The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
The conversation returned to the Altars of Lilith and the training arrays. Everyone agreed that elite teams should be created only after these two critical resources were adequately studied and put into permanent use.
[There's also the problem of traveling for training from one Dungeon to the next.](Beatrice)
[Indeed, that's a lot of wasted time going on foot and way too many gold coins to spend renting mounts from those bloodsuckers.](Mira)
Michael paused momentarily and joined the conversation.
"Then, you might be interested in my talk with the mayor of Kyovashad and Sir Hoduin today."
[Oh, right! You did say you met with Connie.](Aylin)
'That's what you remembered!? And why are you glaring?'
"*Cough* Yes."
Michael explained the whole meeting, as well as the ideas behind the concept of a 'community project' and what benefits building the roads could bring.
Of course, the novelty caught the attention of everyone at the table. Fortunately, Sophia was attentive enough and brought some freshly baked bruschetta so the group could talk and eat at the same time.
"So, if your political power is enough to propose or influence the local governance, I'd strongly advise you to do so. Especially Ms. Celeste. We're almost 90% sure we'll proceed with the road to Menestad. We'd have a huge safe road between the two regions if you could do the same from the closest city with a Waypoint to Menestad. I assume you can imagine the benefits this would bring to these three cities. Not to mention the trade agreements that could be reached based on each city's needs."
[I see... I'll seriously consider it. I'll propose it to some of my connections and see what they think. I am more in charge of the Dungeons and other Wanderer matters, but I believe there's a high chance for them to agree. Especially if we follow the plan you mentioned to gather the funds. If we could further apply the 'monsters segregation' plan you mentioned in the future, it would make leveling up much safer for our newbies. I will push aggressively and try to get them to at least enter talks with your region.](Celeste)
"That's more than enough, thank you."
[What about Hawezar? Do you think you could establish a road to Wejinhani?](Natalia)
"Wejin-hani? I am sorry, but I haven't explored that part of the MAP yet, so I don't know where that is. Can you give me an idea of which Fractured Peaks city with a Waypoint is close enough?"
[If we're talking distance, it should be Nevesk, right?](Evelyn)
[Only if you want to pass through the mountains. There's no road for that to happen.](Tia)
[It should be Margrave, right?](Hella)
[Mhm, I think so.](Mei)
"I see... Margrave... What about the distance between the cities? Take Kyovashad to Menestad as an example, please."
[The distance... is about the same? Maybe a bit longer, but there shouldn't be a huge difference.](Mina)
"Thank you. Then, to give you a rough idea, we estimated somewhere between 60-75 million gold coins only for the planting and nurturing the Clear-Heart oaks. The cost comes from hiring all the Druids and the Nature's Guardians to help. We haven't calculated the expenses of the actual road building yet, but we should have a general idea in a couple of days."
[The cost for planting will be much less, maybe even nothing, depending on what deal we make. After all, most of Hawezar's Wanderers are Druids. It won't be hard to convince them, either. Please let me know through Helen or Aylin when you have a proper plan worked out. A safe trade route would make my job easier...](Natalia)
Michael made a mental note of how confident the Night Lord was in convincing everyone in her region to build the road. It meant that she was of considerably higher standing when compared to the other representatives if she was that certain.
In comparison, Beatrice and Mira could only complain about being too far away. Still, Natalia immediately proposed to Mira to connect Zabrinzet and Tarsarak similarly if the experimental route with Margrave was successful.
Ultimately, only Beatrice remained staring daggers at her MAP, trying to find two cities close enough to make a similar suggestion.
[DAMN IT! If only Quara-Yisu hadn't fallen to the demons! It was so close to Nevesk!](Beatrice)
[Okay, okay. Calm down! Isn't Fate's Retreat close to Menestad also?](Aylin)
[Fate's Retreat... Hmm... Oh, right! The road through the cliffs... but the bridge was destroyed some years ago, wasn't it?](Beatrice)
[Isn't it cheaper to rebuild the bridge, given how much you'll save on planted oaks? Given the terrain, you'll probably need only three-quarters of what's needed between Kyovashad and Menestad. It's the best route to select and much safer since there are cliffs for almost half the distance.](Aylin)
With some rather impressive trading rounds planned - albeit only in theory for now - the conversation returned to more normal topics, such as gossip.
Mei, Evelyn, Tia, and even Hella participated heavily in this topic, shocking the others with their immense knowledge.
It was only Michael whose mouth was twitching, holding back the intense urge to facepalm.
"Uhm... out of pure curiosity, but why do you know of so many scandals? Also, they seem to be all over the Sanctuary."
[Hehe! Because we bought the information! We're planning to include this in our first newspaper printing.](Tia)
[That's right, that's right! We have a lot more!](Evelyn)
'Holy shit! Did I just invent paparazzi in the Sanctuary!? No! This cannot be condoned! I must bring them back to the correct path. Otherwise, I will ruin many lives in the future.'
Ignoring everyone else, Michael started lecturing the two girls on the difference between investigative journalism and malicious stalking while hoping for a juicy story.
Fortunately, the girls seemed receptive, but only time would tell...
"*Sigh* Anyway, I'd advise you to talk with Mr. Collin about this road planning project and interview him as I taught you. The citizens of both Kyovashad and Menestad would be very interested in such a topic since it would impact their lives. Also, if possible, it would be best to get some interviews with Prava. Since she'll become an ally, be gentle with her. As for the nobles and the Merchant Alliance, if you're certain you can withstand their retaliation, you can write a couple of bad stories about them. Only make sure they are true. Finally, in your first issue, you should have something mentioning the world outside of Kyovashad, and preferably Fractured Peaks."
