The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
Surrounded by his Skeleton Warriors, Michael waved his scythe around to deal with the horde of Ghouls besieging him.
The more he thought about it, the less this whole situation made sense.
'I managed to escape and reached Kyovashad. That much is for certain, as I've seen the city guards running toward me before passing out. But that doesn't explain the bullshit I'm going through right now.'
Blight, Corpse Explosion, and endless amounts of Bone Splinters laid waste to countless enemies, yet there was no end of them in sight. To make matters even worse, he gained no experience from killing them either.
'Based on my reading knowledge, it's one of those situations where the main character is stuck in their own mental realm, unable to extricate themselves without external help. Adding on top of my injuries and the fact that I passed out, it seems completely reasonable. The only question is, how the hell do I get out?'
Realizing that there wasn't much he could except endure until he died or was awakened by someone else, Michael continued fighting the Ghouls and Revenants while trying different approaches.
When fighting in range mode, he used Bone Prison on himself whenever the enemies bypassed his Skeletons, buying enough time to eliminate them.
'From the looks of it, it's a viable option. Melee enemies like Ghouls and Revenants can't do much about this tall cage of bones protecting me, while I can throw Bone Splinters and Corpse Explosions since my field of vision isn't impaired.'
Through this simulated fight, he realized many of his shortcomings, such as a lack of defensive skills, the insufficient number of minions in his possession, a lack of aggroing skill on his minions that could relieve the pressure on him during a fight, and how poorly he would fare in melee range.
Thinking how this was his imaginary world, he replaced the two-handed scythe with a single-handed one and a shield.
'Now, let's train for a bit in this manner. It doesn't seem that I can get killed here, as even my injuries are getting healed after they occur. Isn't this the best opportunity for me!?'
Using his minions to reduce the number of enemies, he started by facing off against a single Ghoul, yet dispatching it took more energy and time than he initially thought.
The weakling was incredibly agile, often evading Michael's scythe swings and attacking when he was off balance. So, the newbie Necromancer learned from his enemy, and instead of lunging like a maniac with his scythe, he waited for the Ghoul to pounce, at which moment he blocked with the shield and quickly murdered the little shit.
From there on, he tried with another Ghoul until he got used to it, then continued to two or three, and eventually even tried fighting when surrounded by Ghouls on all sides. Of course, the result was horrible, and in real life, he would've died many times over, even when faced with two enemies at once and only using his melee 'skills.'
'It's stupid only to use my scythe, even if it's only for training. I should also include my skills since it makes more sense.'
After much fighting and killing Ghouls, he switched to Revenants and followed a similar 'training program.'
The results were... interesting.
'As far as my skills go, Blight doesn't deal much damage but at least slows the enemies. Bone Splinters is mostly useless in terms of damage as well and can only be used to regain Essence. Corpse Explosion is currently my most trustworthy skill, as it deals more than any other and costs nothing to activate. Blood Mist is pretty great for evading attacks, but the cooldown is rather high, and my movement speed is reduced when using it. Unless my enemies are dumb, just like the Ghouls, they would simpow the mist to wherever I go and wait for me to re-materialize before smacking me dead.'
The 2% damage dealt by walking through the enemies wasn't particularly significant, but it made for a good trump card in a Boss or Elite fight.
Thinking back to his encounter with the Vampire in the Event outside Kyovashad, Michael realized he had escaped death at least five to six times by using this skill.
'Unfortunately, as I was flustered, I didn't think of moving through the Vampire's body to damage it and heal myself. Instead, I just ran away and tried to put as much distance as possible between myself and the Elite-cum-Boss. Panicking during a fight shows that I am indeed a newbie, but keeping a calm mind in such a situation comes with experience, which I still lack.'
Turning his eyes at his Bone Prison, Michael scratched his head, unable to decide.
'When up against a single enemy, it's pretty amazing. When fighting multiple enemies, if they are melee and I use it defensively, it's also decent. But if there are any ranged enemies, I would simply give them a good target for aiming practice. Overall... Yeah, I probably need to combo better. Like the girls said in the pavilion, if I manage to draw an Elite or Boss on top of lots of Corpses and use the Bone Prison to trap him there, I can then easily use Corpse Explosion and stack as much damage as possible without it being able to escape for at least three seconds.'
Thinking back to his fight against Recov Razorpulse, in the end, when he baited it on top of the pile of Corpses, he couldn't deal the maximum damage possible since he forgot to use Bone Prison in his panic.
As a result, he had to continuously reposition himself through Blood Mist and sacrifice his minions, which resulted in a lack of Corpses to explode.
Overall, the fight in the event was a mess, and he realized that even the item drops were lost due to his carelessness.
'I remember a chest appearing out of thin air after I won the fight and killed the Vampire. Unfortunately, I was too injured and only managed to grab the Boss drops before fast-traveling back to Kyovashad. I wonder if the chest is still there...'
Thinking longingly at the items he probably lost, Michael vented his frustration on the monsters continuously swarming his position.
Unable to get out from this land of make-believe, the Necromancer kept repositioning himself through Blood Mist, then drawing his enemies close and using the Corpses of the fallen ones as mines that would explode once they were in close proximity.
Multiple tactics were tried, but the fight became tedious and tiring after a while.
'For exactly how long do I have to keep massacring these poor creatures? I'm starting to become nauseous just from seeing the damn things at this point...'
He kept killing and killing with no other option, often jumping like a maniac in the middle of the horde with the two-handed scythe and reaping Ghouls as if they were wheat. Once the Revenants would close the distance, he would explode all the Corpses around him and leave through Blood Mist.
