
Chapter 136. Alabaster Monastery

[ Ice Clan Impaler (Minion) - Level 38 ]

[ Ice Clan Marauder (Minion) - Level 38

Unsurprisingly, there were more than three, and some Bone Warriors were mixed in their midsts. Getting rid of them didn't take long, and he even gained a surprise.

[Ice Clan Bones - Quest Item] x3

The Quest Items needed for one of his Side Quests accepted in the Bear Tribe Refuge. 

Smiling at the unexpected income, he continued on his path to the second altar.

On his way there, he encountered more Bone Archers and some grossly mutated Ice Clan goatmen called Rot Throwers. 

Of course, the journey wouldn't be fun without an Elite popping up, which happened right in front of the Altar of Martyrdom.

[ Vile Blight Bringer (Elite) - Level 38

*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 250 damage per second for a duration of 4 seconds.

*Supressor: Create a five-meter range force field that blocks the use of spells and prevents ranged attacks. ]

Unfortunately for the Elite and its minions, Michael leveled up mid-fight like a proper MC, effectively putting the last nail in the coffin for the monsters.

The Golem itself was more than enough, though.

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 583

 Armor: 2,220

 Life: 1124


Strength: 153

Intelligence: 207

Willpower: 179

Dexterity: 185 ]

Glancing at his stats page, he placed the Idol on the Altar of Martyrdom, and his surroundings returned to their normal color.

Wondering if the damned thing was somehow radioactive, Michael took a step back and looked at it with disgust.

Unfortunately, the Sanctuary prompted him to read from the tablet next to the altar so he could proceed with cleansing the curse.

The tablet continued similarly to the previous one, where the first three words were 'To the Sufferer.'

[Feel the sting of your wounds. Let the ice into your bones. Welcome your pain, for the agony of the flesh, is the first cleansing of the soul. Make your faith stronger than any hurt.](Prava)

Nodding in approval as three braziers lit up in a dramatic fashion, Michael grabbed the Idol and prepared to move forward.

[ Main Quest update - Pilgrimage

Objective: Bring the Idol of the Faithful to the Altar of Redemption. ]

Like before, his field of vision reduced further, and everything turned red. Furthermore, an odd numbing sense of pain coursed through his entire body.

It was more prevalent in his left arm and leg, as well as his neck and right shoulder, where he was previously injured in the World Event, where he first fought the Ancient Vampire. 

Annoyed at the gimmick, Michael shook his limbs and tracked the next alar's location on the MAP.

[ Shambling Horror (Minion) - Level 39 ]

[ Barbed Horror (Minion) - Level 39 ]

His assumption of somehow being drugged was further proved as he encountered these strange monsters that looked like undead goatmen. Weirdly enough, they dropped the needed Ice Clan Bones for his Side Quest, making him realize that this strange Idol was truly altering his perception.

Once he realized that, his pain subsided considerably.

He even had time to pick up some alchemy materials while encumbered by his low field of vision.

Finally, after reaching the Altar of Redemption, another Elite greeted him.

[ Blazing Horror (Elite) - Level 39

*Terrifying: Summons three spell circles on the ground. Targets affected by it would fall into 'Terrified' status. Targets inflicted with Terrifying would become 'Vulnerable' for three seconds.

*Explosive: Explosions send shockwaves around the creature afflicted with this modifier, dealing 450 damage to its surroundings. ]

Unfortunately for the creature, it died quickly and in great pain as the Golem and the rest of the Skeletons ganged up on it. 

Putting down the Idol on the altar and rubbing his shoulders, Michael complained about how his back was starting to hurt from the stupid increase in gravity. 

He honestly couldn't understand how certain characters could train in scenarios where your bones are creaking with each step you take.

"Let's see... This one is titled 'To the Seeker,' huh?"

[Look around you at the mountains towering over you. Feel how small you are. Embrace humility. Accept your place in worship to the Father, for he has shown us the way.](Prava)

"*Sigh* More brainwashing, huh? Unfortunately, compared to Buddhism, your religion is barely in an infancy state. With the countless books and novels I've read, I am aware of where I stand in this world. But Inarius... I reserve my judgment until I meet the guy."

