
Transmigrated into the Uchiha clan

I'm not good at summaries so I'll just tell you what It's about. It's about a guy who reincarnates into the Uchiha clan. That's about it. This is a Chinese Translation. Don't expect too much from this.

okaayyyyyy · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


Today is a sunny day. Although it is February, the sun is still scorching. People want to take off some clothes, like the person next to them...


Uzuki Yugao wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at the man in green who just ran over, and said to herself.

"When will I be able to be as energetic as Might Gai every day?"


Suddenly, a voice that was not full of breath came from my ears. When I looked for the sound, I saw Hyuga Hana walking towards me with a pale face.

The white pupils and white cheeks make him look like a ghost.

Seeing the half-dead look of her teammate, Uzuki Yugao shuddered secretly, then she raised her hand and said hello to him as needed.

"Morning, Hana!"

"You're not in good spirits either!"

Seeing that Yugao's face was also pale, Hyuga Hana bared her teeth and smiled bitterly.

"I hope there won't be any more accidents today."

"Yes, I have been lying in bed for two days. Among the other students who graduated early, some teams have completed two missions, and some have even completed three D-level missions."

"Three in two days??"

The familiar male voice instantly interrupted the conversation between the two of them. They turned their heads and looked behind them at the same time. When they saw clearly that the person coming was their instructor, they began to pray in their hearts.

[I hope nothing will happen again today... We don't want to learn anything, and we don't want to lie at home all the time...]

Of course, Asuka couldn't tell what they were thinking, but seeing the lingering clouds on their faces, he put his hands on their shoulders and said proudly.

"Yugao, Hana, have you ever heard of the Konoha legend that you can do it ten times in a day?"

Hearing this, the pupils of the two people shrank suddenly. They looked at each other in shock, and at the same time, they thought of the recent rumors in the village.

According to rumors, because two major events happened in the village recently that could affect the situation of the ninja world, many villagers who worked outside have returned to the village, just to witness the fourth generation Hokage's elegance when he ascended the throne and got married.

Then, there is a middle-aged couple who may not have seen each other for a long time, causing them to secretly "perform tasks" at night while their children are sleeping...

According to the gossipy aunts in the village, ten... a day...

? ? ? ?

The pale faces of the two people turned red instantly, and they lowered their heads and stared at the ground as if there was some treasure on the ground.

Uchiha Asuka lowered his head and glanced at the ground. After seeing that there was no treasure, he took out his hands from his pockets and placed them on their foreheads, preparing to check whether they were sick again.



Two sharp screams instantly cut through the tranquility of the park. Looking at the students who all took two steps back, Asuka's hands froze in mid-air.

He smiled and took back his hands, then looked up at the sparrows flying in the sky, sighing inwardly.

[This student is really difficult to take care of... What the hell did I do? You guys are actually protecting your chest with your hands, and you're even ready to run away.]

"Sorry, teacher, I'm late!"

Iruka ran panting from a distance, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

He put his hands on his knees, gasping for air, while bending over and apologizing to Asuka.

After a while, Iruka didn't even hear Asuka asking why he was late, and his heart suddenly pounded.

The teacher wouldn't intentionally punish himself, would he?

Thinking of this, he quickly raised his head and looked at where Asuka was standing, ready to take the initiative to tell the reason why he was late.

Looking at the flying bird squatting on the ground, drawing circles with dead branches, Iruka blinked blankly, then his eyes fell on his two teammates, and he said in surprise.

"Teacher, what's wrong? Why do you look so...constipated?"


Hyuga Hana snorted coldly, she pulled Iruka to her side, pointed at the flying bird sitting on the ground drawing circles, and said with a look of disgust.

"Iruka, you just came here, you don't know the situation here. Just now, he actually wanted to tell "that kind of" gossip to Yugao and me with a proud look on his face. Is this something a teacher can say?"

? ? ?

Iruka looked at Asuka in confusion, then turned to look at his companion, wondering.

"What kind of gossip?"

Hearing this, Hyuga Hana suddenly became a little angry. She gritted her teeth and looked at Asuka, her cheeks turned into buns due to anger and muttered.

"That's it, the one who said ten times a day in Konoha. That doing it ten times in one day is something to be proud of... No, even if it is something to be proud of, it cannot be treated as something to be proud of. You can't say that in front of girls."

After saying that, she kicked the stone on the ground. Didn't everyone say that the Uchiha family was very cold? Where did such lustful Uchiha come from?

Ten times a day? 

Iruka held his chin with one hand, a thoughtful expression on his face, and said slowly.

"Isn't ten a day something to be proud of? While I was lying at home, I investigated our instructor. Teacher, it is said that he has performed 17 S-level missions, 169 A-level missions, 287 B-level missions, 334 C-level missions, and a terrifying 3078 D-level missions. That 10 D-level missions a day was a record set by the teacher when he was seven years old. "

"How... much... how much?"

After hearing the number 3078, Hana's voice instantly increased a few degrees. She looked at Iruka in disbelief and said in a sharp voice.

"Iruka, how much did you just say?"

Iruka sniffed, and he turned to face Asuka with an adoring tone.