Luckily for Michael, his extended vacation in this fucked up Vallhala was finally coming to an end.
A pillar of light descended from the skies in his imaginary world and crashed into the ground. From there on, it washed over the creatures like water waves into the shore, forcing Michael to cover his ears.
The screams of agony of the monsters were painful to listen to, and under the force of the light, they wouldn't regenerate anymore.
'So I was right in thinking that these creatures were souls of some sort. Or maybe it was a curse put on by the Elites or the Boss I killed? Either way, the light seems pretty OP. Hmm!? Why does it look like it's coming toward me!?'
Sure enough, seconds later, the same tsunami of light engulfed Michael and his Skeleton Warriors. Almost instantly, the minions dissipated as if they never existed.
As the light drowned Michael, there was a feeling of discomfort but no pain. It felt like the light was searching for something but couldn't find it.
Then, as if it were only a dream, the pillar, alongside the blanket of light covering the terrain, disappeared. It was only now that Michael realized that his 'mental realm' had no sun or moon, yet there was enough light to see his enemies ever since he was brought here.
Yet now, a white sun in the skies above him appeared, almost too blinding to look at.
'Now what!? Don't tell me I have to fight THAT... There's no way in hell I can beat it, even in my imagination.'
As the Necromancer kept whining about his low chances in a fight against the creature of light, he noticed that the sun wasn't a sun but rather a humanoid silhouette.
What appeared to be streaks of lightning extended from behind the creature, similar to something he had seen before. Pondering quietly, he finally concluded.
'Fuck me sideways! Isn't this Inarius!? What the fuck is it doing in my dream?'
The humanoid creature sporting wings made of light tendrils, which extended like sentient tentacles, looked down at the man on the ground and shook his head.
Michael could feel intense disdain and arrogance in the gesture, instantly becoming dumbfounded.
Just as the Necromancer was stumped when being looked down upon by a God-like creature, Inarius vanished, and with him gone, the skies above Michael's head began cracking violently.
'Judging from the state of this place, it's either time for me to wake up or to die. Either way, I'm glad to finally get out of here...'
Darkness engulfed him, and his senses were sent into disarray. It took him minutes to accommodate until he could finally feel his body again.
Unfortunately, pain and fatigue assaulted his body crazedly once he did, forcing his eyes to open wide.
Breathing in - or rather gasping because of the pain - Michael smelled a familiar scent and moved his head slightly.
Seeing as she was kneeling and hugging his body, Michael felt terrible when he noticed the tear marks on her face.
Extending his left hand to wipe her tears, another wave of pain followed, making him wince.
Helen quickly grabbed his hand into hers and lowered it.
[Don't force yourself. Even with the Greater Healing being used, your body needs time to recover.](Helen)
"Greater Healing?"
The hoarseness of his voice surprised Michael, but his senses quickly detected a second person.
Turning his head, he saw Prava looking at him as if he were an interesting science experiment, making his skin crawl.
Connecting the dots and remembering Inarius or his silhouette/avatar appearing in his mental realm, everything started making sense again.
"I guess I need to thank Miss Prava for saving me."
[You don't need to thank me, as I was just the vessel guiding the Father's power.](Prava)
"Mhm. I think I met him in my dreams. Not the friendliest of folk, but I guess I owe him one for saving me this time."
[You... met him?](Prava)
"Ugh... I'm not sure if I was delirious, but after I passed out, I kept fighting and killing Ghouls and Revenants. Toward the end, he showed up in the sky through a pillar of light that killed all the creatures in sight... even my poor minions."
Prava selectively ignored Michael's disrespect toward the symbol of her faith and instead focused on Inarius appearing in the young man's consciousness.
She was aware of what this 'delirium' represented, as demonic forces invaded him through his wounds, forces that keep eating at one's mind and sense of self.
For Inarius to personally intervene and help him cleanse them... it seems that this newbie is indeed of great importance to Him.
[It's getting late. You two should leave. Don't worry about Yelesna; adequately recover first. Helen also told me about the issue with Bozan and the Merchant Lord. I will make sure not to involve you or your party in the following investigation.](Prava)
"Mhm, thank you. It seems that I also owe you for this favor, especially after how assholish I have treated you so far."
[... make sure you complete the Quest when you get the chance. That would be sufficient as a repayment.](Prava)
Prava tentatively looked at Helen, expecting her to explode given that it was a Main Quest, but surprisingly, she didn't say anything even if she looked annoyed.
Shaking her head inwardly at how changed people become once in love, Prava escorted the duo out of the Cathedral under the eyes of the curious Knights and City Guards.
The group of five that brought Michael in was also amazed to see the previously disfigured bloody creature walking with the support of their Captain - albeit with a limp - and were even more surprised when they realized that the pillar of light everyone saw before was most likely Reverend Prava casting Greater Healing.
Murmurs could be heard among the watching crowd, but they were quickly silenced once Prava looked at them. Shaking her head, she returned to the chapel without saying goodbye to Michael and Helen.
The five City Guards escorted the duo back to the inn, after which Helen thanked and dismissed them. Michael also winked at the five and promised to treat them to a hearty meal and drinks once he recovered.
[I wanted to bring you to our place... but you don't seem in a condition good enough to walk that far.](Helen)
"It's alright. It's still a bed to sleep in, and there's still food we can eat."
Looking at her worried visage, Michael smiled and grabbed her hand into his. Just closing his left hand sent waves of pain echoing through his body, but he endured and walked into the inn with her.
"Let's go. You can sleep here with me tonight."