
Transmigrated into the Uchiha clan

I'm not good at summaries so I'll just tell you what It's about. It's about a guy who reincarnates into the Uchiha clan. That's about it. This is a Chinese Translation. Don't expect too much from this.

okaayyyyyy · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


In a dim cave, Danzo untied the bandage on his forehead and slowly opened his closed right eye.

Looking at the red eyeball in his right eye socket in the mirror, and the three black tomoe in the eyeball, Danzo was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the kneeling Ninja ninja below.

The vision in his right eye was declining faster than he expected. If he couldn't find a replacement before he was completely blind, he would become blind.

It's a pity that during the war, although the jounin of the Uchiha clan suffered casualties, the final corpses did not fall into his hands.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and looked at the people below, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Report on the Uchiha clan's outing."


As he spoke, a root ninja took a step forward, then half-knelt on the ground to report.

"Most of the Uchiha clan's Jonin have been active in the village and show no signs of leaving the village. Three chuunin people left the village to perform B-level tasks, and seven Genin people left the village to perform C-level tasks. Uchiha Asuka left the village on a D-level mission this morning. "

Uchiha Asuka...

After Danzo muttered a few words in his mind, he looked down at the kneeling ninja below and asked.

"Where are those two losers who made trouble last time?"

"Recuperating in their homes."

"Bring someone proficient in interrogation to visit, and tell them to put aside the matter of Uchiha Asuka for the time being. After recovering from their injuries, let them come over."


After the ninja disappeared from the spot, Danzo reached his hand behind his head and continued to apply a bandage.

Jōnin are also divided into different levels. Under the same circumstances, the Jōnin of the Uchiha clan will have a huge advantage over the other Ninja clan.

Defeating an Uchiha jounin is not difficult, as long as there are many people.

But if you want to kill a jounin of the Uchiha clan, the difficulty increases to a higher level.

Especially when it comes to killing guys who have their own medical ninjutsu to rely on, it's even more difficult...

Danzo shook his head and his eyes fell on the Uchiha clan.

Last time, he just wanted to test the strength of that guy. Unexpectedly, nothing came out of the test, and he also spent a lot of medical expenses in vain.

It was simply worse than inviting Hiruzen to dinner.


Ah sneeze!

Asuka wrinkled his nose, glanced at the kittens hanging on Uzuki Yugao's body, looked up at the dense forest ahead, and muttered to himself.

"I always feel like someone is scolding me. I'll have to visit the "root" ninja's house tonight and discuss the enemy's affairs with him. Tomorrow I'll be explaining the Will of Fire to the children in the clan. I will take the team on a mission the day after tomorrow. We also have to hold an impromptu clan meeting the day after tomorrow. Very busy..."

Uzuki Yugao listened to the teacher's muttering. She took off the kitten lying on her head, looked up at her teacher, and said doubtfully.

"Teacher, what are you muttering about?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I just seemed to have found the reason why I don't have a girlfriend."

"what's reason?"

"My schedule is too full, there are too few vacations, there is no time for love, and there is no suitable goal."

"Don't you have someone you like, teacher?"

Hearing this, Asuka's footsteps froze, and after staring down at Yugao for a while, he looked at the guy's evasive eyes and said a little speechlessly.

"The person I like doesn't exist in this world."


Uzuki Yugao blinked and asked in surprise.



Asuka sighed, then counted on his fingers.

"I like Tsunade's figure, Uzumaki Kushina's hair, Uchiha Mikoto's gentleness, Inuzuka's wildness, and Yuhi's red eyes. White eyes are fine too. Add to that the Nara family's IQ, the Akimichi family's appetite, and the Yamanaka family's tricks..."


Uzuki Yugao interrupted her teacher's ramblings. She stared at the flying bird with strange eyes, slowly took a small step back, and said in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Teacher, why do you only like a part of everyone? Is this an idea only a pervert would have?"

"You don't understand, just because I haven't found such a perfect woman, the teacher is single until now. Do you know Kakashi? "

Asuka said, he pointed at Konoha. He had accidentally revealed too many things just now, so he had to divert the trouble away.

