
Transmigrated into the Uchiha clan

I'm not good at summaries so I'll just tell you what It's about. It's about a guy who reincarnates into the Uchiha clan. That's about it. This is a Chinese Translation. Don't expect too much from this.

okaayyyyyy · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


"Teacher, there's no time!"

"It's too late and you can't stop eating, right?"

Asuka glanced at the busy hand, then he pressed the three students on the chairs one by one and said casually.

"Eat, three bowls per person, the teacher pays for it. Now that you have become ninjas, the teacher wants to tell you a cruel fact. That is, you should treat every meal now as your last meal. Because you don't know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident."

Speaking of this, he secretly pointed to the Senju Clan's clan area and lowered his voice.

"You also know, students, I was born in Konoha 33, and the Senju Rope tree was hung in Konoha 37. I still remember when he died. Tsk tsk. I heard from the ninja who collected the body that when the Senju family's single seedling died, there was nothing in his stomach, so he went to the Pure Land hungry. Who knows if there is food in the Pure Land..."


Before he finished speaking, Asuka felt that his head had been hit hard. He stroked the swelling on top of his head, gritted his teeth, looked behind him, and said angrily.

"Who hit me!"


Hearing that the other party actually admitted it so confidently, Asuka's eyes slowly moved from bottom to top.

White and slender legs, a slightly undulating belly, waist-length red hair, and veins popping out of her forehead...

Why did she come here?

Seeing Kushina sitting directly next to him, pretending to be eating ramen, Asuka twitched the corner of his mouth and his expression instantly became serious.

"Here, you should have a bowl of super luxurious tonkatsu ramen. I'll cover for you"

After saying that, he saw that Kushina was followed by the eldest wife of his family. After pinching the somewhat shriveled wallet in his pocket, Asuka once again put his eyes on the price list and said in a hesitant tone.

"Mikoto-sama, is there anything you don't like?"

Mikoto smiled slightly, she and Kushina looked at each other, and instantly understood the expression in each other's eyes, and said softly.

"Nothing is taboo if it's free." 


Seeing these two people taking advantage of him, Asuka sneered in his heart and ordered a bowl of luxurious ramen for the Clan Leader's wife.

We are both married, yet we left our husband to come here to eat ramen.


Miserable Fugaku, this is what happens when you forget you have the option to divorce.

Looking at the teacher with a smirk on his face, Iruka and the three looked at each other, then got together and discussed in a low voice.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. It seems like the teacher is thinking about something bad."

"I heard something some time ago that the relationship between the teacher and his clan is not very harmonious."

With this question in mind, after the three of them finished eating the ramen and watched the two of them leave, they all turned to look at their teacher curiously.

"Teacher, Is that true?"

Looking down at the gossipy looks on the faces of the three people, Asuka shook his head left and right and looked around, then lowered his voice and said.

"It's nothing. My fourth-generation daughter-in-law lived in the Senju family for a while. She got to know Senju Nawaki and then became friends with him. Anyway, that kid Senju Nawaki didn't have enough to eat before he died… they both died while starving. Therefore, when you are a ninja, you should treat every meal as your last meal. Don't waste food for me, let alone leave me with an empty stomach. "

Then, he looked at the direction where the two pregnant women disappeared. Asuka crossed his arms on his chest and sighed in a low voice.

"It's really uncomfortable seeing those two people's bellies getting bigger and bigger. Every day when I sleep, I dream of Kushina sitting on me, and then controlling the Kyuubi in her belly to slap me. Uchiha Mikoto is also... If one of her and Fugaku is not sterilized, she will feel a little irritable. If there is any butterfly effect and Uchiha Mikoto's belly grows again after giving birth to Sasuke, then the Uchiha clan will ascend to heaven where they are."

The three Irukas looked up at Asuka. Seeing the struggle that flashed across their teacher's face from time to time, as well as the muttering in his mouth, the three looked at each other curiously and asked.

"Teacher, what are you talking about?"


He sighed then took out the scroll from his pocket and stuffed it into the arms of the three people, with a serious look on his face.

"The mission begins. Next, as your instructor and temporary captain, you must obey my orders."

Seeing that their teacher's attitude suddenly became more correct, the three of them also put away their gossipy expressions and spoke seriously.


"Very good. Iruka, Hyuga Hana, will act as reconnaissance, you must collect all the information about families who have lost their pet cats, and highlight the families where only the elderly are left. Uzuki Yugao, you and I will go into the cat...bah...to find the cat. "


Looking at Iruka and Hyuga Hana's leaving figures, Asuka walked out of the village with Uzuki Yugao.


Seeing that the road he was walking was getting more and more eccentric and the surroundings were getting more and more desolate, Uzuki Yugao swallowed softly and asked.

"Teacher, those lost pets shouldn't leave the village, right?"

"No, those guys must still be in the village."

"Then let's..."

Uzuki Yugao sniffed and looked at the teacher walking in front of her. The scene at the ramen shop just now echoed in her mind.

Teacher... did he take me out of the village because he wanted to...

"Stop thinking nonsense!"

Asuka waved to Uzuki Yugao who stopped behind him, poured cold water on her, and said casually.

"Don't be so nervous, Teacher has no idea of ​​smelting copper. I took you out of the village to meet Grandma Cat, who lives outside the village. "


Yugao's body trembled, she looked at the sky with some embarrassment and muttered.

"Teacher, can you read minds?"

