
Chapter 67. Priority Quests

The following morning, Michael and Helen enjoyed their breakfast under Raskya's report of the recent gossip around Kyovashad.

Michael almost choked to death when he heard about the 'pillar of light' and how it sanctified a new apostle of Inarius.

Deciding that telling the truth might worsen the matter, the couple kept quiet and ate their meal.

After they were done, they started walking around the streets, enjoying each other's company and the morning view of the city.

"I've realized this morning when I was checking the MAP..."

[I already told you the chest from the Event is probably gone already.](Helen)

"*Cough* Not that. Looking at the MAP interface, I realized I also have a Quest interface."

[You didn't know!?](Helen)

"Eh... no. Anyway... To my utmost surprise, I have a total of nine Quests."

[What!? Nine? Didn't you have the four Side Quests and a Main Quest? How did it get to nine!?](Helen)

Opening the interface again to make sure he wasn't tripping, Michael sighed and started to wonder if he should go into the business domain.

If he worked with the Sanctuary, he should find the limits of what he can and can't 'invent' in this world and make a decent living out of it.

[ Main Quests: 3/3

*Main Quest 1: Tarnished Luster

Objective - Travel to Yelesna

Description: You must seek out Knight Penitent Captain Vigo in Yelesna and investigate reports of Lilith's presence.

*Main Quest 2: An Unforeseen Visit

Objective - Find Donan at Eldhaime Keep

Description: Lorath has asked you to go to Scosglen and find the Horadrim known as Donan. You are to deliver a message to tell him of Lilith's presence and the peril that it brings. 

*Main Quest 3: The Spreading Darkness

Objective - Meet Lorath in Ked Bardu

Description: You should look for Lorath in Ked Bardu and see if he's picked up any leads on the Pale Man. ]

Looking at his imposing three Main Quests, Michael scratched his head and reluctantly told Helen about it. She might worry as a result, but it was better than to lie to her.

A relationship functions upon trust and truth, after all.

[Three Main Quests!? This... is ridiculous. You're barely Level 12! I did two Main Quests my entire Wanderer life, yet you get three of them not even two months after you've started!?](Helen)

"Mhm... quiet down a bit. You'll scare the people awake. As for the number, yes, it doesn't make much sense, but I think it's all because of Lilith."

[What do you mean?](Helen)

"Well... I think there's a connection between me and her after the Nevesk incident. Do you remember the ritual they put me through?"

[When they fed you her blood? That shouldn't be possible. Why would Lilith give some ordinary people in the middle of nowhere her blood?](Helen)

"It wasn't her blood per-say, but the blood petals."

[The weird thing about how it rains petals whenever she walks?](Helen)

"Mhm. It would explain my connection to the mess if that's the case. After all, the most asked of me is to play messenger and deliver news. The Sanctuary wouldn't want me getting involved in Lilith and Inarius' fight."

[I guess... What about the other two? You have the four Side Quests, but what are the others?](Helen)

Looking back at the interface, Michael scratched his head and wondered if the tutorial was still on somehow.

[ Priority Quests: 2/2

*Priority Quest 1: Healing Potion Upgrading

Objective - Speak with Veroka

Description: Alchemists can improve your Healing Potion and craft Eleixirs in exchange for herbs and coins. Seek out Veroka in Kyovashad to make your first Healing Potion upgrade.

*Priority Quest 2: Item Upgrading

Objective - Speak with Zivek

Description: Blacksmiths can improve your weapon and armor - for a price. Seek out Zivek in Kyovashad to make your first item upgrade. ]

"...is what it says."

[Oh, I see! It's been such a long time that I completely forgot about that. Speaking of which, you don't know how this Wanderer business works, do you?](Helen)

"What do you mean?"

[Well, I'm not surprised that you 'found' the Quest interface this morning, immediately after you suffered such heavy wounds the day before. Furthermore, you now gain two Priority Quests that allow you to improve your chances at survival in the wild...](Helen)

"You mean that it wasn't by chance? I see... Preferential Treatment. Makes sense, I guess. Having potions that heal more and being able to upgrade your items sounds like it would come in handy. But..."


"I honestly don't think that's why I got wounded so badly yesterday. I still won in the end, but after reflecting on the fight, I realized I made tons of mistakes. If I hadn't panicked in the last fight during the World Event, I could've easily dealt with the Vampire with the help of my Skeleton Warriors."

Helen was surprised and looked appraisingly at Michael. There was a hit of pride and recognition in her eyes.

[It's good that you think that way. Equipment and potions are good, but in the end, your fighting skills decide if you live or die in the wilderness and Dungeons. It's one of the hardest things to learn as a Wanderer.](Helen)

"Well... I'm glad that I learned it so soon. Even if it was taught to me the hard way."

Laughing, the duo made their way to the Alchemy Shop since it was the closest to their current location.

"Right. I've been meaning to ask you. Was it hard to complete your Region Progress?"

[My what?](Helen)

"Uhm... Region Progress? You know, gaining renown and using it to get extra rewards from the Sanctuary?"


Seeing the blank look on her face, Michael slapped his forehead and almost swore. It was evident that she didn't have that option in her system.

This meant that it was either something that only Wanderers with preferential treatment get or something unique to Michael as a transmigrator.

Seeing the curiosity on her face, Michael quickly tried explaining it to her, but she stopped him.

[It would be easier if you could show me.](Helen)

"I can do that!? How?"

[Just hold my hand and imagine sharing that interface with me. It works through personal contact and if the two parties trust each other enough.](Helen) 

Seeing the hesitation on Helen's face, Michael smiled and squeezed her hand while thinking he wanted to share the 'screen' with her.