"Do you know why Kakashi doesn't have a girlfriend yet?"


The curiosity in Uzuki Yugao's heart was successfully aroused, and she was still very interested in the gossip about the geniuses in the village.

That was Kakashi who became a Jonin at the age of 12.

Although half of his face is covered with a mask, it can't block his handsome face. His white head makes people want to go crazy, and the opponent's high strength makes people feel safe.

Asuka took out a tissue bent down to wipe the drool from Uzuki Yugao, and said with a mysterious face.

"A few days ago, I saw Kakashi tugging on Might Gai's pants and said that Gai is such a powerful man, but I didn't expect it to look like an "acorn" there. You didn't see the regretful expression on Kakashi's face when he saw the acorn. I now have reason to suspect that Kakashi wanted to be with Might Gai..."

"Shut up!"

Uzuki Yugao stretched out her hand and pulled her hair hard, her eyes instantly became a little crazy.

I just fantasized about Kakashi-senpai's hair, why would I mention such a thing?

She looked at the flying bird a little bit crazy and gritted her teeth.

"You destroyed Kakashi-senpai in my heart."

"What's this!"

Asuka stood up, stretched out his hand to pick his nose, and said casually.

"The third-generation old man you admire in your heart still peeks at the widow taking a bath every day. That Jiraiya was not a good person. He often stood on the wall on a toad and peeked at the bathhouse. Oh, some time ago, when Jiraiya returned to the village, he announced in a high-profile manner that the material in his mind, accumulated over many years, was almost overflowing. In a while, the intimacy series will be released. When the time comes, this teacher will grab a copy for you and secretly send it to your home, and you..."


Before he finished speaking, Asuka felt an evil wind coming towards him. He looked at Uzuki Yugao, who had an evil look on his face, and then at the kitten flying in the sky, and quickly warned him.

"Don't throw the cat away. It will lose too much fur and it won't be easy to hand in tasks..."

"No matter what, I feel a little hollow inside."

"This is a sign of your lack of love and fire will. Just wait until I can replenish it for you."

"I don't want that!"

After saying that, she grabbed the cat lying on her head and continued to throw it towards the flying bird.

If Uzuki Yugao knew the word "Tao Xin", she would understand that her Tao Xin collapsed after the teacher's teachings.



When Iruka saw Uchiha Asuka again, he looked at the cat hair on the teacher's body and the kittens with incomplete hair following the teacher.

After standing there for a while, he pointed at one of the bald kittens and said hesitantly.

"Teacher, are you so violent when you catch a cat?"

Asuka shook his head dejectedly. He secretly glanced at Uzuki Yugao's flushed face, stretched out his hand to Iruka, and said.

"How is the information collection going?"

"It's all here!"

After taking the notebook handed by the other party, Asuka glanced at the information recorded on it and then said to Hyuga Hana.

"Hana, now is the time to test your perception ability. You now regard our action as a confidential operation. If anyone around us takes a second look at us or follows us quietly, you should pay attention to it and tell me secretly."


After Hyuga Hana responded calmly, she opened her Byakugan and observed her surroundings vigilantly.

Although I don't know what my teacher's purpose is for doing this, what the teacher said is definitely not wrong.

Moreover, the teacher caught the cats very quickly. In just half a day, he caught more than 20 cats.

He is indeed a D-level mission maniac.


When the four of them brought the kitten to a small dyeing workshop, Hana began to doubt her own judgment.

After hearing that her teacher took the information they had collected so hard and told her boss to dye the cats into something else, Hana glanced sideways at Asuka, then reached out and tugged on his sleeves, saying expressionlessly.

"Teacher, you are cheating."

? ? ?

Asuka looked at Hana with a question mark on his face, then he shook the kitten in his hand and said.

"Iruka, the teacher is giving you an analogy. If you get married in the future and your wife suddenly disappears one day, you will be anxious to death and issue a mission to find your wife, but in the end, you find that your wife just got tired of staying at home and went to play in the colorful world outside for a few days... At this time, someone will put a new wife in front of you. The new wife will be coquettish and clingy. The key isn't to run around but to be considerate. If you have a stutter, she will treat you as a god. If you don't abandon her, she will not abandon her at all. you... If I were to give you such a wife... You would want it?? Be honest with me, you would want it, right?? "

Hearing this, Iruka blinked and began to think seriously in his mind.

