
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime und Comics
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Sip of tea with death. Banking chaos.

I arrive outside right outside knockturn alley pub ,1 month and 1 day before harry starts school. I then take out my screwdriver scan the brick wall. Then open my scroll and poof my "tardis" appears.

"Oi ,what's a police telephone box doing here." I looked to see who it is, and it was just some drunk muggle as I sensed no special energy in him.

'Oi mind your own business. Geeze I really don't nosey people ,unless I want them to be. Expecially drunkards that dont listen and try to solve everything with fists.'

I walk up to him with a recreated version of physic paper and say.

"Im from the department of stolen governmental items, under orders by the queen herself.You must vacate the premises or you will be considered a suspect."

He looks at the paper and goes white when he hears what I said.

"Hogwash using your authority, to make me go away when I have done not-" "in wrong I ought to give you a peice of my mind!" He says cracking his knuckles. Sigh I knock him out and place him on the wall,then activate my perception filter. As I walk into the tardis i mumble "Stupid drunkards"

*The scans have been uploaded to the shields, sending out nanobots and drones. To find the DNA and analyze the most powerful beings.*

i sit down and watch some movies while i wait for a few hours.

*Drones and nanobots have returned, analyzing the results. Results analyzed. Results are as follows, mana is a natural energy created by this world. The mana cores that wizards are born with, exist in the spiritual dimension that is connected to this world. They do not physically exist in their bodies ,except a small heartstrings that are attached to their hearts. This is made from the worlds natural energy, sometimes combined with genetics making it stronger. Unless there is too much genetic damage due to inbreeding. I have concluded for you to gain such, you will need to either analyze when the babies are being gestated. Or we can take all the DNA from as many magical beings and people , to extrapolate and make a DNA that is just made of what makes them magical. Then combine it with your Gene's, and you can become 4.5/10 timelord 4.5 /10 otsutsuki and 1/10 magical lord. I suggest this option. Also when you go to otherworld this energy when combined will be able to regenerateeven without the magical laylines. However it will be 75% less effective as it is normally , as it is normally held together by world laws and their spirit world also known as the veil. I suggest you go to a world that they physically have a magic core that regenerates the mana in.*

"Send it the nanodrone army!!!" After a few hours *They have returned and the chamber is ready. I have calculated your heartstrings will become as hard as the rest of your body, making you immune to the killing curse*

"Good let's begin also make it as pure as possible, because I'm sure inbreeding has caused mutations to even their magical dna."

*Already done*

I start to feel my hearts pounding more so then normal and feel something growing out of it. Then i feel a pooling feeling in my chest.I feel my chikra being pulled inside of it. "Ahhhhhh"

I feel immensive pain as they combine causing damage to my innards, as they are full of this energy. It being separated from it is damaging them. *Creator are you alright, I'm sorry I didn't calculate that this could happen." I then feel like there was a chain that broke off the mana when it combined ,because the chikra felt it and didnt like it. I feel as they fully combine, my eyes throbbing in pain. 'Why my eyes is it magesight combining with my rinnesharingan-tenseigan-sharingan, that's a mouthful I'll just call it now rinetensagen' The chamber opens up and I say "Show me a mirror"

*Right away I'll send mirrorbot*

little mirrorbot comes up to me and I see golden eyes with a blue orb glowing in the middle with green wisps coming off it. It also has the same circle lines like the rinnegan, And has the hands of a clock. I then look at my self and see my new magical core. I then try to harden it to be the same structure as my molecules. Then an energy wave crashed against the walls, of the tardis. *The energy has been contained but some has caused, a blackout to the magical land lines of this alleyway * Its alright i think it's time i get my inheritance ,of this worlds spiritworld. I get out of the tardis then open a portal to the spirit realm, this portal looks just like ths veil in the ministry. I pack up the tardis then step in. When I arrive there is endless dementors floating around then they stop and bow. Also I see right in front of me is death himself looking at me with curious eyes. "Welcome spiritking, it seems there are things that even I dont know of." says death in a neutral tone 'Oh shit he's not bowing ,that means hes more powerful then me plz dont kill me'

"Hahaha no i wont be killing you besides you would be able to escape eventually, I'm more amused then anything as only souls come here. Also I cant have any visitors as they wouldnt be able to return.No I didnt read your mind but I know of your inheritance as I just was told, as for fear who doesn't fear the reaper.Curious thing you are, but powerful indeed I can barely touch your soul. I feel if I do you will turn to stone and I will be stuck, or even die. I was wondering if you could visit me from time to time ,as it's very boring in the veil."

