
Transmigrated To Be A Pretty Doctor Girl

His stepmother was crafty, his father was weak, his sister was selfish, and he had a hateful fiance … She was forced to accept such a mess as soon as he crossed over. NO, As the doctor girl she should be the one to strengthen herself! Her Life must be in her own hands! This is the story about a modern girl who is going to rise from ancient times.

QueenBlink · Teenager
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10 Chs

Chapter 12

Seeing that the jade pendant was exposed, widow Li rushed anxiously to snatch the jade pendant from Tang Qingru.

Tang Qingru shrank back to avoid her snatch. She looked at her coldly and hummed, "don't you mean no? How do you explain that? "

"It's my own." Widow Li cried nervously, "give it back to me. Otherwise, I won't finish with you. "

Tang Qingru wiped the jade pendant and said in disgust: "a good jade pendant. Now you've made it so dirty. My cousin still hates it."

"It's my own, you robbers." Widow Li holds Tang Qingru's thigh and wants to take it back.

Tang Qingru kicked her away and said impatiently, "I've seen thick skinned people, but I haven't seen people who don't even want faces. If you don't, don't blame me for being rude. "

Qin Hua saw the situation and fled quietly. Now that his arm is broken, he has to find a doctor to see the injury.

Widow Li lost her jade pendant. She was in great pain. She doesn't know the price of the jade pendant, but it looks good at first sight. It's definitely worth a lot of silver. She is trying to take things to another friend and ask him to help sell them. I didn't want to be robbed before I went out. Now he hates Tang Qingru and nalanling very much.

Tang Qingru couldn't get rid of widow Li, so she had to kick away. She took the jade pendant to nalanling.

Nalan Ling didn't want to stay here for a long time. He took Tang Qingru away from here.

After such a fuss, it's too late. If you walk from here to the city, I'm afraid it's already dark. Tang Qingru found an ox cart from a neighboring village and asked the old man to take them to the city. When they got to the city, they found an inn. After all, housekeeper Lin hasn't found a house so soon. They have to live in an inn during this time.

Fortunately, she made some money today, otherwise she would have to sleep on the street.

"Here comes the noodles." Tang Qingru came into the room with noodles.

Nalanling stood in front of the window, not knowing what to think. After hearing Tang Qingru's words, he turned and came over, took the noodles from her hand and said, "thank you, ru'er."

Tang Qingru was stunned, put the noodles on the table, looked at him and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"I was thinking that if ru'er hadn't taken care of me, I would have died many times." Nalanling said bitterly, "I'm useless."

Tang Qingru pulled nalanling to the table and patted the chair beside him: "sit down and talk. You're so tall, I'm too tired to talk to you. "

Na Lan Ling lightly smile. He sat down, picked up a chopstick of noodles and snored into his mouth.

"It's ru'er's craft." Nalanling said in surprise: "you are tired all day. Let the second child give you something to eat. Why bother?"

"You're the one with the biggest mouth. If you get something to eat, I'm afraid you'll be hungry tonight." Tang Qingru said with a smile: "are you still unhappy about today's events? No need to. Tomorrow I will go to housekeeper Lin to see if he is ready for the shop. If we're ready, we'll move in. "

"Ru'er..." Nalanling frowned and said, "I'm worried. Although King Qing stayed in his own place and didn't return to the capital, it's hard to ensure that there were no people in the capital around him. If I'm around you all day and seen by their people, I can't keep a secret. After all, when my family was destroyed, I'm still the queen of sin. "

"What are you worried about? You'll be fine Tang Qingru said, "if you eat, have a rest earlier. Don't think about what didn't happen. "

"Ru'er..." Nalanling took out the jade pendant awkwardly, handed it to her and said, "can you keep it for me?"

Seeing this, Tang Qingru said with a smile, "you can't be because of the woman today..."

"Ru'er..." Nalan LingHong face, not angry to stare at her: "don't be naughty."

"Well! I'll keep it for you. " Tang Qingru takes it.

"You've changed." Nalan Ling looked at her smile. "Your eyes are as bright as stars, and you look very energetic. You used to hang your head, and you were weak in your speech. "

While eating noodles, Tang Qingru said in her heart: most of the maids here look like this.

The next day, nalanling went out early in the morning and bought Shaobing. Tang Qingru opened the door and saw nalanling standing outside. She didn't know how long she had been standing.

She looked at the pancake in his hand and was moved.

"When I was shopping just now, I heard the aunt who sold cakes say that there is a rich family who wants to hire a teacher. I'm going to have a try." Nalanling said with a smile. "You can't let ru'er support me all the time. I'll feel very sad that way. "

Tang Qingru said with a smile: "good! With your talent, you can do anything. "

Nalanling listened to her and laughed very happily. Tang Qingru let him into the room, and they had breakfast in the room. After dinner, everyone is busy.

Tang Qingru didn't set up a stall in the street today. After all, she has to solve the problem of her shop first, so she has to wait on the master of King Qing first, so that she can have a place to live.