If the teacher said so...it seems...it seems...

Seeing the struggle in Iruka's eyes, Hyuga Hana clenched her fist and hit his head with a hammer.


Glancing at Iruka who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, she crossed her arms and stared at Asuka with a sneer on her face before continuing.

"Teacher, you are making excuses! Cats are different from people..."


Asuka took out cat ears from his arms and put them on Hana's head. Then he picked a "green tea" cat from the kittens and whispered against its ear.

"Convince her and I'll give you ten cans."

Ten bottles?

After getting Asuka's affirmation, the cat's eyes instantly brightened. It hooked its paws at Hana, led her to a deserted corner, and began to tell her about her bedridden parents...

If it can't impress a kid who just graduated from a ninja school with its miserable cat life, he might as well just become a wanderer.


"Why is my cat so fat?"

"Oh, when I captured it, I fed it a few kilograms of canned cat food, and that's how it turned out."

"Where did the hair on my little black head go?"

"Your little blackie was fighting with wild cats outside. He fought off the attacks of several wild cats very bravely."

"Why did Xiaobai suddenly become so clingy?"

"It wandered outside for a few days and understood the hardships of the outside world and the warmth of family. This is a good thing."



Hana snorted coldly. She kept observing the expressions on the faces of the people around her with her white eyes, while looking at her teacher with disdain.

Their cats are definitely not the same cat anymore, but she can't actually say this.

This group of kitten owners is so real that they can't even recognize their own cats.


Iruka held the cat in his arms and ran a few steps to catch up with Asuka. He raised the cat in his hand and asked doubtfully.

"Can we really learn knowledge like this?"


Asuka nodded affirmatively. He turned around and looked at the three students. The playful expression on his face instantly disappeared and he said seriously.

"The D-level cat catching mission will test your observation ability, intelligence-gathering ability, hands-on ability, and teamwork ability. You and Hana did a good job in gathering intelligence and..."

At that moment, Uzuki Yugao looked expectantly at Asuka, who continued talking without mentioning her.

"To prevent others from discovering that we are cheating, we must always be vigilant about our surroundings. Everyone must be alert and observe the expressions on the faces of the surrounding villagers at all times to prevent them from noticing anything strange about us and reporting us to the Hokage-sama. It's the same as leaving the village on a mission...if you're not careful, you can easily cause disaster. The teacher just made our task more difficult. Originally, the cat-catching task only required observing the cat, but we needed to observe the pedestrians passing by."

"What about hands-on skills and teamwork skills?"

Listening to Iruka's idiotic speech, Asuka rubbed his head and said he had a headache.

"D-level mission, what kind of hands-on skills do you need... Next time the teacher takes you to pick up garbage, that requires hands-on skills... As for teamwork... The four of us were sneaking around just now. Isn't this teamwork? You see how well we work together. Hana stood guard in the distance, Iruka and Uzuki Yugao stood on the street, always paying attention to the strange looks in the eyes of the people around them. The teacher personally returned the cat to the family. The cooperation is perfect. When I did this alone before, I had to get a shadow clone, which was very troublesome. "

After finishing speaking, Asuka looked at the dark expressions of the three students, and the word "helpless" suddenly appeared on their faces.

Other teachers can only do D-level tasks in a strict manner, but I will help you make flowers.

Search all over Konoha to find a teacher as good as me.

Sure enough, taking care of students is a troublesome thing.

Not right either.

It is troublesome to teach students who cannot adapt.

Is this what being a good teacher with idiot students is?


Asuka took a breath of air. Just when he was distracted, he suddenly felt...

It seems like someone is looking at me...and looking at me with malice...

After searching around secretly, Asuka's eyes suddenly fell on Hana and said doubtfully.

"Did you secretly look at me with your eyes just now?"


Hana's face turned red instantly. She shook her head quickly and kept saying no.

She did see it, but she really didn't see it just now.