"Sure but could you do me a favor and hide my future from seers and divination."

"I've actually already did that as the wizards tries making a seer ball of your future, and for some reason it didn't know which possible outcome would happen. So it created an apocalypse of seerballs going everywhere, so I stopped it by covering your future with the veil.Also good job on breaking from the limits placed on magic, by the god of magic herself ISIS."

"Oh hehehe troublesome manipulative little wizards they be, I swear there has to be a curse or something because they are so stupid. I mean they use magic to manipulate reality and they dont use the full potential."

"Oh that yeah that's caused by the inbreeding, and the dilution of magical blood. Also there is a curse on magic itself. I mean dragons used to be quite intelligent, back in the day. Also many wizards transcended into godhood but one evil wizard got greedy with power, and cursed the magic of wizards. So they will be very stupid with magic, or they will make convoluted plans that will lead to their death. That's one reason I made the three Hallows, so if someone had them all they could break the spell. Of course I didnt tell them that as it's not my place. However I didnt expect them to be so greedy, also eventually inbreeding would end up making there be only one. However fate was going to have them destroyed by an idiot wizard, I truley underestimated the curse." Death said while chuckling

"Oh, i see... well I best be off I'll be sure to visit" I say

"Oh before you go here is a dementor's cloak ,it will cause people to feel the same effects. However you can turn it off if you want also it will turn into any clothing you want. Consider it a gift to a future friend, master I cant quite tell but that's the fun part. hohoho" Death says laughing

"Well taley-ho off I go" I say as I step through a portal, landing me right in front of olivanders wand shop. I then increased my time perception, and quickly used my chikrana to make mind shields.I think of that castle that doctor who was trapped in for billions of years, and I used some veil energy to make a wraith to be the warden. They will respawn every time they get killed.I have all my memories behind the diamond tunnelwall. I then walk into the shop *dingling* I see an old man walk out of the back of the shop. Then I see him gather mana into his eyes then he goes into shock.

"Ohoho wait before you ask yes I'm not human as for what I am, i am a timelord. We are a race of people that live a very,very long time. If what my eyes are seeing is right, you are an immortal." I see him grab for his wand "Dont worry your secret is safe with me, if mine is with you. Also even if you hit me with a killing curse my cloak wont allow it." I say as I activate its effect then turn it off shortly after I see hes a bit frightened

"Its nice isnt it I had to kill a dementor to gain it, impossible you may say, you'd be correct but that's only because there is no light magic anymore."

"S-so the legends are true light magic does exist. It can kill any being made of darkness, or is evil incarnate. Pleasure to meet you ,but I'm sure none of these wands will work with you. As you are too powerful, but to miss a chance like this I cannot. So come-come into the basement we go, as we will be making it from scratch."He says as he leads me to the back

'Hope he doesn't say that to children '

"Could we make two, and make it bound to me, I dont want anyone touching my wand. One is for my son, but he is identical to me we timelords use asexual reproduction ,like how a starfish can lose a limb and it becomes its own." I say 'BS. But truth, however the true purpose is i just need a wand for an underaged wizard'

"Well normally that be illegal because of the ministry, but if you explain about your race I'll do it. Also none of this ever happened, and the wand I gave you was a heirloom of mine ,that never found an owner. Deal?" olivander asked with pleading curious eyes

"Hahaha I like your guts you see how powerful I am ,but you are true to your self. Your curiosity is in your nature, but do be careful as not all people would be nice about it." I say as olivander nods with remembering something.

"Hehehe my mother always warned me of that, but I haven't meet my end yet.All the years this shop has been here. Then again mostly only children buy here, and I'm careful with purebloods. Okay here we are, these are all my cores find the ones that are attracted to you. Then we will go find the wood."