"3078, Konoha's D-level mission maniac. Later, the village added a strange rule for this. Except for the leading jounin, the other jounin cannot receive D-level information in any way, and will be punished every time. Later, our instructor took the risk of losing money and went to pay the fine in his own body, disguised himself as a clone and went to take over the task, but this incident did not last long. It is said that it was because a certain "messenger of justice" reported that the teacher was disrupting the mission market and accepting missions at a loss. Then the Third Hokage arranged for several people from the Hyuga clan to be at the mission office and blacklisted the teacher before giving up. "

"So it turns out he..."

Hyuga Hana looked at Asuka who looked a little depressed and murmured.

"Is this what he meant by ten times a day?"

"What else could it be?"

Iruka glanced at his companions strangely. Sometimes he really couldn't figure out what was going on in these guys' heads. When he was in school, he listened to the gossip among female classmates, which was just nonsense...

"Teacher, I'm sorry!"

Hyuga Hana took Uzuki Yugao and walked towards Asuka. They looked at the circles drawn on the ground and felt a little ashamed.

"We misunderstood what the teacher meant."

Snapped! Snapped!

Asuka dropped the branch, he stood up and clapped his hands, seeing the two of them staring at the ground with apologetic expressions, saying indifferently.

"I'm not such a narrow-minded person. If you fail to perform your mission in the future due to your menstrual period, the teacher can temporarily cut off your uterus. When you get married and no longer want children, you can also ask a teacher to have your uterus removed. Even, if you..."

Before he finished speaking, Asuka curled his lips as he looked at the two shivering people. He rubbed their hair vigorously and smiled.

"I really can't help but tease you. I'm just teasing you."

"That...that...I'm sorry, teacher..."

"I'm really teasing you, let's go!"

After saying that, Asuka pulled the three of them straight to the place where they received the mission.

He first learned to become a medical ninja. In addition to mixing Yin and Yang, his other purpose was to follow Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku were two devils. If they hadn't found a suitable opportunity to strike, Uchiha Itachi would never have been able to give birth.

It's a pity... I don't know if Uchiha Mikoto will let me help her get a sterilization in the future... I can just cut off Uchiha Fugaku...


After the four people arrived at the mission, the smile on Asuka's face instantly disappeared. He looked at the Hyuga tribesman sitting on the chair and raised his eyebrows.

"I am coming again."


Listening to this somewhat familiar voice, the Hyuga tribesman raised his head and looked at Asuka's appearance and the Uchiha clan pattern on his body. He recognized this man.

"Uchiha Asuka?"


Seeing that the other party kept nodding towards him, the Hyuga tribe member sniffed and frowned.

"You know, there are only missions C and D here. S/A/B need to go to Hokage-sama."


Asuka put his arms around his three students. He half-bent and placed his chin on the top of Uzuki Yugao's head, smelling the unknown fragrance and grinning.

"I'm a teacher now. Please take out the task list and let me pick it out."

? ? ?

Only then did he realize that Uchiha Asuka didn't come alone, he had three children with him.

"How embarrassing!"

Seeing the doubtful look her fellow Hyuga clansman had given her, Hyuga Hana nodded with an embarrassed smile on her face.

My teacher doesn't seem very likable.

"Bring it to you!"


Snatching the task list from the hand of the Hyuga tribesman, Asuka picked his nose while looking at the tasks on it.

Investigate the whereabouts of pets, conduct character investigations, pick up trash, find pets, help dig sweet potatoes, take care of children...

Still the same old thing.

After looking at it for a while, he reached out and pointed out a few tasks on it and said casually.

"There are five tasks to investigate the whereabouts of pet cats, five tasks to find pets, and no tasks to find dogs. I have hated dogs for the past two years. In addition, there are three tasks to pick up garbage, and forget about taking care of children, I hate children running around everywhere. I will also conduct this character investigation..."


Just as Asuka was about to continue choosing tasks, he felt someone poking his thigh. When he looked down, he saw Uzuki Yugao looking up at him with an anxious expression.

"Just say what you want to say, don't look like you're hesitating to say something."

"Teacher, enough is enough. Don't answer, it's too many. We are not here to purchase goods, there is no need to buy so many at once. "

Asuka blinked, his eyes fell on the Hyuga tribesmen at the mission, and he said in a puzzled tone.

"Is it much?"


The Hyuga tribesman looked at Asuka's innocent expression and sneered. He bent down and took out the mission scroll from the ground, placed it heavily on the table, and gritted his teeth.

"Uchiha Asuka, every time you come here to take on a mission, you make me feel like a store owner."


Putting all the mission scrolls to the three little birds, Asuka smiled and waved to each other and the ninjas around him, and then left here.


A ninja next to him looked at the four guys leaving with a bunch of mission scrolls, swallowed subconsciously, and said in confusion.

"Why can they take on more than 10 tasks at once??"

"That guy is Asuka Uchiha."

"What's up with him?"

"Back then, the mission office had only three rules, but since that guy became a ninja, the mission office's rules have increased to eleven."

"Eight of them were because of that guy."