
Transmigrated As The Strongest Villain

How does feel to be the strongest in the world? Exciting...Right? However, that was not the case for me. I have become the strongest villain, in my novel that was about to end. However at the moment, I wasn't the strongest at all, the villain that I was transmrigeted wasn't the strongest at the moment... He will be in future though. Despite being the strongest, like every villain's fate, he will die at the hands of the protagonist. The villain goal was to take revenge on everyone who caused the downfall of his family. However "Revenge.” It was a good sound. At least for the original owner of the body. But from my point of view, the goal is to survive, let alone revenge. The whole world wants me to be dead and there was no way I could survive against the whole world at the moment. So what did I do? —-I went to the Demon Realm. From there, a new story was born of the strongest villain, who would not die at the hands of the protagonist. I would make sure that happens. ______ Note:- English is my third language so there might be some grammar mistakes. Please point out any grammar mistakes so I can fix them. This novel has joined the WPC Feb-March. Please support it. 150+ power stones = 1 bonus chapter. 300+ power stones = 1 bonus chapter. 450+ power stones = 1 bonus chapter. ____ 50 Golden tickets = 1 bonus chapter. 100 Golden tickets = 3 bonus chapters. ____ 1 Magic castles = 5 bonus Chapters. I would update chapters as soon as possible after those milestones are completed. ______ ----

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasie
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282 Chs

Unexplored Doungen [1]

"Okay, this should be enough," I said as got up from my position.

For the last hour, I seat and tried to get mana from the environment into my mana core.

My mana core was empty so the first thing I did was get back those expended mana first.

Nodding my head I walked toward the barrier that was in front of me.

By now, I know that I was simply forced to break the barrier but I know that there must be another way to get out of here.

Then I thought for a moment and then I got an idea to get the hell out of this room.

I approached the front of the barrier and gazed at the giant moving boulder.


Every time the giant moves around, a Crumble of stone falls on the ground from his body.

I'm going to use my [Location Exchange 'I'] on that fallen stone.

Guardians are creatures but that could not said true for the stones on the ground.

"Location," I muttered under my breath and focused on one of those fallen stones.



As soon as I felt an invisible link between me and that stone, I swapped our position.

As the sensation of displacement washed over me, I found myself standing in the place where the fallen stone had once been. The air felt different here, charged with a strange energy that prickled at my skin.

Glancing around, I quickly assessed my surroundings. I was now on the other side of the barrier, facing the towering boulder as it continued its relentless march around the room. But I knew that I couldn't afford to linger here for long.

With a sense of urgency, I focused my thoughts on my next move. The fallen stone had served its purpose in helping me bypass the barrier, but now I needed to find a way out of this mysterious place altogether.

However just as I was about to take a step forward I got a chill down my spine.

Turning my head back slowly, there I found that giant boulder I saw from afar earlier.

The giant boulder has the appearance of a human.

It was much larger than in size I thought.

– Intruder…

The giant rock human ripped stones from its mouth and bared its teeth.

– I will kill you…

The rock human let out a bloody sound and tore open its mouth.

I freaked out and distanced myself.

My heart raced as I watched the grotesque creature before me, its form shifting and contorting in unnatural ways. The sight of its jagged teeth and blood-red eyes sent a shiver down my spine, filling me with a primal sense of dread.

But even as fear threatened to paralyze me, I knew that I couldn't afford to hesitate. I needed to find a way out of this perilous situation and fast.

With a steady hand, I reached for the dagger at my waist, my grip tightening around the familiar hilt as I prepared to defend myself against the approaching threat.

But as the rock human lumbered closer, its massive form casting a long shadow across the chamber, I realized that mere physical strength alone would not be enough to overcome this formidable foe.

Then what should I do? Then a sudden idea comes to my mind

There was no time to hesitate.

The rock human, which had begun to move, opened its eyes and scattered ferocious energy at me.

I hastily spun around backwards.


The stone that I exchanged my location earlier was inside the room, I focused on that stone as a target and used a location exchange.


The position of the stone and my body were reversed.


The stone swung down his hand on the spot.

Saa… ….

A stone that turns into powder and flutters.

… … Had I been hit by that attack, I would have turned into human jerky.

As the dust settled from the rock human's devastating attack, I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that my quick thinking had saved me from certain doom. But there was no time to dwell on my narrow escape.

The stone human stares at me from the other side of the barrier.

He was waiting for me to come out.

What can I do? Any physical attack won't work on him and there would be no effect on my [Life] and [Darkness] traits.

If he only was human instead of a stone human-

Wait a minute, Human?

This might be work.

My [Location Extaction] doesn't work on a living being but that rock human isn't a living being.

That rock human was made from magic, so in a sense, I can swap my lifting with him.

Let's try it.


I focused my attention on Rock Human.

If I can't create an invisible link between me and him then the rock human will be a creature.

If connected, it proves that the rock human is inanimate.

As time passed, the results appeared.


A faint arc was drawn on the corner of my mouth.

I could feel an invisible link existed between the rock human and me.

It has been confirmed that rock humans were inanimate.

As soon as I confirmed that -.


I used location exchange.

"Is it a success?"

Before I knew it, my body was out of the chamber.

On the other hand, the Rock human, who switched positions with me, struggled inside the chamber.

As I emerged from the chamber, relief washed over me like a wave. I had managed to outsmart the rock human and escape its clutches, thanks to my quick thinking and resourcefulness. But even as I caught my breath, I knew that my ordeal was far from over.

Glancing back at the chamber from which I had just escaped, I saw the rock human thrashing about inside, its massive form struggling to free itself from the confines of the room. Despite its formidable appearance, it was clear that the creature was no match for the power of my location exchange ability.

With a sense of satisfaction, I watched from a safe distance as the rock human continued to struggle, its efforts futile against the invisible bonds that held it in place. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

But even as I savored my triumph, a nagging feeling of unease crept into the back of my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that my encounter with the rock human was just the beginning of a much larger ordeal, one that would test my strength, cunning, and determination to their limits.

But for now, I pushed aside those thoughts and focused on the task at hand – finding a way out of this labyrinthine dungeon.