
Transmigrating as the third prince: Conqueror of the seven multiverse

In a futuristic world where space adventuring is a common happening, the coexistence of genetically modified humans, humanoid species and none humanoid entities in one universe under one power. A young man woke up as the only surviving Prince and the rightful ruler of the Universe. With the help of the Almighty Star system, Would he be able to bring the known and unknown universes under one power? and live his long awaited life of peace and luxury? Join Ghengi on his road to greatness not forgetting, it might be his… doom. Sorry… please my English is average. Please I am not the owner of the cover image and will gladly remove if the owner wants me to. Hope you like the Novel.

King_Sparo · sci-fi
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16 Chs

5. Blueprints

"I want to exchange energy cubes directly as payment, hope this won't be a problem?", the lead robot asked.

Ghengi had a depressed face under the helmet as he continued to look through the prices of the space ships. In the beginning, he casually ordered the lead robot to add all the already cooked and raw food materials in their cart as the highest price was only a few tens of thousands, adding a total of 38 million worth of materials to his cart. The feeling of casually spending a few millions was great, starting this feeling within him.

For cooked food, they were much more expensive than nutritional supplements. As the resources of planets are fully utilized, it affects the cycle of the ecosystem resulting in lesser produce every year. Rendering some planets barren in a few decades. Making it more of a luxury to eat cooked food for space travelers, as you can get a cheap supplement for as low as 5 EC and inject it directly, it could keep one going for 24 hours at least.

(Note: this applies to only known galaxies in the known universe so far. The status of others are currently unknown. Such as planets that have not entered the interstellar world.)

But the special feeling, it was immediately extinguished when the lead robot chose the space ships category. A long list of spacecrafts with their details and prices popped up.

|| Spacecrafts ||

|| Name: Malto

Type: Enhanced Super Titan

Description: A super rare titan with the most armor making them the most reliable tanks among Titans. Their unique grain-like structure and golden black hue draws many attention to them. Due to the large amount of resources needed to build it, there is currently only one in the known universe.

Available: 1

Price: 120 trillion EC ||

|| Name: Banquisher

Type: Super Titan

Description: It's a Titan ship that can only be obtained under very rare circumstances and requires the resources equivalent to several groups of alliances. It's presence spreads fear with it's chaos and disturbingly high fire power and indestructible armor.

Available: 1

Price: 85 trillion EC ||

'What the f***', is the only thought which repeated as he looked at details and prices of each spaceship.

"That is possible, it is definitely possible. But some of the ships on display are not currently at this space station and would need a week at most to deliver them. This applies to most of the items on display as this space station is quite far from the capital and the teleportation range can't cover here.", the manager said with a bright smile.

"There is no need for a delivery, I would be buying the available goods and consider others the next time I visit.", the solemn voice of the lead robot was heard.

"Okay, okay. Please take your time and choose, let me know when you are done and I will be back to take in your orders. Please excuse us", the manager said and walked out with his people.

With everyone out, Ghengi took the lead robot's seat and controlled the panel. He did this only after Sindy adjusted the space station's security system and made the cameras in the VIP room rewind indefinitely.

He carefully read the details of each ship. He would not buy all the ships just because he can, he just needs specific ships which can align with the Mothership's abilities. To cover the flaws and blind spots of the Mothership.

He needs to build a strong army and with time, and with the research lab, he can have the largest army. But he had to build a strong foundation and he had already thought of a second plan in case the Mothership is to be destroyed one day. But that would have to wait. Is it even possible for someone to destroy the mothership of such a level? not taking any chances. He will not test that theory either.

Then again, with the power of his androids, even the strongest Assault ship in the world would not be able to damage it's shield, even more the ship itself. So what is the use of buying the great ships, is not like he would be taking revenge anytime soon anyway. Just stay lowkey and enjoy the peaceful and luxurious life.

After reading through the tens of thousands of flights, he then started his selection from the cheapest Freighter ships but with large cargo storage, to make transporting of the food stuff, nutritional supplements, seeds, and greenhouse fertilizers he would be purchasing much easier. He prioritized storage capacity not forgetting to get almost every drone for sale. These ships were meant to cover his special storage.

After two hours of hard work and careful selection of all spaceships that caught his interest, the system successfully made him clear the cart of spacecrafts to be replaced with blueprints. Changing his plan completely. This was all thanks to the great system.

"Yes, that's all". The lead android said and turned to leave as he continued, "I would be looking around, let me know when my orders are ready".

The manager was stunned but quickly reacted and said, "Y…yes sir, would you like a guild? Mr. Reno here ca…"

"No need", The lead android interrupted and walked out followed by the four armored men.

The VIP room became silent for a while after they left, the assistant manager could not help but look at the manager and ask, "So what now sir? We are not going to sell such data to unknown forces, are we?"

The manager gave out a long sigh as he kept looking at the cases filled with energy cubes. After a short period, he said, "Just prepare what he wants and make sure there are no mistakes. These are orders from above, do you understand?".

"Yes, will do right away.", the vice said and hurriedly left the VIP room to prepare the goods.

Twenty minutes ago.

"System, I thought you went into a slumber, all this while you've not said a single word or responded to my callings. Where did go?"

'I was only adapting and updating towards host's preferences, to better understand host's thoughts, choices and to better aid host on his journey to greatness'

"Okay, so you said something about blueprints, what are those? Is it similar to in game blueprints?"

'Yes they are quite similar, as blueprints can not be duplicated and one would need exquisite craftsmanship and artistry to succeed in bringing it to life. But that does not apply to you'

Ghengi's eyes lit up as he heard the last part, "Yes, I have the research and manufacturing labs. I can research a blueprint and produce it infinitely. But there is one thing, can the manufacturing lab produce the items on the blueprints?"

'Yes it can, having a blueprint is more than having the product. The research time would greatly reduce and manufacturing duration as well. And also, host can combine several blueprints to be researched upon at he same time, which can bring unexpected results. As I suggested before, host should prioritize buying blueprints instead of one of each item.'

The system continued, 'Also, blueprints are much more cheaper. Considering buying a blueprints, gathering the materials and hiring builders to construct the item, the cost of all this and a little more as profit is added when the items are put on sale. Making the price of blueprints greatly reduced.'

Ghengi eyes lit up immediately he heard this and unknowingly to him, a devilish grin formed on his face as muttered, "Blueprints… it is."

New author here. Hope you liked it. Don’t worry, action would be here soon.

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