
Transmigrated Villain? Nope, I will Enjoy this Afterlife!

Most normal transmigrators have some type of horrible childhood they overcome or some type of monstrous trail they must defeat. Plus, they are normally murdered or die from some freak accident. I am not this type of transmigrator. I had a loving family that worked hard to grant all my wishes. I grew up and worked a normal job. Got married to a wonderful man and had great children that eventually grew up and had children of their own. Then I died peacefully in my sleep with no regrets in my life. So as a seemingly normal and boring transmigrator why am I reborn as a baby in a light novel I read online and never finished because the author went on hiatus and never came back. 

Kiki06 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


After the nanny closes the door, I sit up and look around to double check the area. At first I would just scan the room with my eyes and hope that no one was in the hallway planning to come in but soon I discovered something. While I knew many of the spells of this world, like "sticky spot", because I read the light novel, after playing with magic for these 8 months, I discovered that if I picture it in my mind, I can make it happen utilizing magic.  So, X-ray vision is now a wonderful spell I can pull off. Also, let's not think about all the horrible ways the spell went wrong before I perfected it. Naked old butler is not something I would like a repeat viewing of, eww. But a nice bonus of this, besides knowing I was alone, was the first glimpse of my parents.

My Father is tall, strong, stern, and a powerful magician. He has long silver hear and dark purple eyes. He never seems to look happy. The only one that can make him smile is my mother, from what I can tell anyway. My Mother is small, sickly, and it seems she is on her death bed. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and seems rather upset that I am a girl. Almost every evening, I have seen my father stepping onto the hallway where my room is located however every time, he does the floor creaks, and my mother hears that creak and calls for him. As soon as my mother calls, he turns and goes straight to my mother.  

Tonight however, this is going to change. Instead of my father trying to walk to me, I am going to crawl to him.

Gravity and wind magic are hard to control and have landed me in some painful situations. Because of this I use floating magic to get in and out of my cradle. I also use the magic spell called invisible hand to open and close the door. Oddly enough the noise from my mistakes with magic and opening and closing the door never wake the nanny. I am starting to think the poor dear drugs herself to sleep each night. She takes a packet of small sparkly grains each night before laying down to sleep. I hope it is only for sleep and not for some serious illness. I would not like it if she was sick since, she is really the only adult that interacts with me right now.

Slowly floating in the air, I hold onto the edge of the cradle to keep from floating too high or going the wrong direction. Hand over hand, griping the wood, I slowly go up, over, and down to the floor. Releasing the spell, I roll over and get on all fours ready to complete my mission. Crawling to the door I concentrate and utilizing the spell invisible hand open it up. I crawl out and down the hall and wait. Soon my father should be coming, and I will finally see him face to face. 

My brothers are far enough along, in their interactions with me, that I think they will still come visit me even if an adult caught them and told them to no longer visit. So, I need to move on to my next step and that's conquering Rash Merrill, my father.  Tall scary father who is glaring down at me right now, Eep!

I looked up so fast I rolled on to my back from my sitting position. Not my finest first impression. Rolling to my side I crawl up to a sitting position, spread out my skirt, tried to reach my head to fix my hair, gave up, put my hands in my lap, and then titled my head back slowly with a big smile on my face. Looking up I see my father covering his mouth with his hand. Maybe he didn't want to scare me with his frown. I tilt my head to the side and raise an eyebrow, trying to ask why he would cover his face.  The only reaction I see are his shoulders shaking up and down. I tilt my head to the other side and raise the other eyebrow. At this moment I hear muffled laughter as my father's hand goes from covering his mouth to holding his stomach. He bends over in laughter. I have no clue what is going on but at this exact second, I hear my mother's voice calling my father. He stops laughing and looks down at me again, no longer glaring, more of a confused look. Then he snaps his fingers. The next thing I know, I am in my cradle, laying down, covered with a blanket. Well, I guess that is progress, at least I got to see his face. Also, what magic was it that he used that he only had to snap his finger and I am teleported back to bed. Man, I would have loved to have that magic when I had kids. I must learn that one, I MUST!