"No, but the action of protecting your chest with your hands betrays you. Isn't that a classic action when meeting a pervert? There is no one else around except me."


Uzuki Yugao scratched her head and trotted to catch up with Asuka. She just said that she was overthinking.

When the two of them arrived at Granny Cat's place, Uzuki Yugao's eyes turned into stars as she looked at the kittens everywhere.

There are so many cats...so many breeds...the hair is so shiny...oh, this one is a little ugly...


Asuka ignored the kittens around him who wanted to get close to him. He waved to Granny Cat, who was sitting above him and smiled.

"Mother-in-law, I'm here!"


Grandma Cat's eyes opened a slit, she lowered her head to look at the familiar figure below, the wrinkles on her face instantly piled up, and she spoke in an old voice.

"Little Asuka, are you here to take care of the old lady's business again this time?"

"Oh, don't even think about it. I'm here for another thing this time."

After hearing that this enemy was not looking for her to do business, half of the smile on Granny Cat's face disappeared instantly. She put the pipe on the table and said slowly.

"Tell me, what are you doing with your mother-in-law?"

"I'm coming in Cat."

? ? ?

Uzuki Yugao was holding two kittens in her arms. She tilted her head and looked at the teacher with a question mark on her face.

Did you hear it correctly?

Enter the cat??

How does the kitten get in??

Grandma Cat did not react to this. She reached out and picked up a notebook from the desk, opened a few pages very skillfully, and murmured.

"It's really rare. Didn't you expect that your village would let you take on a D-level mission again? It's been so many years, I thought you would never be able to carry out a D-level mission again."

"Yes, I also thought that I had no chance of D-level missions, but who would have thought that since I became a teacher recently, I could just take them through D-level missions."

"How much do you plan to make this time?"

"Let's start with 20 cats today. There aren't many lost cats in these two villages."


Grandma Cat read the book for a while and then whispered a few words to the kitten next to her.


The cat nodded, glanced at the bird, turned around, and ran outside.

After a while, under Uzuki Yugao's shocked eyes, hundreds of kittens of different colors and sizes appeared in the aisle they came from just now.

Asuka also put on cat ears at this time. After scanning the group of kittens, he spoke.

"You follow Grandma Cat and you can only eat enough, but not well. Next, I have a way to eat well and eat well, which is to go to the houses of the villagers in Konoha Village who have lost their cats and eat and drink."

"You should know the meaning of Dun Dun full, so I won't say more. Some don't scratch people, some that are coquettish and crooked, the best ones that like to stay around people, and sleep with them and get under the covers when they have nothing to do. As for the Ninja Cat, it's okay for you to eat there. Don't stay for two months and then run away. You need to be able to stay in someone's home for a long time. "

"Oh, right!"

Asuka slapped his forehead suddenly, he picked up a fat cat on the ground and said disgustedly.

"Forget it if you're too fat, it doesn't look like you can fight. You have to ensure that when the original cats come back, you can drive those cats away, and finally show those cats a clear path so that they can come to Grandma Cat."


After Uzuki Yugao was stunned for a while, she quickly tugged on Asuka's clothes and said anxiously.

"We can't carry out our mission like this."

"What's this?"

Asuka threw the fat cat aside, patted Yugao's shoulder, and comforted her.

"Who let those pet cats run away on their own? They are big cats and they must pay the price for their actions. There is nothing so good in the world. When you are tired of staying at home and going out for a few days of walking or wildlife, do you still expect to find a warm harbor when you return? You will understand if you compare cats to humans. "

As he spoke, he took off the cat ears on his head put them on Uzuki Yugao's head, and continued.

"It's like you and your husband...your husband goes out to find other women to eat, drink, and sleep with. When he gets tired of playing, he wants to come back to your house. Are you happy with that?"

"Since you can't win over those kittens, just switch to cats. Anyway, you can show those cats a clear path and they won't starve to death."

Hearing this, Uzuki Yugao's eyes fell on the cats around her.

She found that after wearing the cat ears, she could hear the cats' language clearly.

It turns out that they are really like people, they can think, they can joke, and they can tell some jokes that only adults would tell...

Pointing at the black cat telling jokes, Uzuki Yugao bit her lip, she looked at Asuka with a red face and directly sued the guy.

Why is the cat here so unruly?


After taking off the cat ears and giving them back to Asuka, Uzuki Yugao picked up a civet cat and said worriedly.

"Are there some differences in color between these cats and those lost cats? Will it be discovered?"

"Don't worry, the teacher knows a hair salon, and their skills are very good."

Hair salon??

Uzuki Yugao lowered her head and looked at the group of kittens gathered around her feet, with a complicated look in her eyes.

She... now seems to have vaguely guessed how her teacher's thousands of D-level missions came about.

Although this is a bit of cheating, it feels really good.

Yes, how come those cats that go out to run wild can return to their original families through their efforts??

This is like an ordinary family. The "woman" is tired of staying at home and plans to run away from home and go to the colorful world outside to eat and sleep under the covers...

Then they, a group of genin who received the mission, went through all kinds of troubles to find the "woman", captured her, and forcefully forced her back into her original family.

They thought they had done a good thing by spending time and effort...but they didn't expect that it was actually a bad thing.

Since the kitten wants freedom, then give it freedom.

Just find a new cat.

What a simple thing.

After brainwashing herself internally, Yugao looked at Asuka with a hint of reverence.

No wonder he can be a teacher while he is just a student.

The teacher's perspective of thinking is different from that of normal people.