
Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel

In the captivating world of her twin brother's novel, Eun-kyung, a spirited and brave girl in her seventeens, finds herself mysteriously transmigrated into the story as a minor character, Ji-woo, who tragically died before the novel's time frame. The novel centers around the enigmatic protagonist, U-jin, who has devoted his life to seeking revenge, though his true motivations remain veiled in mystery. Now residing within Ji-woo's body, Eun-kyung is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), as she is seen as another personality inhabiting Ji-woo's form by a physician. Surprisingly, she discovers the ability to effortlessly travel between her own world and the novel's reality, with Ji-woo regaining control whenever she returns to her own world. However, amidst this perplexing situation, U-jin, the relentless main character, pursues Eun-kyung like a puppet, his every breath filled with declarations of his intense and undying love for her. As Eun-kyung embarks on her quest, she delves deeper into the secrets surrounding her birth and that of her brother's, as well as the true nature of the world she finds herself in. Throughout it all, Eun-kyung remains unwavering in her determination to seek justice and unveil the truth. And also to her astonishment, she begins to question whether Ji-woo's alleged suicide was indeed self-inflicted. Join Eun-kyung on an enthralling journey as she navigates a realm where fiction and reality intertwine. As she confronts love, vengeance, and the grip of an indomitable protagonist, will Eun-kyung uncover the secrets hidden within the depths of this bewildering world? Or will she succumb to unseen forces, forever imprisoned by a destiny not of her own choosing due to the mistakes of her past? And what if unearthing the knowledge of her previous life reveals that she was once enemies with her current friends? How will this revelation impact her and those around her? Bonds will surely be tested, and Eun-kyung must face the consequences of her past actions, coming to terms with the choices she made.

CelesteVega · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Chapter 24: You Are Mine And Mine Alone.

Eun-kyung admired the mesmerizing view that unfolded before her eyes, perched gracefully atop the vehicle's bonnet. She found herself beyond the boundaries of the bustling city, nestled on a cliff that unveiled an awe-inspiring panoramic view of lush, verdant trees, accompanied by the graceful flight of birds. The impending sunset bathed the sky in a warm, captivating hue, further intensifying its sheer magnificence. It all bore a remarkable resemblance to a cherished place in her world - a location her mother would unfailingly take them to for tranquil monthly retreats and idyllic picnics. Nostalgia washed over her, evoking a gentle, sentimental smile.

It had been hours since Eun-woo's departure, leaving Eun-kyung alone with her thoughts and a slight apprehension that tinged her joy. While she reveled in the captivating view, her hunger began to manifest itself audibly, the rumblings in her stomach betraying her prolonged absence of sustenance. It seemed as though the serenity of her surroundings would betray her hunger, the silence amplifying each guttural noise.

"What if Eun-woo has encountered wild creatures during his absence? I ought to go check on him," Eun-kyung pondered aloud, her voice becoming an audible musing in the serene space.

In an instant, a soft whisper brushed against Eun-kyung's ear, alleviating her concerns, "Rest assured, no one shall fall prey to wild animals here."

She flinched, her eyes narrowing in feigned anger. "What took you so long?" she playfully hit him on his arm.

He chuckled, raising his hands which held a brown box and a small bag. "Oh, you brought food," Eun-kyung laughed heartily as she pecked him on the cheek. Opening the box, she found crispy fried chicken legs, while the bag held a delightful combination of French fries and mocha latte.

"Woo... my favourite! How did you know?" A bright smile adorned her face as she eagerly began munching on the succulent chicken leg.

"Don't forget this," he pushed the mocha latte towards her and leaned against the bonnet.

After indulging in their feast, Eun-kyung reclined on the bonnet, her hands resting on her satisfied stomach. "I've never felt so full in my entire life," she exclaimed, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

Silence embraced them for a few moments until Eun-kyung glanced over at Eun-woo, detecting a troubled glimmer in his eyes. Furrowing her brow, she sat up, her concern growing. Just as she moved, a wave of dizziness washed over her, causing her to lose her balance. In a desperate attempt to steady herself, she instinctively leaned against Eun-woo's shoulder.

