The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
Wondering if by eating their kind, one becomes a 'monster' with a Vampiric modifier in the eyes of the Sanctuary, Michael looted the body of the fatso.
After Quarterback and the Goons worked hard to turn him on his back, the key needed to move forward appeared.
[ Dungeon Quest update - Charnel House
Objective: Use the Feeding Pit Key to open the Feeding Pit Gate. ]
A small Trap Room event popped up after he opened the gate and tried to advance, though it was a much-welcomed ambush.
Every dead demon contributed a large sum of experience, continuously raising the Necromancer's level.
"What I'm a bit worried about is the demons and the cannibals working together. The fact that they appeared in the same Dungeon might hint at a possible collaboration. If that's the case, even with the reinforcements, the Crane Tribe won't stand a chance."
While letting his minions clear the way forward, the only solution Michael found was reinforcing the Hutmoot.
Also, after it was reinforced and hopefully a Waypoint was built, the Crane Tribe could ask the Oxen Tribe for assistance.
"It's a bit far-fetched given the ridiculous sense of pride Barbarians have. Since they value their morals above their lives, not only would the Crane Tribe refuse to ask for help, but the Oxen Tribe might also refuse because of their past transgressions. This needs to be approached carefully, else bigger problems might ensue."
[ Dungeon Quest update - Charnel House
Objective: Destroy the Corpse Pile (0/3). ]
While he destroyed the 'all too familiar' constructs and dealt with the summoned demon once they fell, Michael finally picked up a decent item.
[ Adventurer's Tunic of Explosive Mist
Legendary Chest Armor
583 Item Power
1072 Armor (+73 when compared to the currently equipped item)
* +97 Maximum Life
* +33 Life per Second
* +109 Thorns
Legendary Aspect: Blood Mist triggers Corpse Explosion on surrounding Corpses. When Blood Mist detonates a Corpse, its Cooldown is reduced by 0.4 seconds (Necromancer Only).
Empty Socket ]
Leaving the trashy Affixes aside, the Legendary Aspect was full two times better than the one he had on his Helm.
"From 0.2 to 0.4. Great! This goes straight to Zivek for salvaging!"
Surprisingly, this item also signaled the completion of the Dungeon, as all three Corpse Piles were destroyed, and no Boss was present to be dealt with.
Checking his inventory, which only had six Rare items and a single Legendary, the Necromancer was slightly shocked.
"Did the drop rate on items change? *Sigh* At least my experience is rising nicely. 1,388,877/1,763,640. One more Dungeon, and I'll level up!"
Exiting the Dungeon and opening the MAP, the next target was the Sealed Archives.
[ Dungeon: Sealed Archives (Level 50)
Description: An ancient mage hall. Once a refuge, now a graveyard. ]
Putting the ominous description aside, Michael was hyped for the possible collectible that would drop from this place.
With the Vizjerei Mage Clan mentioned in a previous Dungeon, now to Sealed Archives that were once an ancient mage hall, he could dig a bit into the history of this world by himself and then get Lorath to supplement what he was lacking.
Even if Lorath was unwilling, there was still Teckrin, the informant/exposition character he found in Ked Bardu.
He even exchanged contacts with her! After tipping her some gold coins, he could find out anything he wanted about the history of the Steppes.
[ Dungeon Quest issued - Sealed Archives
Objective: Slay the Decayed Keymaster and collect the Rotten Key. ]
Before starting his conquest, another Elixir of Antivenin and another Elixir of Iron Barbs II were consumed.
With the preparations complete, Michael merrily began slaughtering his way through the dusty halls.
Undead were omnipresent at every corner, making it a hassle to deal with due to how slow and scattered they were.
In the end, he could only order his minions to draw the enemies closer while he used Corpse Explosion to finish them off.
Slowly advancing through the archives that were more of a labyrinth than the labyrinth he visited yesterday, the Necromancer finally found the Decayed Keymaster.
