
Transmigrated into the Uchiha clan

I'm not good at summaries so I'll just tell you what It's about. It's about a guy who reincarnates into the Uchiha clan. That's about it. This is a Chinese Translation. Don't expect too much from this.

okaayyyyyy · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


"Minato, Minato!"

Hearing Kushina's call from the living room, Minato held a wok in one hand and a shovel in the other, looking at Kushina sitting on the sofa, and said.

"I'm here."

"Minato, several ninjas from the Uchiha clan sent us wedding blessings today."

Kushina flipped the camera in her hand. She looked at the blessings sent by the Uchiha ninjas recorded by the camera. She couldn't hide the smile on her face. However, the smiles on the faces of the Uchiha group seemed to be forced out. It was so far-fetched. It felt like someone was standing by while filming, constantly threatening them with words.


Suddenly she smelled the smell of cooking fumes in the air. She raised her head and saw Namikaze Minato who didn't know what was going on. When Shi came to the side, he lowered his head and looked at the scene recorded by the camera in his hand.

Looking at the shovel that was still dripping with oil, Kushina patted the sofa and said with some distress.

"Be careful, the sofa is new."

"Huh? Sorry."

Minato also reacted at this time. He trotted back to the kitchen, put the shovel apron back, and returned to Kushina again to follow suit. stand up.

There were blessings not only from ninjas from the same village, but also from ninjas from other villages. Even Kumogakure Village, which had not signed an armistice agreement with Konoha and was still having a small-scale war, sent blessings.


At this time, Kushina asked, holding Minato's shoulder with one hand and stroking his growing belly with the other.

"I heard from Mikoto two days ago that the conflicts within her family are getting bigger and bigger, and the clan members are becoming more and more difficult to manage. During the last clan meeting, someone even proposed to divorce the clan leader and pursue the Senju family patriarch."


Namikaze Minato looked at his wife blankly, thinking of the love between Fugaku and his wife, and asked quickly.



Kushina put down the camera in her hand and said speechlessly.

"It's not because of the Hokage's position. Ever since Mikoto married Fugaku, she was almost driven crazy by the clan members. Every day, she dragged the clan leader to forcefully recall the past. For example: when the village was founded, the first Hokage took pictures of Madara Uchiha. He said on his shoulder that he wanted to pass on the position of the Second Hokage to him. Later, the Second Hokage patted Uchiha Kagami's shoulder and said, "You are different from other Uchihas. You are the most likely successor to the Uchiha family." The third generation Hokage. Later, the third generation old man patted Fugaku on the shoulder and said, if you block the enemy's attack, your name will appear among the candidates for Hokage. Minato, as the fourth generation Hokage, it is your responsibility to maintain the stability of the village, and the Uchiha clan is the largest clan in Konoha."

Seeing his wife hesitate to speak, Minato instantly thought of the Senju clan leader she mentioned just now.

Should he be getting himself involved? He was likely to be beaten to death by Tsunade-sama. Thinking of the scene where his master had been hammered into the hospital by Tsunade with his fist, and then hammered into the hospital again after being treated with his palm, Minato shook his head vigorously and said to himself.

"No, Tsunade-sama will kill Jiraiya-sensei."

? ? ?

Kushina looked at Minato with a question mark on her face. She couldn't understand this guy's brain circuit. She told him that if the internal conflicts of the Uchiha clan were not dealt with in time, it would affect the village in the future. Where did you think of it?


Kushina sat directly on Minato's legs, grabbed his collar with both hands and rocked back and forth.

"Why don't you transfer the ninja who persuaded Mikoto to divorce? Just stop him from holding clan meetings and raising opinions."

"Where to transfer."

Seeing Kushina's hair standing on end, Namikaze Minato hurriedly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said with a flattering smile on his face.

"I know, I know. Recently, a group of ANBU people have applied to return to the normal ninja sequence, resulting in a large number of vacancies in the ANBU. After a while, the ANBU will send invitations to outstanding ninjas in the village."

"What about this period of time? What about this period of time? ?"

"This paragraph. This paragraph."

Minato, who was speechless, secretly glanced at the angry Kushina. He kept patting his wife's back with one hand to help her calm down and rubbed his chin with the other hand. Face said fondly.