I feel for the ones that are attracted I find a Vela hair, dragons heartstrings, a basilisk tooth and a threstal hair. "These I point at them" as I say so he has a look of a bit of fear, confusion then most of all curiosity.

"Never in all my days has someone been attracted to this many cores,very peculiar indeed. Especially the threstal hair as only those who have died ,seen alot of death or brought back to life ,have an affinity with it" he said with great intrigue

"Perhaps it's because I'm friends with death himself. Poor fellow its so lonely in the veil." o say with a yawn

He goes stiff and asks

"I-i must have heard you wrong ,yes I must've but pretell did you just say you are friends with death." olivander said in a very unsure curious voice

"Well, I only meet once but he said we could be in my future, hes not sure yet but it could be a friendship. Or I could become his master." as I said that he goes full on intrigued with a bit of fear. So I say "I've got places to be things to do, I dont want to be here all day."

He quickly collects himself and then hesitantly asks "Does death hate people who become immortal, if I may ask?" he said cautiously

"I dont think so, but if I was him I would unless they have achieved godhood, as to not mess with the natural order of things." He at first was relieved then heard the last part and started saying as calm as day "Please dont tell death of me , for I am told old to die. I heard my soul doesnt taste good too, yeah dementors run in disgust." 'pfthaha shameless,but hes good at the mind arts to be this calm'

"Haha no problem it's not like I'm his lapdog either". He brings me to the wood part and says "Choose two that most suit you mylord" he bows. I sweatdropped but chose elderwood and yew. We get into a room with various ritualistic looking things. I saw runes on the walls and he said. "Could you please spill some blood into this bowl" he said giving me a knife

"bahahaha This cant cut my skin... wait what can cut my skin its harder then diamond." I began thinking while olivander, although he tried his best couldn't help but show shock on his face from my exclamation.

"Yeah I dont have any material that can oh I know brilliant" I coat my hand with chikrana then make a point on my finger, and quickly cut my other hand and let it bleed into the bowl.

"Umm- may I ask why your blood is greenishgold colored?" he says really intrigued as only dragons have gold blood. However mine is green too.

"oho so it is hmm interesting, that's normal I am the spiritking of the veil under death of course for now. To be honest I haven't bleed since... well I have never bleed before" 'Yeah I didnt expect that but I think that explanation should work. For this life is newly regenerated I'm telling the truth bahaha.'

Olivander is dumbfounded but gets to work looking at me with jealousy.

"Here we go now will the wand to you and they will become tattooed on your arms. I would normally not charge you as you have answered very intriguing questions, but alot of your ingredients are beyond valuable. So that will be 356 gallons 10 sickles and 1knut" He says hesitantly

'inventory withdraw 10,000 gallions' I then store all the gallons into a scroll, except 400 and give it to him with him looking at me with great reverence. Laced with thankfulness.

"Sorry I took out a little to much here have 400 galleons, keep the change" I hand it to him

"Oh-my indeed thank you, pleasure doing buisness with you. Also what was that scroll I've never seen something like that before." His eyes gleaming at the possibilities 'Time to kick a greedy puppy'

"Oh this is common as cabbage beyond the veil. I'm not authorized to give it away thou" I say with a sly grin. He sees it and starts crying tears of extreem jealousy.

'if I released this the deatheaters could store the killing curse in them, and set up traps. This would create to many variables.'

"Well off I go tale-ho" I then quickly leave making it look like I teleported to the goblin filled bank gringgots. I walk inside with my special eyes on ,and see each and every rune used and memorized them. I can also tell how they work. The goblins look at me then start bowing to me.So I ask "Excuse me but I'm sort of curious of why you are bowing to me, you see my family lineage has been in the shadows. Away from the wizarding world for millennias."

The 2nd in command goblin comes and speaks.

"All magical creatures can feel and see mana, unlike wizards. Yours feels more pure then any in history even Merlin himself, but its different and it feels immensely more powerful then him. Your magical energy is so powerful, with your magic of you willed it we would simply die. So for us not to bow would be stupid for one, and second our magical blood commands us even our dragons would bow to you." he said with a proud voice, seemingly happy that he got the chance to help me.