QingWang mansion. The guard at the door has long been ordered by housekeeper Lin. as long as you see Tang Qingru dressed as a man, you put her in.Tang Qingru entered the palace without hindrance. At this time, housekeeper Lin had got the news and rushed over. Seeing her, he quickly said, "doctor, you are here at last. Our Lord has a better look. Just still not awake. Give him another look. "

"Now that it has improved, it means that there is no problem with my prescription. Just continue to give him the medicine according to my prescription. Just one thing. Since your Lord is often poisoned, you should pay special attention to it. If there's anything unclean mixed into the medicine, don't say it's my problem. I'm not going to take the blame. " Tang Qingru brought the scandal to the front.

"Yes, the doctor can rest assured that all the servants we left behind are loyal to the Lord and dare not do such things." Housekeeper Lin said, "this way, please."

"What I said about the shop yesterday..." Tang Qingru didn't rush in. Once they see King Qing, they are in no hurry. While they were in a hurry, the business was done.

Housekeeper Lin said with a smile: "the doctor can rest assured that it has been done. This is the house deed. I've sent someone to pack it up. You can check in with your luggage directly. "

Tang Qingru looked at the location of the shop and knew that it was a prosperous area here. This housekeeper Lin has paid a lot of money to find such a good house for her.

"Thank you very much." Tang Qingru said with a smile.

"Can we see our Lord's condition now?" Housekeeper Lin made an invitation.

Tang Qingru went into King Qing's bedroom. The beautiful man closed his eyes, his face was better than yesterday, and his breath was a little more stable. His expression was painful and he hummed from time to time.

She felt his pulse, determined his physical condition, and said, "if you take another two days of medicine, you won't wake up unexpectedly. Just wake up and you'll be fine. "

"Accident?" Housekeeper Lin couldn't hear the euphemism. King Qing's life is related to the life of all the people in the house. It can't be careless.

"That's what I just said." After Tang Qingru diagnosed QingWang, in order to prove that his doctor is worth the high price, he gave QingWang another pill.

Housekeeper Lin was surprised to find that King Qing's expression was no longer so painful, slightly better than just now. "Thank you very much," he said excitedly

"Nothing else, I'll go back and clean up the store you arranged. I want to buy a lot of medicinal materials, so I can't start business in recent days. " Tang Qingru said, "if you have anything to do, call me there. If there's nothing wrong, I won't come. Call me when he wakes up. Before I wake up, I will use the same prescription for the three days without changing it. "

After telling housekeeper Lin, Tang Qingru takes the lease to find their shop. As housekeeper Lin said, it's already packed up. You can live in it directly.

It deserves to be king Qing's mansion. It's really rich and powerful. All the quilts in the room are ready. In addition to the basic daily necessities, even in the yard are put a few potted flowers to do embellishment.

It's a pity that King Qing is a little bit disgusted. He looks down on male chauvinism and women. If King Qing didn't have such fur, she would be happy to make friends with them.

Tang Qingru opened up her shopping skills. She went to the major stores to buy a lot of things and asked them to send them directly to the stores. In only half a day, it was arranged as she wanted.

"Ready?" Nalan Ling came in. "The innkeeper gave me the note you left. I was really surprised. Little ru'er, when did you learn to write? "

Tang Qingru was shocked. Can't the original owner write? yes! How did she forget? The original owner is just a little girl. How can she read?

"Well..." Tang Qingru has not found a reason to explain that nalanling has been attracted by the shop.

He looked around, frowned and said, "I'm afraid a few hundred silver is not enough for such a big shop. Ru'er, we have a big advantage. In the future, it's better not to go to this palace. "

"My son, even if I want to go less and take other people's things, I'm afraid I won't be able to get off their boat in the future. But don't worry. I'm the one who comes out. It has nothing to do with you. If King Qing's people come to me, you should avoid it and don't let them see it. " Tang Qingru said.

"Do you think I'm afraid of death? I'm worried about you. That King Qing was a strange person since he was a child. I heard a lot about him when I was in Beijing. " Nalanling said, "if you do something that doesn't suit his heart, he's trying to embarrass you. Here he is the local emperor. He can do whatever he wants, and killing a person is just a matter of words. "

Tang Qingru pushes nalanling in. They came to the bedroom in the backyard. The shop in the front is big, and the bedroom in the back is not small. There are four bedrooms in total, and the yard is large enough to grow vegetables or open a medicine garden.

"This morning, I said that a wealthy family wanted to find a teacher. I went to have a try, and I can go to work tomorrow." Nalanling said to Tang Qingru who was cleaning up the yard: "so, I may live in the Li family in the future."

"You mean Are you moving? Will you never come back? " Tang Qingru looks at nalanling in surprise.

She didn't want to. After all, it's the original owner who has feelings for him. She just didn't expect that they would go their separate ways so soon."No. It's just that there's less time to come back. I'm going to teach a few children. They look very naughty. At the beginning, it took me some time to win their hearts Nalanling said with a smile: "in order to conquer our brothers, my master ate and lived with us at the beginning, and finally got our approval. From then on, we regard him as a relative. Even if we don't listen to our parents, we will listen to him. He has a great influence on our brothers. "

Mentioning the past, nalanling was in a low mood. He thought of the past with a gloomy look.