"Recently, a group of Ninja School students have applied to graduate early. If that person has no psychological problems, he can be the temporary teacher of Kushina for a period of time. What is the name of that Uchiha ninja? I will check the file when I get back."

"That's pretty much it."

Kushina picked up the camera that was thrown aside, flipped through it for a while, then pointed to the blessing video above and said.

"Sa, that's him, Uchiha Asuka, the jounin of the Uchiha clan, a very versatile ninja. It is said that when he was still a chuunin, he already had the power of a jounin. Now he is a Jonin, and his specific combat power is unknown."

"So it's him."

Following Kushina's fingers, he saw the somewhat familiar figure in the camera.

Looking at that familiar figure, Namikaze Minato recalled him and instantly became a little silent.

Seeing Minato sitting there silently, Kushina shook his shoulders and asked a little worriedly.

"Is there something wrong with him?"

"That's right."

Minato shook his head, recalling the scenes from the Third War and Asuka's information in his mind, and said slowly.

"His background shares similarities with Tsunade-sama, as he is among the rare combat shinobi proficient in medical ninjutsu. The information indicates that during the Third Ninja War, he lost all his teammates. Despite having honed his medical ninjutsu to keenly perceive the ebbing vitality of his comrades, he ultimately abandoned it. Surprisingly, this skill not only allowed him to sense the fading life force of his companions but also actively prolonged their lives. In the end, he disavowed his medical ninjutsu and refrained from ever using it again."

Is that so?

After listening to Minato's narration, Kushina was stunned for a moment. Due to her status, she did not participate in the Third Ninja War. However, during that time, almost every house in Konoha Village was filled with white.


Minato saw that Kushina was a little unhappy. He gently stroked her belly with his hand and said.

"I will assign a team to him tomorrow."

At this time, Asuka was sitting on the chair. He looked around his empty room, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart.

Grandma Cat is so dark.

When I buy it, you give me 10% off, and when I sell, you give me 30% off.

Over and over again, I did nothing, and my family property shrank by nearly one-third.


Sighing deeply, he spat out the roast chicken bones in his mouth on the floor, and then his eyes fell on Daju, who was sleeping on the table. He looked at the cat that was too fat to look like, and stretched out his hand to push it twice, said.

"Don't sleep, go and help me deliver the letter."

Noticing that someone kept pushing his butt, Daju slowly opened his eyes and stretched subconsciously. Then he saw that there seemed to be a letter tied to his waist. In an instant, the orange cat stretched directly. It froze.

After being silent for a long time, it looked at the recipient's message, then looked up at the bird, with a touch of human helplessness on its face, and murmured in a girlish voice.

"I don't want to deliver a message to the widow. Ominous. Moreover, the Senju clan has a feud with you."


Asuka spat on the ground, then he looked in the direction of the Senju Clan and said.

"The other party has been wiped out, and there is only one woman left in the whole clan. How can we talk about feuding at this time? In the past, when the Senju clan was still around, the clan would still quarrel with each other. But now that the other party is dead, it is not so easy to add insult to injury."

Hearing this, after the orange cat glanced at Asuka twice, it opened the letter, looked at the content on it, and read.

"To the leader of the Senju Clan of the Forest - Senju Tsunade. As the Third Ninja World War gradually comes to an end, the Ninja World has finally ushered in temporary peace. Although all this is only temporary, as the leader of the Uchiha clan, I would like to talk to you through a letter. Two people are arguing about the future of their families for thousands of years, talking about the future of the village, and the future of the ninja world. ——Uchiha Fugaku""


Just as he was reading to the end, a piece of paper suddenly fell out of the envelope.

The orange cat picked up the piece of paper that fell on the table, opened it looked at it twice, and exclaimed.

"Asuka, are you rich? Why did you put 100,000 taels of banknotes in the envelope? If we don't stuff the money, it would be strange if Tsunade could come back to us."

"What are you trying so hard for?"


Asuka lightly slapped the orange cat on the head and said angrily.

"I just want to live this life safely. The use of force will represent danger. Of course, it must be resolved peacefully if it can be solved peacefully."