The poor chap wasn't even a Unique Elite and had a single modifier, allowing the invaders to quickly put him to rest.
[ Dungeon Quest issued - Sealed Archives
Objective: Use the Rotten Key to open the Archive Door. ]
Continuing his exploration of the Halls of Immurement - a word he had no idea what it meant, so he called Neyrelle to find out - he finally made his way to the Archives of Resentment, and the Dungeon Quest changed to 'Slay all enemies in the Archives of Resentment.'
A grueling task indeed since the trash-like mobs were slow, dull, and stupidly scattered.
Half an hour later, he stood over the corpse of the Tomb Lord in the Restricted Archives, the system announcing his successful conquest.
With only three Rare item boxes on the ground as loot, the Necromancer kicked the Boss's corpse twice and quickly ran back to the entrance.
"It's not terrible since I gained 12 Rare items, but I would prefer quality over quantity right now."
Consoling himself with thoughts about Level 60 items - which were incredibly far away even with his experience increased to 1,635,372/1,763,640 - he looked at the time and saw that it was already 11 a.m.
Contacting the Wanderer sent as person of contact in the Crane Tribe by Beatrice, Michael passed on the message that he would clear the Bloodsoaked Crag Dungeon and then come visit the Hutmoot.
Unfortunately, the spirits and tensions were high among the Barbarians with the return of their ancestor's spears, and all the able and disabled warriors were calling for blood to be spilled.
"*Sigh* Please ask the Chieftain to wait for me. Tell her I want to join the brave warriors of the tribe in worshiping their ancestors with the blood of the flesh-eaters."
Finally hearing a positive reply, Michael changed his route to the Hutmoot while almost crying for every minute of Elixir he wasted.
It felt like he was squandering away gold coins.
[The dead rejoin the tribe in spirit and spear. Their blood reminds us of the worth of our own, and we will NOT stain their sacrifice! The cannibals believe strength is found in consuming the weak, but a single warrior shall never match the will of the many.
Crane Tribe will meet them in their feeding grounds and offer flesh for flesh! Let them gorge upon our spears!](Ealda)
A deafening roar followed as a response to the impassionate speech, scaring away all sorts of birds flocking around the settlement.
[ Side Quest update - Fury Against Fate
Objective: Speak with Ealda
Description: Seeing the spears and blood of their ancestors has rallied the spirits of the Crane Tribe. Ealda believes they are ready to prove themselves to the ancients and show the cannibals their renewed resolve.
You should join Ealda within the Wasting Hollow. The last stand of the Crane Tribe begins now. ]
Approaching the Chieftain, she looked at him with a proud smile on her face but stopped him from speaking.
[I know what you think, Michael. However, this is something we must do. We'll either kill them or join our ancestors. If you want to join us, that is fine. As the one that rekindled the spirits of my kin, I shall not refuse you. But you can only use your weapons. Steel against steel! Flesh against flesh!](Ealda)
Seeing their resolve, there was no way the Necromancer could dampen their spirits. These people were ready to die as long as it would wash away the dishonor of their ancestors.
"Very well. I am ready."
[Hahaha! Warriors of the Crane Tribe, hear me! Raise our banners! To war!](Ealda)
[[[TO WAR!!!]]]
Opening his MAP while riding alongside over fifty Barbarian warriors, Michael quickly located the Wasting Hollow.
It was a Temporary Dungeon.
[ Temporary Dungeon: Wasting Hollow (all Wanderers will be restricted to Level 50-55)
Description: A bloodstained feeding ground of the cannibal horde. ]
A forced level suppression will be applied; however, it will be less painful than what Ealda had to endure at Champion's Demise.
Gathering before the entrance, everyone followed the Chieftain as she walked in without hesitation.
Once inside, the commotion caused by the large number of warriors alerted the cannibals, who were now busy using barricades to block the way forward.
Seeing their futile actions, the Barbarians laughed uproariously.
[Witness them, my warriors! Our Crane Tribe knows well the price of cowardice. If we stop here, we prove we are no better. Show these mongrels that we will never again surrender to faith!