Muttering under his breath, Michael grabbed the Idol and looked for the next marker on the MAP. It was the Altar of the Anointed Ascent. 

The trek was even more annoying and dangerous as more demonic goatmen attacked him on the way, and even two huge arctic bears joined the fray.

To top things off, the Elite waiting for him on the altar was a bit special.

[ Fleshless Abomination Touched by Hatred (Elite) - Level 39

*Terrifying: Summons three spell circles on the ground. Targets affected by it would fall into 'Terrified' status. Targets inflicted with Terrifying would become 'Vulnerable' for three seconds.

*Cold Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 150 Cold damage. ]

The Elite was harder to deal with as it ignored even the taunting ability of the Golem and just attacked the Necromancer, but soon fell to the ground under the combined attacks of the minions and himself.

Placing the Idol on the altar, he turned his eyes to the tablet reading 'To the Penitent.'

[The end nears, pilgrim. Look into yourself. Find your faith. Feel how it fills the void within you. Remember, you are nothing without faith. Hold fast to the Light, and remember.](Prava)

"*Sigh* More brainwashing. After being tortured mentally and physically by the Idol, you get comforting words from Prava. It becomes a Pavlov conditioning reflex."

Looking at the MAP, he realized that this next shrine of the Penitent was the last one he would go to. As for why?

It was because he could see another huge building in the distance, no doubt the location of Inarius.

Strangely enough, the Idol was shining, and his vision wasn't affected anymore. Neither was his body forced to endure higher gravity.

Even stranger, as monsters, kept assaulting him on the way, one cast of Reap was enough to insta-kill them. Though, the effect of them being disintegrated by the light wasn't something he had been able to use before.

Smiling, he reached the gates of the Alabaster Monastery, as indicated by the MAP, and had to admit that he was impressed by the backdrop of the towering buildings in the distance as they stood against the darkening skies.

Walking to the altar, he nodded at Vigo and placed down the Idol.

[So I like playing cards. Doesn't make me a sinner. But that bribe... good soldiers died on account of what I did.](Vigo)


[Is that the kind of man I am? The kind I'll always be? I just... damn it! I'm praying. Why isn't it working?](Vigo)

"You're doing it wrong. It's enough to recognize your faults, Vigo. Even if there are those stronger than you able to judge you, their evaluation means nothing if you cannot understand yourself. Also, stop blaming yourself for the mines. If it wasn't for you, Lilith would've found someone else to tempt. You do know that's what demons are best at, right?"

[*Sigh* I know. I'm glad to see you've made it. That makes one of us, at least.](Vigo)

"Was more of a trek than anything, really. You heard from Prava?"

[I will, soon. But enough about that. You're about to meet Father Inarius himself! Not everyone comes back, you know. You better! I owe you a stiff drink for the good words you put for me with Prava.](Vigo)

"Haha! I will, don't worry."

[ Main Quest complete - Pilgrimage

Reward 1: 19,032 experience points

Reward 2: 2,100 gold coins. ]

[ New Main Quest issued - Light's Judgement

Objective: Enter the Light's Monastery 

Description: Now that you have completed the pilgrimage, you must enter the monastery and submit to Inarius for judgment. ]

Seeing the description for the new Quest, Michael's grin threatened to split his face. 

He really would like to see this angel qualified enough to 'judge' him after failing to keep a relationship together and damning an entire world to war as a result.

"What is it like inside the Monastery?"

[Not sure. But I've heard crazy rumors. Daft old monk Orlin should be inside if the unlucky bastard still lives. Probably as cold in there as it is out here. It'll be ornate, that's for sure. Only the best for the one at the top.](Vigo)

"Pfft! Yeah, don't attempt the trial. Even if you pass it, Inarius might turn you into dust himself. How you became a Knight under the church's banner is beyond my comprehension."