He turned his head towards her and burst into laughter, causing Eun-kyung to narrow her eyes at him in anger. "I must be absolutely insane," he managed to say in between bouts of laughter, which eventually transformed into sobs.

"Eun-woo, what's the matter?" Eun-kyung asked, genuine concern lacing her words.

"I think I've become so fixated on the memory of the Kim Ae-ra from the past that I find myself hoping to find glimpses of her in others," he confessed, his voice wavering as tears continued to stream down his face.

As she observed him, tears running down his cheeks, she couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in her own heart. She couldn't comprehend why she was hurting seeing him in this vulnerable state. Confusion mingled with worry in Eun-kyung's expression as she reached out to console him. However, in her weakened state, she slipped and tumbled towards the edge of the cliff. Before she could plummet any further, Eun-woo swiftly caught her, looming protectively over her.

"Eun-kyung, are you hurt?" he asked anxiously, fear evident in his voice.

Mustering a shaky thumbs up, she whispered, "I'm okay."

Eun-woo gently cradled her in his arms, carrying her like a princess. He opened the passenger's door and gently placed her in the seat, ensuring her safety by buckling her seat belt. Making his way to the driver's side, he settled into the seat beside her.

"I sincerely apologize," Eun-woo admitted, his remorse permeating his voice.

"Why do you feel the need to apologize? It is quite evident that I tripped on my own accord," she replied, her confusion evident.

"No, you see, I harbored suspicions, and I yearned to validate them. Which nearly resulted in an unfortunate incident, and for that, I express my deepest remorse," he explained.

"First and foremost, I am at a loss regarding the nature of your suspicions. Secondly, why, in all honesty, are you still burdening yourself with an apology?" she asked, her bewilderment growing.

"Well, earlier, I mentioned my obsession with the past persona of Ae-ra," he began, acknowledging her recollection with a nod of his head.

"So... are you insinuating that you believed I could be her?" she inquired, her puzzlement lingering. Sensing the need for further clarification, Eun-woo endeavored to elucidate. "U-jin and I perceive you not as a distinct identity, but rather, we entertain the notion that you may originate from an alternate realm or universe. I thought maybe you transitioned from Ae-ra's body to Ji-woo's body, considering your arrival coincided with Ae-ra's transformative period."

"But that's not possible," she retorted skeptically.

"Indeed, U-jin deemed me delusional, and I became excessively fixated on discerning even the slightest resemblance between you and Ae-ra. U-jin was correct in pointing out my misguided obsession," he conceded.

"Hold on a moment. What particular similarities do you speak of?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Eun-woo proceeded with an extensive elaboration, recounting instances of her conduct that struck him as evocative of Ae-ra. "For instance, when you stood up for Diego, or when you delivered an apology to U-jin through song, or when you assisted Ga-ram with her mother's birthday celebration. Further, your adeptness at discerning my vulnerability to pleading from the opposite sex and subsequently assuming control of the conversation with Mun-hee which Ae-ra was also doing. Additional, today that you tried to consoled me, you used words and phrases that Ae-ra would often say. Even the mocha latte I got you, claiming it was your favourite, which also happened to be Ae-ra's favourite. Even your tolerance for caffeine which was present in the drink as well. Everything seemed so similar to Ae-ra," he provided further explanation, but Eun-kyung continued to gaze at him with a knowing smile.

"Do you understand the source of your distress? Allow me to elucidate," she laughed heartily. "You cannot move on from her, my friend. You must return to her embrace."

"I am unable to do so," he shouted in frustration.

"And pray tell, why is that?" she shouted back.

"Because she possesses an entirely distinct nature, devoid of the qualities I have just described to you," he confessed.

"Have you attempted to entice her with a mocha latte?" Eun-kyung inquired.

"Yes, and to my astonishment, it had no influence on her whatsoever," he confessed.