[Huh!? Don't we have the perfect material for that!?](Mei)
[We do?](Tia)
[Yes! This meeting right here.](Mei)
"Hmm... I guess you're right. Something like 'Shocking! A secret meeting of the six representatives!' would definitely draw attention. Just make sure you run everything past Mina first. It's not like I don't trust Hella and Mei, but I'm afraid these two imps would affect you."
[What's an imp?](Evelyn)
The night concluded with the representatives deciding to make this a monthly meeting from now on. They usually stayed in contact using their Rings of Communication, but it was more pleasant to talk face to face.
Michael was almost certain that it was the food, but he gave them a free pass on account of their extensive network and super high levels.
Sitting on the bed with Helen, he caressed her back and explained the situation of the roads and his plan for them. He wanted to build a cement factory but couldn't do that in Kyovashad, nor at the camp where he 'spawned.'
"To do so in Kyovashad would give too much power to a single party, which in turn would destroy the frail equilibrium they are trying to keep. I'd love to have old man Al and the people at the camp do it instead, but it's too far away from Kyovashad. And without an existing road of similar quality to what I want to build, it's too far away to consider it..."
[So you're thinking of where and whom should manage this new business?](Helen)
"Mhm. Don't look down on it. This material isn't very expensive and is much better to use than stone or whatever is currently used. Especially for roads."
[If you say so... what about the Bear Tribe?](Helen)
"The Bear Tribe? Hmm... their location isn't bad, but I don't have any connections there to convince them..."
[What about Gonk?](Helen)
"Huh!? Gonk is from the Bear Tribe?"
Michael considered the idea. He wanted to implement the five-layered Roman road.
It's not like he didn't have better alternatives, but the technology level in the Sanctuary was too lacking for any other he knew.
After talking it with Helen a while longer, the couple went to sleep and decided to leave it for the next day.
[Stroll between the seven cities with Waypoints in Fractured Peaks?](Helen)
"Mhm. We'll enjoy the scenery, just the two of us. It can be considered a date since we haven't had time recently for that."
Helen agreed happily, and the couple left behind four sour sisters and two perplexed Evelyn and Aylin. Michael couldn't help but compliment the redhead Mage on her innocence despite the high level she had.
Starting with Margrave, since it was a smaller outpost, the duo checked out the various facilities and discussed the possibility of transforming this outpost into a trading one. The Necromancer even introduced Zalan Coste to Helen, who complimented him on his luck in getting such a beautiful wife.
Suffice it to say that the tigress turned red-faced, prompting Michael to smile and thank the boy for the assist.
They strolled next through Yelesna, which would now probably rank third among the seven major cities with a Waypoint in Fractured Peaks.
[Yelesna has developed amazingly since the last time I was here.](Helen)
"It's not surprising how much the Cathedral has invested in this place. It sucks that it doesn't have a better position on the MAP, or it would've been the perfect place for another commercial hub."
[You're seriously considering Natalia's proposition? To link Hawezar through the road we talked about last night?](Heln)
"Mhm. Though, I'm not sure the products they could trade with us."
[There are plenty. Leaving aside the multitude of fruits, the wood they can sell to us is much higher quality than the regular one. There are also the furs and meats of certain animals found only in their region, which is considered a delicacy among nobles.](Helen)
"Overall... they have plenty of stuff to trade with us. Is that what you mean?"
After enjoying some meat skewers from one of the stalls, the duo continued their date through Nevesk and Nostrava, exploring the repairs done to the cities.
The authorities decided to take this chance and improve the infrastructure further, expanding the space they can house.
"I always wanted to ask, but where do all these people come from? Do they migrate from one city to another?"
[Not really. Most live in remote locations similar to the camp you told me about. When their numbers increase too much to sustain, the young ones leave for one of the closer cities.](Helen)
"We seriously need to increase the population of the big cities. Only that way can we better resist the invasion of the demons and prepare to fight back if possible. Humans are the best and most important resource the Sanctuary has. It's imperative that we bolster the population as much as we can in the short respite we're getting."
The couple saw the orphans created through the many incidents that caused loss of lives and placed the need to develop more orphanages all over the Sanctuary as a top priority.
As jaded as it sounded, children who survived such horrors and could become Wanderers are the best material to use. Their hate of monsters and demons would fuel their growth more than any other average child would be capable of.
The Fractured Peaks tour ended with Menestad, prompting both of them to realize just how well-developed commerce was in this city.
"It's no wonder, really. After all, it's the home base of the Merchant Alliance. How do you think they'll respond to the idea of creating the roads? Both the one between Kyovashad and here and the one possibly from Scosglen to Menestad."
[It's a high chance they'll agree. They might even use their connection to convince those in power in Scosglen to invest in the road between the two regions. After all, they would profit the most from its creation.](Helen)
Since it was already 6 PM, by the time they finished walking around, Michael and Helen happily returned to the Sleepy Peaks Inn, where they spent the rest of the night.
The following day, they chatted about the Necromancer's plans for the remaining days.
"I've been thinking of opening Lorath's letters first, but something tells me that it's a bad idea. So, I'll stick with clearing Dungeons for these three remaining days and complete the second tier for the Codex of Power upgrade."
[Did you decide on which Dungeons to clear?](Helen)
"Not yet. Any suggestions?"