
Transmigrated into Patriarchal Kingdom: Won’t Abandon my Values!

Nick is an average 24 year old guy who has been working for the last 2 years since graduating college. Suddenly he is transmigrated into the body of the Duke of Edinburgh in a fantasy world with magic. When was he transmigrated? On the day of his wedding to a daughter of a Count! He thought she was incredibly beautiful, so he decided to try his best to make their arranged marriage a happy one. However, he quickly learned about this fantasy world’s patriarchal society when he was constantly bombarded by other nobles about questions of when he would choice some concubines or at least get a second wife. Coming from the 21st century, Nick had a strong aversion to this kind of society that treated women like pieces of meat. Whenever asked a question like this, he would answer with a simple, “I will only ever love my wife!” This greatly shocked his wife Rebecca because she was engaged to the original Duke since childhood and was taught that she would only ever be a decoration. She was told to never expect love in this marriage and that she would have no right to ever criticize any of her husband’s actions. Not only that, this patriarchal kingdom was also underutilizing some genius talents only because they were women! If Nick could bring over these great geniuses to his side, then his Duchy would become that much more powerful! Follow this story of a girl who is hardened by the patriarchal society she lives in and a boy who wants to shower her with love, affection, and understanding to break down her walls and make her happy. And while they are at it, they just might change this whole backwards kingdom for the better.

Andrew_3058 · Fantasie
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136 Chs

Coming to an Understanding (Part 2)

We both sat down on separate sofas that faced each other. There was a small coffee table between us. The air was tense, I wonder how often Rebecca and the original Duke spoke since they had been engaged? I started with the thing that was making me feel bad since earlier,

"Before anything else, I just want to say sorry for not kissing you during our wedding ceremony."

Rebecca wore a bitter smile, "you have nothing to apologize for, I should have known that kissing at the wedding ceremony is not for a couple like us."

I slowly sigh. "No, it may sound like a excuse but I was not in my right mind in that moment. Everyone deserves to save face with the bare minimum of a small kiss during the wedding ceremony, even for an arranged marriage. I am sorry something like that will not happen again."

Rebecca's smile now turned into a sly one. "Says the man who just refused to have the first night with his newlywed wife."

Now was the time for me to explain my current goals for this marriage. Hopefully she can accept them. Especially coming from a man who was as obnoxious as the original Duke.

"Rebecca, I want you to know that I want lots of love in my marriage. I hope you can cooperate with me."

"It is the first day of our wedding and you are already telling me to sit on the sidelines and let you continue loving your many woman. I already knew this is how it would be but it is still of utmost importance that we produce an heir between us."

I looked her straight in the eyes to let her know how serious I was. "No you are misunderstanding, after our wedding I had an epiphany. I want to be a caring and loving husband to you and only you. I want to make you happy.

I gave her a different excuse about my change in personality compared to what I told James because I want to keep that fact that I have no previous memories known to as few people as possible. If an enemy land knew about this, they could easily attack our Duchy while the leader was incapacitated. Even though I want to have a happy marriage with Rebecca, at this very moment it is hard to place much trust in the loyalty she will have for me if she had the chance to sell me out to neighboring territories.

Rebecca furrowed her brows, "Like I could believe that! Who was the person that repeatedly told me there would be no love in this marriage since we first got engaged 12 years ago?!"

Man, the original Duke never even gave her a chance at happiness. 12 years ago she would only be about 10 years old. To tell a 10 year old that they must accept that their happiness would be sacrificed for political gain, it was far too harsh.

"I am sorry for all of those years of tormenting you. I hope you can find it in your heart to give me a second chance to gain your trust. I am a changed man, my current goal is to give you a happy marriage life in whatever form that may take… On that note, what type of man that you like?"

Rebecca's stern eye widened at my question, "what are you even saying? I knew I must be in a loveless marriage with you since I was ten. I understood my duty and never once had romantic feeling for a man."

I wanted to tease her a little, "wow! You must have unbelievably high standards that no man you have met could make you fall for them."

Rebecca threw her head slight back, "hmph, yes, no man has been deserving of my feelings."

Looks like she has a little pride. I scratched my chin, "so that means that's you currently have no lover?"

Rebecca's face turned pale. "No, of course not! An engaged woman with a secret lover would be at minimum kicked out of the social scene and could even be hung if their fiancée demanded."