"Is that why you speculated that an unfamiliar presence inhabited her body, only to abandon it upon my arrival?" she questioned. However, before he could respond, the door on his side swung open and Eun-woo was forcefully pulled out and thrown to the ground.

Without hesitation, Eun-kyung swiftly released her seat belt and emerged from the car, utilizing it as a support while her weakened leg struggled to maintain balance. As she approached the other side of the vehicle to assess the situation, U-jin held Eun-woo by the collar, his anger evident in his piercing gaze, before hurling him to the ground once more.

"Why did you bring her here?" U-jin demanded, his tone seething with fury.

Eun-woo wore a mischievous grin. "What's the matter, are you envious?"

U-jin's temple pulsated as his anger boiled over. He seized Eun-woo by the collar once again, poised to...

"My apologies for the interruption, but I urgently need to use the restroom," Eun-kyung interjected, her concern for Eun-woo's wellbeing pushing her to break the tense atmosphere.

U-jin fixed her with an intense glare. "Wait for your turn," he growled, unintentionally causing her to gulp nervously. However, his gaze shifted to her trembling legs, prompting him to turn towards Eun-woo and tremulously inquire, "Did you...?"

Eun-woo chuckled, no remorse in his tone. "What do you think?"

"You despicable fellow!" U-jin gritted his teeth in anger.

"Hey! I am present, you know. He did not lay a finger on me. Now, I truly must relieve myself," Eun-kyung screamed in anger.

U-jin turned his gaze towards Eun-woo, his countenance determined. "Our business is far from over," he declared, striding purposefully towards Eun-kyung, who stood nearby. Displaying his swift strength, he effortlessly hoisted her onto his broad shoulders. Eun-kyung was taken aback, wriggling to find a more graceful position. "Could you not carry me in a more chivalrous manner?" she protested.

"Why should I, when I am clearly infuriated with you?" U-jin retorted, picking up his pace towards his opulent Porsche Panamera.

"Then I beg of you to please set me down," she pleaded, her grip tightening on his arm.

"Unless you wish to maintain silence," he warned, delivering a gentle slap to her butt. Startled, she immediately fell into silence.

U-jin flashed a charming smile as he released her upon reaching the car. Despite her annoyance, Eun-kyung glared at him while he gallantly opened the passenger door, motioning for her to enter. Reluctantly, she cast a fleeting glance back at Eun-woo, who offered a warm wave. Yielding to the circumstances, she succumbed and slid into the car, while U-jin skillfully drove away.

Curiosity and lingering irritation compelled Eun-kyung to break the silence. "How did you manage to locate us?" she inquired.

"I possess my own means," U-jin replied, his focus unwavering on the road.

As they arrived at Ji-woo's grand mansion, the darkness of the night had already descended. Just as Eun-kyung attempted to exit the car, U-jin promptly locked the doors from his side. Perplexed, she stared at him, her eyes filled with questioning. Yet, he maintained his fixed gaze ahead, paying her no mind.

Inhaling a sigh, Eun-kyung begrudgingly began to express her remorse. "Very well, I apologize, despite my..." Her words were abruptly interrupted as U-jin slowly turned towards her, his hand firmly cupping the back of her head, drawing her nearer. He pressed his lips forcefully against hers, parting them with an intensity as his tongue engaged in an intense battle with hers. Eun-kyung widened her eyes, experiencing a mix of emotions during the passionate encounter: possessiveness, dominance, anger, and... pain.

U-jin instinctively recoiled, sensing Eun-kyung's respiratory distress. She looked up at him, her eyes widening with astonishment upon beholding the crimson hue adorning his own eyes.

"U-jin," she whispered softly. U-jin, closing his eyes, pressed his forehead against hers.

"You are mine and mine alone," he postulated with an air of authority. Eun-kyung's heart skipped a beat as she gazed at him, awestruck by his commanding presence.

'Why do you make it so arduous for me?' Eun-kyung ruminated in silent contemplation.

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