, but I better let you solve it alone. Since 1) you brought it on yourself, although it was not intentional and 2) I don't think I'm any help in the water, much less being in my condition.' – I thought as I looked towards Ben with pity since he is going to face a monster in an unfavorable terrain for him.

Just like the original I remember, Ben was thrown far away and then taken to the depths, I don't worry, Ben is in his [Four arms] form, so he will be fine. Rather, I think that if it weren't for the fact that Ben was in unfavorable terrain and was scared by seeing a monster, a single blow from Ben [Four Arms] would have knocked out the monster.

And it didn't take long to see Ben getting out of the water and running towards the camper.

"I was just attacked by a monster in the lake." – Ben said after opening the door.

I just stood there listening to Max and Gwen not believe Ben while I had [Stalk] activated to hide my presence, I don't want Ben to make me go check the lake to look for the monster.

Seconds later Ben's clock ran out of time and all he had to do was go to sleep too.

'Well... while I wait to get sleepy, I'll try to level up some skills.' – I thought as he closed his eyes and activated [Meditate], [Relaxing Aura] and [Mana Control].

[Meditate] and [Relaxing Aura] is to help me recover faster and enter a relaxed state of mind, so with that combination it helps me use [Mana Control] more easily since my mind is relaxed.

It should also be said that while I have [Relaxing Aura] activated I am indirectly making everyone in the camper relax more and sleep better, but I just ignored that and focused on what I was going to do.

[Mana Control] the skill that every wizard and sorcerer would want, a skill that helps me reduce the cost of mana that I use to activate the other skills, unfortunately I don't have any spells and I only level it for the above.

Although spells exist in this world, the truth is that I don't like those types of spells. For me, having to say so many words to do magic isn't really my thing, I just hope that if I level [Mana Control] enough I can learn to use magic without talking.

'Well, there's still a long way to go before I get any spells, so it doesn't matter for now... I better concentrate on leveling the skill.' – I thought while putting all my concentration into controlling my mana.


I decided this time to put Haru's statistics, although I don't think I do it often.

I hope you liked the chapter.