What? So a man like the original Duke could sleep with countless woman every night and be praised for it, but if a woman had found someone she truly loved while in a loveless engagement she would be hung? This Kingdoms standards are too one-sided…

"In that case, I have a proposal for you, Rebecca. I would like permission to court you for 6 months." I smiled as I held up 6 fingers.

"What are you talking about? We are already married. There is absolutely no reason for you to court me."

Rebecca had her hand on her forehead. It looks like I was starting to give her a headache. I should finish our conversation for the night up soon.

"Rebecca I really am a changed man. I want your permission to spend the next 6 months to get to know you better and improve our relationship. I will try my absolute best in those 6 months to make you happy and hopefully you will fall in love with me." I had sweat trickling down my forehead because I knew my request was a little ridiculous.

Rebecca, also seeing the flaw in my logic, tilted her head, "if you want to have a happy marriage life with me for the rest of our lives, why are you putting a 6 month time period of you putting your best effort to make me like you? Are you saying you only have 6 months of patience and will swiftly gave up on me after that?"

I grinned, she catches on quick. This was the most unorthodox part of my plan for someone who has lived in this backwards kingdom their whole lives.

"The reason I put a 6 month period is because even though we are in an arranged marriage and do not have the ability to divorce, I want you to have the power to choose honestly what will make you the most happy. I don't want your parents, me, or even society to tell you what you have to do. In 6 months, I will ask you what plans you have for your future. What kind of life you want to live. I will do everything in my power to make whatever dream you have in 6 months a reality. Whether that mean leaving me to be with a different man in a small cottage in the outskirts of the Duchy, or leaving to go live in a foreign Kingdom that has more opportunities for you, or even staying close to the capital while I supply you vast amounts of money so you can spend your days enjoying the finer things in life. Of course, I personally hope that after the 6 months you choice will be to stay with me for the rest of your life and having a loving marriage, but I will not pressure you to make that chose. I want you to have the freedom to choose the life that you desire. That only seems fair."

Rebecca's eyes were slightly tearing up as I could hear her mutter, "…freedom." The tips of her lips were slowly starting to curl up.

Looks like she liked my suggestion, "so Rebecca, do I have your permission to court you?"

Rebecca snapped back to reality after losing her train of thought because of my word.

"Oh…umm…yes I will give you permission."

A smile naturally crept onto me face. "Thank you Rebecca! I will work hard from now on!" I slowly bowed my head.

"It is getting late. You should rest up after the long day. I will sleep here on the sofa and you can use the bed."

Rebecca looked shocked, "No, Duke Harrison! I can't let you do that!"

"Duke Harrison? Rebecca we are already married, you should call me Nicolas from now on. Honestly I would prefer Nick if you feel comfortable with it."

Rebecca paused for a moment contemplating, "Nicolas there is no way I can allow you to sleep on a sofa while I use the bed."

I sighed, we are probably a longs ways away from the time Rebecca will feel comfortable enough to call me Nick. But I put that fact to the back of my mind for now and say with a sly smile, "I was trying to be considerate but if you insist we could share the bed together."

Rebecca slowly put her head down and mumbled, "I also don't feel too comfortable in the situation either."

She was so cute and innocent. I really enjoyed this small simple banter with her.

"So what do you propose then? Because I won't sleep on the bed unless you are sleeping on it too."

Rebecca put her hand on her chin as she thought for a second. Then she jolted up with an idea, "we can both sleep on a sofa since there are two in this bedroom!"

I bursted out laughing, "haha, I love that stubbornness of yours! Sounds good to me, it feels much better if we share the burden, right?"

Rebecca was blushing slightly at my outburst, "yes that is exactly what I was thinking."

I walked over and grabbed some blankets from the bed. Then I went up to the sofa Rebecca was sitting at.

"Ok, now lay down so I can tuck you in for the night."

Rebecca pouted slightly at my words, "I am not a child I can get my own blanket. Plus, I still have your coat, I should give it back to you before we sleep."

I stopped her before she could take the coat off her shoulders. "No you should keep the coat, it looks cute on you. As for the tucking to sleep…I just started courting you, I need to score as much brownie points with you as I can!" I said as I stuck my tongue out.

Rebecca turned her head away bashfully, "ok fine since I gave you permission to court me I will allow it tonight."

An ear to ear grin was plastered on my face, "thank you my lovely lady. I will be working diligently from now on to see your beautiful smile."

As I carefully placed the blanket on top of Rebecca , she muttered, "you sure know how spew nonsense" as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed, her tone made it obvious she was joking with me.

"Goodnight, have a good rest."


Since I had a stressful day I quickly pass out.