Together, we are the mountain that cannot fall!](Ealda)
Something different than the roar at the camp followed, shaking the cave walls.
It couldn't be called roaring but rather a warcry. Even if it was his first time-fighting in such a battle, seeing the eyes of the people around him redden while their faces turned angry to the point where they could be called malevolent, a strange feeling washed over Michael.
[ Side Quest update - Fury Against Fate
Objective: Clear the cannibal feeding ground. ]
Not wanting to stain the honor of those fighting to reclaim it, he put his shield back in his inventory as he moved to the front with Ealda.
A temporary lull descended as if the previous warcry and the tense atmosphere were nothing but a lie... then, with another sonorous warcry from the Chieftain, the attack commenced.
The pitiful barricades the cannibals put together hastily couldn't last even a second as the elite warriors of Crane Tribe leaped into the air and crashed through them.
Splinters cut through the flesh, but there was no pain. Only the promise of regained glory!
Spear in hand, the eighteen elites fell upon the cannibals like a pack of wolves hunting helpless sheep.
The ground was cleared, but the numbers were too few for what Michael and Ealda expected to meet.
Then, the cannibals descended from the cliffs above, trying to ambush the unaware Barbarians.
A glorious golden spear, marred by the passing of time, whistled through the air and hit one of the descending cannibals square through the chest, pinning him against the cave wall.
No more warcries. No more impassionate speeches.
Yet somehow, that one act of brutal savagery ignited the blood of those present even more.
Unaware of how he was also being affected, the Necromancer saw a cannibal jumping at him and kicked upward without any consideration.
Because of the descending speed and the sudden thrust upward, the mangled head alongside the spine were separated from the body.
If one were to look from above, they would see everywhere acts befitting the most vicious of beasts being enacted upon the cannibals.
From your regular beheadings to heads being stomped like pumpkins to necks being crushed barehanded. There was even an elite warrior who punched through the chest of an enemy and then ripped the man in two.
Everyone killed in a frenzy, yet even in their madness, spears appeared every now and then, protecting a comrade from being ambushed by the loathsome flesh-eaters.
[More! Don't let the blood dry on your spears!](Ealda)
After some time passed, everyone slowly recovered their bearings. But by then, the terrain changed to a degree incomprehensible before the battle.
The mangled corpses of the cannibals stood shattered, blood draining into the ground as offerings for the fallen ancestors.
Among the participating tribe members, except for minor injuries, there were no casualties.
Taking a deep breath, Michael was surprised at how the bloody stench didn't bother him as much as it did before.
After a moment longer to recompose himself, he approached a tired yet elated Ealda.
"All clear."
[Good! Now, we have proved ourselves to our ancestors. So many cannibals, but not a spine among them!](Ealda)
[That's not right, Chieftain! I count at least six on the ground!](?)
Raucous laughter followed until an enraged roar silenced the crowd. It was obviously an enemy that they had yet to kill.
Rage tinting their eyes red again, the warriors grabbed their weapons with large grins on their faces.
[ Korvok the Carver (Elite) - Level 52
*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 350 damage per second for a duration of 5 seconds.
*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 125% of the damage dealt.
*Terrifying: Summons three spell circles on the ground. Targets affected by it would fall into 'Terrified' status. Targets inflicted with Terrifying would become 'Vulnerable' for three seconds. ]
The Chieftain calmly waved to calm the excited Barbarians, then slowly walked toward the spear she had previously thrown to skewer the first descending cannibal.
Korvok watched her actions but couldn't act since the other warriors were eying him like he was nothing but a fat piece of meat to carve.
Disgusted by the idea of becoming the prey after preying for so long on others, a rumbling growl echoed through the cave.
The one-handed Chieftain reclaimed her spear and swung it to the right, throwing the corpse still stuck to it as if it was garbage tainting the metal.
[Today, we reclaim our honor! Today, we bring glory to our ancestors!](Ealda)