
Transmigrating as the third prince: Conqueror of the seven multiverse

In a futuristic world where space adventuring is a common happening, the coexistence of genetically modified humans, humanoid species and none humanoid entities in one universe under one power. A young man woke up as the only surviving Prince and the rightful ruler of the Universe. With the help of the Almighty Star system, Would he be able to bring the known and unknown universes under one power? and live his long awaited life of peace and luxury? Join Ghengi on his road to greatness not forgetting, it might be his… doom. Sorry… please my English is average. Please I am not the owner of the cover image and will gladly remove if the owner wants me to. Hope you like the Novel.

King_Sparo · sci-fi
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16 Chs

13. Captain Derald Huss

Earth R324.

Central sewer.

It is finally here. The day our exploration team is to venture into the chaotic world above the ground.

We had many people to come see us off, it was a great exit as such a large crowd was seen only at the first exploration team's departure.

Those who came to see us off were all the relatives of the my teammates. Their wives, children and grandchildren, some even had great grandchildren see them. How lucky they are.

For me… I had no one to see me off.

I was once a regiment captain before the doomsday. I was not able rescue my family because of my duty to protect the people. I could not save them… my family. That's all in the past now.

I had not been able to forgive myself and move on for over thirty years now.

I have the chance to lead my team and a few others to explore the surface. I know of the pending doom that awaits us, and they know as well.

The youngest among the team is around 42 years and I, the leader is 64 years. But we ain't going down without a fight.

I am Captain Derald Huss of the third regiment of the southern pole. This is my last stand before I leave this chaotic world.

With a solemn expression on his already wrinkled face, Derald turn to the team of white haireds and bald men and tried his best to speak in the most solemn tone as possible.

"Men and women of the 85th exploration team…"

Everyone immediately turned to face his direction and tried their best to not show their inner trauma. This made Derald's long prepared speech immediately vanish from the weak mind.

After a long time of silence, he said, "Move out."

He could not help to look at the pain hidden behind the eyes of so many people. He turned and lead the way to the lader and was the first to climb it.

After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally made it to the top. He felt extreme pain and tiredness but as the leader he could not show it on the surface.

He slowly unlocked and moved the metal cover to make as little noise as possible. To not attract any unwanted attention to themselves.

He peeked out whiles holding his breath. After looking around for some time and ensuring there is nothing of dire danger, he finally came out and stepped on the dry surface after a long time. Take in a few breaths of fresh air before helping the others to get above.

There were a hundred and forty in total. Due to their fragile body caused by old age and poor nutrition, they all collapsed to the ground immediately they were pulled out.

As for old Derald and his old teammates, due to the training in the military they were looking better than the others.

All this while, none of them noticed the giant metallic wall which suddenly appeared behind them. Until…

"Sir Derald, was this thing here before?"

A old lady asked while pointing at the steel wall which gave off little to no reflection.

"What is that?!"

"Oh my…!"

"Everyone stay calm!"

He finally spoke to which everyone immediately became mute. But two to three people had already collapsed due to their fragile hearts.

He quickly approached them and sprinkled some brown like liquid on them which successfully woke them up.

Derald then focused on the strange thing which appeared from nowhere. He was sure to not have seen it just now so how did it get here.

Can it move? Is it controlled by the monsters? What kind of machine is this big? It did not even make a sound?

He was still in deep thoughts until he felt a slight movement in the ground. Looking up again, a towering gate seemed to be opening from the strange thing. Several armored personnel matched out in formation.

All this while, Derald and his team were stunned not knowing what to do. Even though their minds told them to run as far as possible, their hearts felt the sense of being protected by the military years back.

They all have experienced the peaceful world before this one. So seeing something they have not seen in a long time made their minds go back to the good old days.

The armored team emerged from the gates with four armored vehicles behind them.

The one hundred team of black armored personnel stopped a meter away from Donald who was standing stunned in front of the people.

The formation was that of six rows with one lead four-door armored vehicle and the other four armored vehicles being that of mini shuttles.

When they halted, the two middle lines quickly joined the adjacent side in the formation.

Giving way to a majestic figure who also had an armor but his armor was not black but white.

The suit had more intricate silver designs given it a more mysterious aura. The white armored man walked through the open space with an elegance of only the high ranked military personnel.

From the gate opening to the white armored man standing in front of Donald, it only took less than a minute but in the eyes of the people, it was more like a lifetime experience.

Few moments ago

In outer space, at the starship command room.

An android approached Ghengi with shiny round object the size of a ball.

'Commander this is the special helmet you asked for. You can control a specific android of your choice just like playing the full dive MMORPG games from your memories.'

'The daughter server you suggested had been successfully created and activated. You have the supreme authority over the daughter system on the planet and it's twin moons…'

Sindy's introduction and explaination was quite short and understandable.

Following Ghengi's suggestion and dedications from his memories, Sindy successfully created a planetary level system similar to that of the in game systems.

As long as one signed up to join his faction and pass the test set by the daughter system, the person would be automatically connected to the daughter system as a player and gain a system panel similar to in game ones.

The panel is generated through a bracelet which would be given to the individual.

As for Ghengi, he would be the Grand Marshal of the faction. He would be the one to issue tasks and rewards, of course he would do it through the daughter server.

All this was initiated by him.

Since he needs living beings as subordinates in order to generate Cosmic Merits, he had no thoughts of letting them leave once they joined his faction.

Also, a subordinate's kill can generate Cosmic Merits. He still needs to find out the other ways to generate Merits, so they can help him right?

This should be a good thing as he clearly saved their planet right? Who is even checking anyway.


Author here.

Please let the comments flow. All suggestions are welcome. It will help me learn and improve my writing. Thank you.

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