With a loud sound, the closed doors of the monastery opened, and Michael took it as his cue. 

Patting Vigo on the shoulder, he walked in. Furthermore, the entrance to the actual building was enveloped in a familiar film, reminding him of a Dungeon.

Hoping that he wouldn't have to solo Inarius this early on, he stepped inside. It wasn't as cold as outside, but it was still freezing.

The monk in front of him seemed to believe otherwise, though.

"Greetings. I'm here to meet Inarius."

[Mhm. Make sure to kneel before him. And remember, you are small, wonderfully small.](Orlin)

"Why must I kneel?"

[No, no, no! It's not about kneeling. It's about wonder! Awe. The Light itself, divinity itself, radiates from that room.](Orlin)

Usually, Michael would've dismissed the man as just another fanatic, but he could feel it himself, the divine aura radiating from upstairs.

To live in the presence of such a powerful creature, how could one not turn fanatic?

"Aren't you cold here, old monk?"

[Child... Though my flesh is cold and numb, my spirit is warm with reverence. What can we do but kneel?](Orlin)

"I'll keep that in mind. Another question. Wasn't Inarius supposed to be at Kor Valar? I heard from Prava that it's the main bastion against the forces of evil."

[And so he was until the sweet poetry of the prophecy rang out. To divine its message, he pilgrimages deep into the Sanctuary's heart. To meet... Well, I shouldn't say.](Orlin)

Seeing the monk's sly face, Michael sighed inwardly and played along. Obviously, this man lacked a conversation partner for too long. 

It wasn't that he wasn't willing to share, but rather, he wanted to do so in a manner that would please Inarius if the feathery bastard was listening in on their conversation.

Putting on a curious look, Michael continued.

"Who did he meet?"

[It pains me to withhold the truth of his Light! But I sense it in you, pilgrim. So I shall tell you. He went to speak with the first of his children, Rathma. The prophecy's true author.](Orlin)

The monk was satisfied at the shocked expression the Wanderer was making. Unbeknownst to him, Michael was truly shocked.

Never mind Lilith going there to do the same thing, but the fact that Inarius beat her to it meant that he might have the upper hand.

Furthermore, this prophecy he heard in Nevesk when he was drugged... that despondent voice... It was Rathma!?

Remembering the words, his face paled slightly.

[I saw my corpse, and from my mouth crawled Hatred. A father burned his children on a pyre, and a mother molded a new age from the ashes... I saw the weak made strong, a pack of lambs feasting on wolves. Tears of blood rained on a desert jewel, and the way to Hell was torn asunder. Then came a spear of light, piercing Hatred's heart. And he who was bound in chains... was set free.](Rathma)

Leaving aside the rest of the prophecy, just the first part about his corpse, doesn't it mean he dies in Inarius's or Lilith's hands?

And if Inarius truly killed his first child, is it wise to go in and meet with such a crazed bastard!?

Looking at the angel statue with his spear pointing at the skies, Michael was conflicted. The monk couldn't read the room, so he just continued babbling. 

[He emerged armed with sacred conviction! A holy battle at the center of the prophecy; to be won by his blade. He has meditated here for years ever since, readying to meet fate head-on.](Orlin)

'And had Prava act in his stead. That way, he could conceal his tracks. Fuck! Did he kill Rathma!? Or did he not? It's still his first child. No matter how neurotic one might be, Inarius shouldn't be that far gone...'

"How do you know so much about Inarius?"

[How do you know the warmth of the sun? The love of your mother? The beauty of a song? His presence is infectious. It takes hold in the soul. We are a void without faith, an empty well. The pious fill their cups with prayer. Mine overflows with his Light, so near, so pure. I am changed! I am nothing... I am better! Isn't it beautiful?](Orlin)

Silently contemplating, Michael nodded at the old monk and started ascending the stairs as per his Quest's indication.

The second statue he saw was of Inarius holding something in his hands. Michael recognized it from the promotional videos he saw of Diablo II. 

"A piece of the Worldstone..."