
Transmigrated to a perverted old man in naruto

Daniel died masturbating to hentai, after his death he realized he was transmigrated into the body of an elderly civilian in Konoha, he was given a system that rewards him for every perverted act he does, now he will be the biggest sexual degenerate in konoha

kingbastard1999 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Mikoto Uchiha sucking dick and awakening mangekyou sharingan

The next day, everything was chaotic, the streets were full of police ninjas investigating

3 sexual assaults in one night and no one was able to catch the person responsible, which shows that the criminal is a first-rate ninja

Daniel walked calmly down the street, he didn't stink anymore because he bought a small house and new clothes

He used a cane and had a smile on his face, he looked like a good grandpa

"boy, give me a newspaper please" Daniel

"yes grandpa, it's 5 ryō " newspaper salesman boy

"cute, what a polite kid, here are 10 ryō, keep the change and buy something fun" Daniel

"thanks grandpa, here's the newspaper"

Daniel picked up the newspaper and walked to a restaurant for breakfast.

on the cover of the newspaper obviously talked about the iron dick demon

"50,000 ryō reward for capturing the iron dick demon"

'even so, the mission is still not complete, I think my fame is only among the civilians and the high echelon doesn't care much'

Daniel ate his meal while thinking, looks like the iron dick demon is going to make a big move


When night comes, she inspires and fascinates poets, but she also inspires sexual degenerates.

Across the rooftops in the moonlight, a masked man ran, swinging his dick in the wind.

His direction was a small Uchiha police station east of the village.

On that station was Daniel's target, Mikoto Uchiha.

Mikoto Uchiha is not yet a jōnin and is only at the level of a chunnin, she works in the police patrolling

Daniel knows that Mikoto is the love of Fugaku the chief of the Uchihas, he is sure that with this he will be famous and will alarm the whole village.

"mikoto mikoto, the old man here wants to suckle boobs"


the small station had only 2 ninjas, Mikoto Uchiha and Bob Uchiha

"Damn I hate working the night shift" Bob

Bod would complain, but sometimes he would look away from Mikoto

Mikoto is a very hot woman, she wore the police uniform which made her even sexier

However Bob only looked a little bit, he didn't have the courage to look hard or else he would end up killed by Fugaku.

"don't complain and pay attention, there's a pervert on the loose and we must capture him" Mikoto

"nonsense, I doubt this pervert has the courage to show up again, now the whole police are after him hahaha" Bob

"don't underestimate him, he knocked out 3 strong chunnins using only his genital organ, he is without a doubt a powerful jōnin" Mikoto

"idiots, they lost getting a dick blow, this is too ridiculous" Bob

"really idiots hahahaha" a sinister voice suddenly sounded

Bob and Mikoto were scared, they didn't notice anyone around.

Finally, a masked man emerged from the nearby shadows, his 25cm hard cock on display, Bob and Mikoto looked at the naked man and understood, the one in front of them was the fearsome iron dick demon

"stand still and surrender" Mikoto yells

Bob activated 2 tomoe's sharingan and ran to attack

"I'm an uchiha, my sharingan will analyze your dick and i will never get hit by him hahaha" Bob

"Poor mortal, doesn't know the difference between our levels" Daniel

Daniel used his strength and chakra in his legs, his speed reached an extreme level due to taijutsu

Bob Uchiha even managed to predict Daniel's attack using the sharigan, unfortunately his body couldn't keep up with his eyes

Daniel's dick vigorously hit Bob's face


Bob went flying from the impact, he was defeated with just one dick swipe

Mikoto tried to react and help Bob, unfortunately Daniel quickly got to her, he used his dick to hit Mikoto in the face

However, he now aimed at her mouth, his dick entered Mikoto's mouth and defeated her.

Mikoto before flying off the impact she can taste the sebum from the dick in her mouth, she actually paid a blowjob without meaning to

"The wife of the great uchiha leader actually likes to suck cocks off strangers hahaha" Daniel

"damn…..." Mikoto spat out blood due to the damage and anger

Daniel ran over to her and ripped off the clothes covering her breasts, he squeezed her medium sized breast hard and then licked Mikoto's pink nipple.

Mikoto felt disgusted and with hatred, a growing hatred

suddenly Mikoto's eyes changed, from 2 tomoe to 3 tomoe and finally, a flower pattern appeared

Daniel, who was still enjoying the nipple in his mouth, felt a sense of endless crisis, without wasting time he used 100% of his power and ran away.

Yes that's right, Mikoto has awakened the mangekyou sharingan

in a few seconds Daniel was very far away but suddenly his left arm started to burn

black flames were consuming your arm

'fuck, I hate the uchihas' Daniel

Daniel without thinking twice used chakra in his right hand and cut his left arm.

then he disappeared into the darkness

the next day, hundreds of ninjas were scouring the village, Fugaku was furious