He knew she was worried about him trusting her, especially given the level difference. But after she saved his life three times already, after they hooked up more than a couple of times, and seeing how worried she was about him last night, he was confident that she was the person he trusted most in the Sanctuary at the moment.

Helen's face first turned from worried to happy, happy to surprised, surprised to bitter, and finally bitter to amazed.

[Leaving the gold and experience aside - mind you, those are not small amounts - you get two extra Skill Points, an extra slot capacity for your Healing Potion, +80 Maximum Obols - and trust me, as silly as this one is, you'll love it at higher levels - and four extra Paragon Points!? That's absolutely amazing!](Helen)

"Well, yeah, but it's not that easy to achieve. I need to complete most, if not all, of the requirements in the six smaller boxes if I want to get them. Also, read what says on top."

[Region Progress?](Helen)

"Right under that."

[Frac... Fractured Peaks!? Does this mean you can get this for each area of our continent!?](Helen)

"I'm not certain yet, but it's possible."

Under Helen's amazed and happy squeals, the duo finally reached the Alchemist Shop.

[Aunty Veroka! Hello!](Helen)

[Eh? Helen? Since when do you have time to visit this old lady?](Veroka)

[Uhm... come on, Aunty! Don't I visit you often?](Helen)

[Heh! If you're talking about upgrading your vials and me crafting Elixirs for you, sure you do...](Veroka)

Seeing Helen being teased in such a manner made Michael realize how loved she was in Kyovashad. Even if the pressure on her shoulders was heavy early on, now that she made it to such a high level, it should be high time for her to reap the fruits of her labor.

[Oh! And who's this lad? Eh? I think I remember you. Didn't you visit with that brat Gonk before?](Veroka)

Hearing the word 'brat' and remembering the small giant Gonk, Michael sweated a bit and realized it didn't matter if it was a different world where Wanderers were aplenty; seniority still ruled supreme.

"I did visit with Gonk before, Ms. Veroka. I came here today for your help."

[My help? In what?](Veroka)

"I want to increase the potency of my healing potion. I passed Level 10 and received a prompt to visit your shop."

[You passed Level 10 already?](Veroka)

"Mhm. I'm almost Level 13."

[That's pretty amazing, but don't overdo it, child. Very well! You certainly look like someone who spends a lot of time in the wilds based on how fast you level up. I expect you'll also want some of my elixirs in the future, but let's focus on your Healing Potions for now.](Veroka)

"Yes. Please enlighten me."

[Polite. Not bad. I have some extra materials we can use this time. If you want to improve your potions further or craft any elixirs, you'll need to source your own ingredients in the future.](Veroka)

"I understand. Thank you very much."

[It's fine. After all, I can see how much this doll cares about you. But be careful out there and try to source as many ingredients as possible. I won't be able to help you for free next time. As for gathering ingredients myself... I'll not leave these walls... Never again.](Veroka)

As curious as he was, Michael politely thanked the woman again and nodded in acceptance of her advice.

He would ask Helen later what happened to this woman so he knows what topics to avoid in the future. It wouldn't be funny to offend the only Alchemist in Kyovashad.

Shaking his head to remove the random thoughts, Michael checked the current effects of the Healing Potion so that he could compare it with the upgrade.

[ Weak Healing Potion

Item Type: Potion

(Upgrade available at the Alchemist)


Heals 17 Life points instantly and 35% of your Maximum Life over 3 seconds. ]

It was undoubtedly a good item. However, exactly how good was the upgrade?

[There we go. You're lucky that Boza came by recently to request a large number of potion upgrades for the recruits. I have tons of spare materials to use.](Veroka)

"Nevertheless, thank you for your kindness."

[Enough, enough. Keep your sweet words for that lass over there. I'm too old to be tricked by them anymore. Hand over the vials you have now.](Veroka)

Watching the embarrassed Helen fiddle with her thumbs as he complied with the 'orders' Veroka was giving, Michael decided to also pay a visit to Guard Boza when he had the time.

The 'hard-ass' lady seemed pretty active these days, and it would be good to interact further with the recruits. It appeared that they were growing at a pace not at all inferior to his.

[First and foremost, each upgrade provides you with a bigger container for the potion. In this case, this small bottle would do. Any bigger would be wasted since your body can't handle the excess. Second, there's an increase in potency for healing. For the first upgrade, I usually ask for two Gallowvines, but as I mentioned, my stock is already full, to the point that I don't know what to do with them.](Veroka)

Seeing the woman grab the four empty vials he handed over, he gained four filled small red bottles in exchange. 

Curiously looking at the description, Michael raised a brow.

[ Tiny Healing Potion

Item Type: Potion


Heals 48 Life points instantly and 35% of your Maximum Life over 3 seconds. ]

Looking at his current Life points, which were already at 158, Michael couldn't help but nod in appreciation. 

"This is amazing! With only one potion, I can heal more than 60% of my Maximum Life."

[Mhm! It's good that you're happy. Remember to gather more herbs, and I can craft good Elixirs for you. You can ask that lass over there about their uses. Now, get out! I'm planning to leave for breakfast and close shop temporarily.](Veroka)

After thanking the lady and getting chased out when he inquired about payment, the duo ended up back on the streets of Kyovashad, enjoying the clean air of the morning.

"What was that about Elixirs?"

[Hmm... it might be a bit early for you to start using them since they create dependence, but I'll trade you a couple of them later. That way, you'll have something to use until you gather enough herbs yourself.](Helen)

"Mhm. Sounds good."

Grabbing her waist and kissing her, Michael realized that it wasn't that bad to be kept by a woman. 

So what if he could earn his keep with his pretty face and body?