"Interesting, well for buisness I'm here to convert some pure platinum bars to open an account. Into galleons." I say

"Certainly come over here and we can go over the details" He said with a gleam in his eyes 'Perhaps he thinks since I'm so powerful I must have alot of riches'

"Okay how much would you like to deposit?"

[The mc found out that god changed the inventory that stores his money. So that it can turn into anything, that could be considered money, or valuable. This occurred because the mc could just use ying-yang creation ,to make it anyways.]

"I dont have your currency, so I'll just turn my Platinum into your currency. Could you turn 100 thousand platinum bars, 100% purity turned into galleons?" I say

All the goblins that were chattering doing buisness ,even the wizards themselfs went quite when they heard

"O-ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PURE PLATINUM BARS!! cough cough I'm sorry Esteemed magical lord. We dont have that many galleons to do this transaction in this whole bank. At most I can do is 50 thousand bars. It would collapse the economy otherwise, but worry not with these 50k bars ,you will become the richest family of wizards thoughout history. WAIT A MINUTE DO YOU HAVE MORE? ." I nod slowly .The goblins in the room all faint with foam coming out of their mouths. I then see a goblin in kings attire, come running to greet me. "Esteemed magical lord ,I am sorry for the inconvenience that my colleagues have shown you. You must understand, we dont get the pleasure to do buisness with a being such as you all the time. So they fainted due to the immensive pleasure of doing buisness with you, has brought."

Every wizard in the room has looks of greed and jealousy but when they heard the goblin they all had the same though 'Pleasure more like fainted of greed. To top it off the absolute shamelessness of saying it was due to pleasure of doing buisness'

"Hmm of course so will you finish the transaction, of 50k pure platinum bars?"

I said

"O-of course, but it will take a couple of days to have it set up, and we will guard the vault with our best security." says ragnorok

"No need I can just place a weeping angel as a guard, but I will need to place it there myself they are quite dangerous. They make the mightiest dragons seem like ants, even death said he fears them. Worry not they follow my will to a T ." I say At that statement all the plans the wizards were having of robbing me and killing me were thrown into the drain.

"W-we have no records of such a formidable monster." says ragnorok

"How rude of me I forgot to introduce myself. I am Wrathos outsutsuki. I found out recently that i am the only one that can create them, and control them in this world." I realease magical pressure at least 10 times of Dumbledore as i see snape here. Alot of people passout except the goblin king and a certain black greasy haired git, but he looks horrified. I then drop it.

"Oh I'm sorry I accidentally released a bit of my aura. I hope no one has gotten magical poisoning, as my aura is too potent with magical energy." I say that and both snape and ragnorok think 'A LITTLE BIT?'

"O-of course not mylord but if you could try not to do that in the future." says ragnorok

"Okay" 'Withdraw 50,000 platinum bar's'

"There we go, now I'll leave a copy of myself to do the details with you ,as I have better things to do." I say as I make a Ghost duplicate

Snape and ragnorok are stunned at my capabilities

"Oh and you." I point at snape he gets surprised and stealthily grabs his wand ,just in case he needs to escape with his life.

"I need a letter for my son to attend the local magical school, Hogwarts I believe its called. I have gathered information, and your a headmaster of a house. I'm sure this is possible for you just give a letter to my clone here, he will bring it to me. If not well *snap*." a portal to the veil opens

I send a mental message for a few dementors to come to me surrounding me then to quickly return.

"Understand." I say everyone in this room is shivering and thinking 'BLOODY HELL ,HE CAN CONTROL DEMENTORS AND SUMMON THEM.'

"Y-YES my lord" he says as he thinks

'I've got to warn Dumbledore of this, even he cant afford to mess with th-is monster'

Everyone that was knocked out wakes up but all thought one thing. 'You cant even curse me to mess with him'

"Well I got to go tali-ho" I say as I fly off and buy books and other stuff. I would need when I'm in their school. Then I have drones go around the world copying books from wizarding family's. I then have it implanted into my mind removing unnecessary knowledge. 'I think its time to become a animagus, then mess with a certain old man's schemes'.